Chapter 33 Notorious
After the ST platform no longer provided downloads, the public opinion on the Internet was almost one-sided.

Everyone believed that the st platform would not let money go without making money. Since it was blocked, it proved that there must be something wrong with this game.

Dai Qing seized the opportunity and began to slander the public relations department frantically.

Zhou Suyi, who was finishing a game, quit the game unwillingly, and saw the barrage kept being swiped.

"Money back, cheat money, money back."

"Sister Zhou, thanks to the fact that I like you so much, you actually partnered with a liar to cheat my money. It's too disgusting."

"It's too ugly to eat, the platform should block it directly."

"The st has stopped downloading, liar, it's a pity that I have been waiting for so long."


Zhou Suyi was stunned.

Although some people sprayed it before, there are definitely not so many people.

What's more, the popularity of the live broadcast room is now almost beyond the charts, almost approaching 1000 million people, which is several times higher than the previous peak period.

Obviously, these people couldn't find Lin Mu, so they all ran to Zhou Suyi's live broadcast room to vent.

As popular as this game was before, now it is backfired.

"How could this happen? How could it be blocked, I'll go and see!" Zhou Suyi couldn't believe it, and when she opened the platform, she found that it was really blocked.

She knew right away that something was wrong.

Could it be that he was also deceived by Lin Mu?
How can it be?

Although she had only been in contact with Lin Mu for a short time, for some reason, Lin Mu's sunny smile always gave her a very solid feeling. How could such a person be a liar.

"No, Lin Mu may not know yet, I have to inform him immediately!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi hurriedly found an excuse to go to the bathroom, and secretly ran out to make a phone call.

"Lin Mu, something serious has happened. The st platform has blocked "The Ancient City of Jingjue", and the public opinion on the Internet is also very bad!" Zhou Suyi shouted anxiously as soon as she got through the phone!

But Lin Mu on the other side of the phone was very calm.

"I see, don't worry, you continue to play your game, don't worry about it!"

Zhou Suyi...

Don't worry about it?

Can this heart be bigger?

The sky is falling.

"Lin Mu, we are friends, tell me the truth, is there a follow-up to this game?"

"Of course there is!"

"Then hurry up and explain it, or, tell me how to pass the level of the earth tornado, and I'll help you prove it!" Zhou Suyi was so anxious.

But Lin Mu said: "Don't worry, let the bullets fly for a while, the more fierce their discussions, the wider the scope, it's equivalent to advertising us for free, but you may be wronged, but you don't have to pay attention to it, trust me, This will bring you a lot of traffic!"

Seeing what Lin Mu said, Zhou Suyi felt at ease.

"I'm fine. Anyway, there are usually a lot of people who come to spray, just worried about you, but if you say it's okay, then I can rest assured!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mu leaned on the computer, his expression didn't fluctuate.

"It can make st terminate the cooperation with me without making any money. With such a great energy, it seems that only one company can do it. There are also those black posts, which are the same as the previous black posts of me. The duck factory really took action. Already!"

Lin Mu thought that the duck factory would retaliate, but he didn't expect the big factory to be so efficient.

Before the end of the day, he seized the opportunity to launch a thunder attack.

But Lin Mu was not in a hurry at all. He opened Word, started typing on the keyboard, and started writing the script.

As if all this had nothing to do with him.


Lin Mu didn't pay attention here, and the game "Exquisite Ancient City" didn't issue any statement.

This made Dai Qing overjoyed, and launched a more violent offensive, wanting to directly discredit "The Ancient City of Essence" in one fell swoop.

However, what they did was exactly what Lin Mu thought, and more and more people paid attention to the information of "Exquisite Ancient City".

In the streets and alleys, the front and rear of cars, classrooms and cafeterias, it seems that everyone is talking about it.

the next day.

Public opinion attacks seem to be more violent.

Many players who originally supported "The Ancient City of Essence" also turned fans into black one after another, attacking "The Ancient City of Essence" and Mumumu Studio on the Internet, and even Zhou Suyi.

These three terms are at the top of various hot search lists.

Zhou Suyi's fans skyrocketed again, even scarier than last time, but this time, they were all black fans, almost all of them came here to spray.

Of course, this scandal also spread abroad.

Foreign netizens were tortured to death by the game, but after being told this, they became even more angry.

"Hahaha, rubbish the game of Great Xia Kingdom, I said, there is no game that our Kimchi Kingdom can't get through, so there is no follow-up."

"A disgrace to the gaming world."

"The brains of the people of Great Xia are all spent on how to make money."

"As I expected, the urine of the Great Xia Kingdom, how could it be possible to create a game at such a cost."


Netizens from Great Xia Kingdom were almost pissed off when they saw these comments, but there was no way to refute them.

This sense of shame made them feel powerless, and they could only become super keyboard warriors, frantically attacking the Ancient City and Mumumu Studio.


Director Zhang happily signed the contract with Lin Mu.

The harvest this time is far greater than he thought.

However, when he returned to the company, the secretary hurried in.

"Director Zhang, it's not good, something serious happened!"

Director Zhang glared at him, "Talk slowly, what's the big deal, can the sky still fall?"

The secretary hurriedly said: "The st platform blocked the game "Jingjue Ancient City" because the content violated the rules. Now, almost everyone on the Internet is scolding "Jingjue Ancient City", saying that "Jingjue Ancient City" is a money-making game. There is no possible content, we may be deceived!"

"What? Is the news accurate?" Director Ma became anxious for a moment.

They just drew 5000 million yuan, and what they bought was the popularity of "Exquisite Ancient City", but this popularity does not mean the popularity of being scolded.

If this is true, the implications for them will be enormous.

"Exactly, I've confirmed it on the st platform, and now almost all the news on the Internet is black "Jingjue Ancient City", this IP is already stinky!" The secretary said!

Director Zhang's face was ugly and he didn't speak.

The secretary hurriedly said: "Let me just say, that Lin Mu agreed to us so readily, there must be something wrong. It seems that he is just waiting for us to set up a trap. Director Zhang, let me see, before the money is transferred, we Just break the contract, at worst, pay some liquidated damages, and the loss will not be so big!"

"Is there any official response from "The Ancient City of Essence?" Director Zhang asked!
The secretary shook his head, "Not yet!"

Director Zhang took a few deep breaths, thinking about the negotiation process with Lin Mu.

After a long time, he made a decision.

"Immediately issue an announcement announcing the news of our cooperation with Mumumu Studio. We will cooperate with Mumumu Studio to release a series of film and television works!"

"Ah? Director Zhang, you, you are..." The secretary was dumbfounded.

It's fine if you don't terminate the contract at this time, how can you still issue this kind of announcement? Isn't this waiting to be scolded together?


(End of this chapter)

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