Chapter 324 The Ghost's Tongue

On a rare night, Zhou Suyi didn't broadcast live, but hid directly at her best friend's house.

It wasn't that she wasn't strong enough in her heart, it was because the female ghost in red had brought too much psychological shadow to her. This kind of illusory thing was really too scary.

It is also rare for them to not be reminded at night.

It is estimated that no one wants to experience such a thrilling and exciting plot at night, because they are afraid that they will not be able to sleep at night.

Early the next morning, Zhou Suyi returned home.

First, I habitually went to Lin Mu's house next door and knocked on the door, but the result was still the same, no one opened the door.

If the police hadn't asked the property to open the door before, she would have wondered if Lin Mu died suddenly inside.

When I got home and turned on the live broadcast, there were quite a few people.

"Sister Zhou, why didn't it air last night? You won't be really scared, right? No way."

"Ah... I finally got a good night's sleep last night, it's not easy."

"No, I also had a good night's sleep, and I dreamed of a woman in red."

"I dreamed about it too, but what I had was a spring dream, hehe."


Obviously, without the excitement of last night, the netizens also had a good night's sleep and dared to show their skin.

Zhou Suyi looked at these bullet screens and curled her lips, "See what you can do, that's it, let's not talk nonsense, let's start your favorite game session, and try to clear the level today."

Immediately, Zhou Suyi entered the game.

The previous operation was fine, but Zhou Suyi paid more attention to Fatty Wang, and found some problems.

Fatty Wang's mouth doesn't know what's wrong, it seems to be very uncomfortable when it opens and closes, and from time to time he puts his fingers into his mouth disgustingly, he doesn't know what he's touching.

"Ha ha!"

Then, from time to time, he would make a very low sound like a sneer, and he would cover his mouth anxiously.

These abnormalities were all caught by Zhou Suyi.

"This guy, could it be that he was really possessed by a female ghost?"

Zhou Suyi remained calm, and Hu Bayi and the others began to push the bronze horse into the water again, while being wary of Fatty Wang behind him.

Sure enough, the bronze horse had just entered the water, and with the sound of falling into the water, Fatty Wang came up behind Zhou Suyi again, holding a dagger in his hand, and was about to strike again.

This time Zhou Suyi had already reacted, she turned around suddenly, and grabbed Fatty Wang's wrist.

"Fatty, what are you doing?" Zhou Suyi said coldly.

I thought about it all night last night, and then I felt that even if it is really possessed by the female ghost in red, there is nothing to be afraid of.

I have the blood of Qilin and Xiaoshenfeng restrains the genitals, so I'm afraid of a ball.

Hu Bayi hurriedly turned around when he heard the voice, and was shocked when he saw Fatty Wang pointing at Zhou Suyi with a dagger.

"Fatty, why are you crazy!"

Fatty Wang had an extremely weird expression, his eyes were wide open, and he kept blinking, as if he was about to cry, but when he opened his mouth, he immediately let out a sinister giggle.


Rao was mentally prepared, but hearing this wicked laughter still made one's scalp tingle.

Hu Bayi's body trembled, obviously frightened.

Fatty Wang didn't answer, and struggled hard, but found that he couldn't break free from Zhou Suyi's hand.

Zhou Suyi's hands are so strong now, she can play with a knife of two hundred catties, let alone grab the hand of an ordinary person.

But Fatty Wang raised his other hand, grabbing Zhou Suyi's neck directly, and at the same time kept letting out that sinister laugh.

Hu Bayi's complexion changed drastically, and when he realized that the situation was wrong, he went to touch the black donkey's hoof, and cursed at the same time: "You transformed bitch dare to harm people, let you eat a black donkey's hoof first!"

It's a pity that this touch was in vain, and then he remembered that the last black donkey's hoof was thrown away when he smashed the red-clothed female ghost.

However, obviously he also felt that Fatty Wang was possessed by the previous female ghost in red, otherwise he would not have done such outrageous things and even made such a weird laugh.

Zhou Suyi grabbed Fatty Wang's other hand again, and quickly got behind Fatty Wang, carried his hand behind his back, raised his leg again, and kicked Fatty Wang's thigh, and Fatty Wang knelt on the ground .

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free.


However, Fatty Wang kept laughing.

This voice is really too panicked.

Hu Bayi scolded: "If you fucking laugh again, don't blame me for being rude. I still have a bunch of mahogany nails here..."

When Fatty Wang heard this, his eyes almost popped out of fright, and he kept blinking at Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi can be regarded as seeing that Fatty Wang's consciousness should be clear, but his body is out of control, which made him think of something.

Zhou Suyi behind him restrained Fatty Wang, and immediately felt that there was nothing to be afraid of.

So what about female ghost possession, if you don't engage in sneak attacks, you are nothing, and it's not easy to handle.

"Old Hu, check his mouth!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly said.

After being reminded, Hu Bayi became clearer. He knew Fatty Wang best, and immediately cursed: "Are you fucking poor and crazy? What did you take out?"

The fat man smiled menacingly, blinked his eyes quickly, as if he was nodding, and then slanted his eyes downward as much as possible, looking at the leather bag on his chest, blinking again and again.

Hu Bayi understood immediately, took the treasure bag that Fatty Wang was carrying and opened it for inspection.

In addition to some odds and ends, I also found something I hadn't seen before.

That thing is dark, narrow and flat, with a flat head on one side and a pointed semicircle on the other. When you touch it, it feels hard and tough.

The surface has been somewhat jaded.

There are also a few milky white circles on the side of the crew cut. When illuminated by the light of the mountaineering helmet, there is a faint red and yellow color inside.

"What is this? Jade?" Hu Bayi didn't recognize it for a while.

Zhou Suyi also hurriedly looked over, and the more she looked, the more she felt familiar, and then thinking of the picture of Fatty Wang directly keeping his mouth shut, his eyes suddenly became weird.

Looking at Fatty Wang in front of him, he didn't know what to say. At the same time, his mouth retched, and he almost didn't spit it out.

"It's the tongue, the tongue of that female ghost in red!" Zhou Suyi said.


Hearing this, Hu Bayi was so frightened that his hands shook, and his tongue fell to the ground.

His face also became strange, and he didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Fatty Wang took advantage of Zhou Suyi's retching, broke free directly, and then ran towards the depths of the tomb passage.

Hu Bayi was in a hurry, "This is fucked up, Miss Yang, I'm allergic to that tongue, you pick it up quickly, we're going to chase someone, if it's too late, something will happen to the fat man!"

As he spoke, he chased after him inside.

Zhou Suyi is going to scold her.

I always thought that Hu Bayi was reliable before, why is he so unreliable now, he is not a man to ask a woman to take the tongue of that female ghost.


(End of this chapter)

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