Chapter 323 Backstab
Both Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang looked surprised, neither of them thought that the real entrance was actually in that water eye.

Who would have thought of this.

The water flow near the water eye is turbulent, even if they are far away, they still use the tomb-suppressing beast to pull them so as not to be sucked in. If they approach rashly and get sucked in directly, even if they are not hit to death by the wall next to them, they will probably be choked die.

King Xian probably also took advantage of this.

"Shit, this King Xian is a bit scary!" Zhou Suyi complained in her heart.

This guy didn't use his thoughts on fighting for hegemony. He probably spent all of his thoughts on building his own ancient tomb.

It's also a weird one.

"What should I do now? The water eye has a strong suction force, and I'm afraid it's dangerous to go in rashly!" Fatty Wang worried, and at the same time, his expression was a little strange, and he didn't know what was wrong, and suddenly covered his mouth with his hand.

Neither of them noticed.

Hu Bayao: "The tomb-suppressing beast is too big, and it's too difficult to move. There are so many bronze men and bronze horses here, and the weight is just right. Let's bring one. Such a heavy thing can help us even if it enters the water eye." Stabilize your figure, and that big snake is tied around, follow us down, if you come out, you can also pull this big snake out!"

"That's right, let's do it!"

Zhou Suyi immediately agreed.

At this moment, if the giant green-scaled python is alive, it is estimated that it will die of depression, and it will not let it go even if it is dead.

Just do it.

Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi chose a bronze horse that was not too big, estimated to weigh a thousand or eight hundred catties, and then pushed hard towards the entrance.

With Zhou Suyi around, this is not a big deal.

But when Hu Bayi saw that Fatty Wang didn't come to help, he said angrily, "Fatty, you're lazy again, hurry up and work!"

"Okay, ahem, okay, here we come!" Fatty Wang responded, but his voice was a bit strange, as if he was eating, and it was vague.

"This guy knows how to eat!" Hu Bayi thought that Fatty Wang was hungry and was stealing something.

"Let me come!" Zhou Suyi didn't talk nonsense, she used her arms vigorously, and with the help of Hu Bayi, she lifted up a thing that weighed a thousand pounds.

Hu Ba gasped when he saw it, and remembered Fatty Wang's question again.

This is simply the contemporary female overlord.


Throwing the bronze horse into the water, Zhou Suyi panted heavily and clapped her hands. The weight also put a certain amount of pressure on her.

He was about to go into the water, but suddenly, a sharp woman's laughter came from behind him.

This laughter was the same as the woman's sinister laughter heard in the Minglou Palace before, it sounded suddenly, making one's scalp tingle.


The dead memory suddenly attacked again, Zhou Suyi seemed to have returned to Minglou Baodian in an instant, as if the female ghost had followed her here.

All the hairs on his body exploded.

Hu Bayi's expression also changed, and he quickly touched the black donkey's hoof.

No one thought that there would be a sudden ghostly laughter in this place. Netizens originally lamented Zhou Suyi's strength, but this sudden voice scared them enough.

Horror things are not scary, when you are prepared, you can still bear them. If you are afraid, you are afraid that you will be unprepared. One second you are still smiling, and the next second you will directly sell it.

"Fuck me, the female ghost won't follow me."

"Brother, can you give me some foreshadowing? It's too sudden for you. My little heart really can't bear it."

"I'm glad I bought it and haven't played it yet, otherwise I'd be scared to death."

"Boy, this one almost scared me into healing mode."


Netizens were really terrified.

Not to mention Zhou Suyi.

what's the situation?
What the hell?

The female ghost really followed?

Before, I analyzed the reason why a bunch of those clothes would laugh, and I analyzed the loneliness in my feelings?

That thing is so difficult that it is really a ghost?

Now it seems that they didn't get the trick, so they jumped out again?
I haven't figured out what's going on yet, but I feel a pain in the back.

Zhou Suyi looked incredible, turned her head with difficulty, and saw Fatty Wang looking at her with a strange expression, and the knife that pierced her chest was held in Fatty Wang's hand.

Zhou Suyi is numb.

Fatty Wang's eyes widened, as if out of necessity, he kept blinking, but his mouth parted and a weird smile appeared.

The sharp contrast between the top and bottom of the face makes people feel extremely weird.

Hu Bayi was also paralyzed, he didn't expect Fatty Wang to attack Zhou Suyi suddenly, and he was deadly.

"Fatty, you're crazy!"

Hu Bayi kicked Fatty Wang away.

But it was too late, Zhou Suyi's eyes went dark, and the game failed again.

"What are you doing? Fatty Wang is the troublemaker again."

"It is estimated that the ghost got on the upper body when the red clothes were burned before, and now they are coming out to take revenge."

"It's getting dark, everyone, please don't scare me."

"All the female ghosts have come here, it's too ruthless."

"Isn't it just a female ghost? There's nothing to be afraid of. I've been single for a long time, and when the female ghost comes, I want her to be a bride every night. Brother is so ruthless!"


Just this one small plot, failed, failed, failed again. On the contrary, Zhou Suyi had to go through the plots that seemed difficult before, which made these things seem a little too weird and hard to guard against.

Those giant python monsters can at least fight, but how can ghosts fight?
There is no way at all!
"I was backstabbed?" Zhou Suyi still couldn't believe it.

How could Fatty Wang attack her suddenly? It's unscientific.

Could it be that he was possessed by a ghost?

Are there really ghosts?
However, Fatty Wang is so strong, stupid and bold, even if there is a ghost, can he really be possessed by Fatty Wang?

This is so wicked.

The entire process of searching for the tomb of King Xian reveals an evil atmosphere, which makes people shudder even thinking about it.

Chen Yan and the others, who thought they had found the water eye as the entrance, stopped in fright.

Who can bear this shit.

If there were simply giant pythons, they wouldn't be afraid at all.

Carbon-based organisms are not worth mentioning in the face of absolute fire suppression.

However, female ghosts are different.

They really haven't dealt with this thing before, this is the profession of Taoist priests.

Zhou Suyi felt a little shivering. She felt that she was not at ease in the room alone. She always felt that there might be a female ghost in red looking at her from behind or behind the curtains, and then directly backstabbed herself while she was not paying attention.

"Your mother, is there really a ghost? It's so difficult. Before going in, did you really find a Taoist priest or ask for a few yellow talismans?" Zhou Suyi was depressed.

Although I knew it was a game, I still felt very scared when I encountered this thing in the game.

When it stopped, the brain started to make crazy brain supplements as if it couldn't stop.

The more she thought about it, the more afraid she became, and the more afraid she became, the more she thought about it. Then, Zhou Suyi didn't dare to stay any longer, so she hurriedly called her best friend and ran away.


(End of this chapter)

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