Chapter 34 Let the Storm Come Stronger

The secretary was very puzzled by Director Zhang's decision.

At this time, it would be considered as the utmost benevolence not to throw stones into the well. Even if you don't want to terminate the contract, you can't announce such news at this critical moment.

Isn't this waiting to be scolded?
Director Zhang was very firm, "Listen to me, send it immediately, don't worry, I know it well!"

"But..." The secretary wanted to continue persuading.

Director Zhang said: "I have seen the top actors in China. I am confident that no one can pretend in front of me, not even those master actors. I have talked with Lin Mu for so long. I believe in my vision. People, you will definitely not be a liar, if I am wrong this time, then I will admit it too!"

The secretary opened his mouth to speak but stopped, but still chose to believe Director Zhang's words.

He immediately went out to make an announcement and sent it out!

Different from them here.

duck factory.

meeting room.

Dai Qing reported all the news about "Exquisite Ancient City" in the past two days.

"Okay, hehe, if you dare to fight against our duck factory, this is the end."

"Hehe, that's it, I thought it was a bit difficult, but unexpectedly, the opponent surrendered himself."

"A small person is a small person after all, it's okay if you let him cheat some money, let him really play such a big game, where does he get the capital!"

"Fortunately, we stopped the cooperation with Lin Mu in time, otherwise, the loss may have exceeded the survival of the whole people. This time, Director Dai has made a great contribution!"

The major shareholders and leaders talked one after another.

Dai Qing's face was filled with pride.

Mr. Ma is also quite satisfied, "Well, you did a good job. If this kind of spoiler cannot cooperate, the best way is to kill it in the cradle in time. Director Dai, you have done a good job!"

"Thank you, Mr. Ma!"

After being praised by President Ma, Dai Qing was even more free-spirited in her work.

She intentionally disclosed certain information, and sent out the news that Lin Mu was fired for smearing the Duck Factory game some time ago, and made a fine ancient city to collect money.

Previously, the news was only spread in the game circle, but now that it was so deliberately publicized, netizens immediately exploded.

"Good guy, it turns out that Mumumu and that Lin are the same person. Let me go, how can there be such a disgusting person!"

"This guy is a talent. First, he smeared Duck Factory righteously, in order to gain attention, and then promoted it with Zhou Suyi as a selling point. When the popularity rose, the game was put on the shelves, and then he ran away, rub, talent!"

"Don't tell me, the calculations in this matter are comparable to Zhuge Liang's."

"Damn it, all this wisdom is used to deceive people. It's really shameless. It's shameless to have a child without an ass hole!"

"It is everyone's responsibility to prevent Lin from being bullied by the Internet!"


On this day, Lin Mu's cell phone was blown up again, and all kinds of spam messages reached the peak, and it didn't stop for a moment, and it kept ringing.

Lin Mu didn't care about this, he turned off the phone directly, and then wrote the script with peace of mind, as if he was not affected at all.


Ma Dao's company issued an announcement to cooperate with Mumumu Studio to jointly produce the film and television version of "Exquisite Ancient City". Soon, the announcement became popular.

As the most well-known director in China, every news will shake the entertainment circle.

But this time, public opinion is one-sided.

"Director Ma is confused, "The Ancient City of Essence" is notorious, aren't you working for a tiger?"

"Resolutely boycott "Exquisite Ancient City", don't let "Exquisite Ancient City" become a disgrace to the film and television industry."

"As an actor, I resolutely resist and never participate."

"As a game lover, but also an actor, I refuse to participate in "Jingjue Ancient City"."

"Resolutely boycott, if you dare to shoot, we dare to boycott!"


Next, many actors did not hesitate to offend Director Zhang and publicly resisted.

And the following is full of praise and praise.

It seems that if you don't boycott "Exquisite Ancient City", you don't deserve to be an actor.

Regarding this situation, Director Zhang's company did not give any explanation, and seemed to be waiting for something.

Many directors who have a good relationship with Director Zhang also called Director Zhang to persuade him. Unfortunately, Director Zhang insisted on going his own way, and many people privately said that Director Zhang was confused.

Made the worst decision of my life.

In fact, Director Zhang was also in a hurry, but it was useless, he could only see what Lin Mu would do now.

If the bet fails, his career as a director may be over.

If the bet wins, then any of Lin Mu's works, film and television copyright will be his!


Outside scolding everywhere.

Many game anchors are also scolding, and some anchors are the same as usual, such as Teacher Ma.

He was broadcasting live as always, and he didn't seem to be affected.

The barrage kept getting booed.

"Mr. Ma, didn't you say that this game is easy, why don't you try "The Ancient City of Essence"?"

"Hahaha, Teacher Ma must not dare, it's too lucrative."

"What's the experience, the liar's game is for making money."

"Damn it, I was cheated of 299, and I can only eat instant noodles this month."


Teacher Ma saw the barrage, "Hey, that's wrong. I did experience this game. I would like to call it the strongest game in China. There is no one. As for the cheating you said, I don't think so! "

"You guys can't make it through, it's because you're too lucrative, this kind of game pays attention to IQ and details, hey, don't look at my battle game level is not at the peak, but this kind of game is simply tailor-made for me, don't believe it, I I will give you a wave of detailed demonstrations!"

Teacher Ma is full of confidence!

"Hahaha, the face-slapping scene is coming."

"Although this game looks disgusting, if it can make Teacher Ma less stubborn, it's worth it!"

"Haha, look at Teacher Ma giving you detailed operations!"

"Teacher Ma is fine. If you can pass, I will call you the strongest player."


The netizens in the live broadcast room were very happy. It seemed that watching Teacher Ma being slapped in the face was the happiest thing in the live broadcast room.

Teacher Ma has played this game several times in private, so he is familiar with it.

He also chose Shirley Yang.

In the beginning, it really made him discover a few places to accumulate recognition and favorability, and then it went all the way to the seventh day.

Same as other players.

On the seventh day, it was sunny and sunny, and the sky was full of red clouds in the east, which was extremely dazzling.

"Hahaha, here we come, here we come, if Mr. Ma can pass, I will live broadcast live standing on my head and eating shit!"

"I'll rub it, brother, so hard."

"What's the matter? If Mr. Ma passes by, I'll do a handstand and eat myself live."

"They are all ruthless people."

"Hehe, this game is over here, it's not just setting up a flag casually. If Teacher Ma passes by, I will directly reward a hundred rockets!"

"Hey, at this moment, a screenshot party is silently taking screenshots, waiting for a slap in the face!"

"Brother, in the next life, it's impossible to slap your face in this life!"


(End of this chapter)

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