Chapter 325 The Unreliable Guy
Looking at the black tongue on the ground, Zhou Suyi felt disgusted and horrified.

This is the tongue of a female ghost. After Fatty Wang took this thing, such strange things happened. Who knows what will happen if he takes it.

"The fat man's courage is really made of titanium alloy. He dares to take things from the female ghost. It's still his tongue. It's a big competition!"

"It's so fucking awesome to open the door, so fucking awesome."

"This Fatty Wang really doesn't know what to say. In the words of our hometown, he is too big."

"Hahaha, Lao Hu's excuse made me laugh so hard, I'm allergic to this stuff, hahaha."

"Look at Miss Zhou's aggrieved and resentful little eyes, so cute."


After learning the source of that thing, the netizens didn't know what to say, they just felt that Fatty Wang was really a big guy.

Zhou Suyi looked at the black tongue, but still didn't dare to pick it up with her hands, for fear of any accident.

She took out Xiaoshenfeng and inserted it directly.

Xiaoshenfeng has a certain restraint effect on Yinwu, once he cuts down, he is not afraid that this thing will make some moths come over.


After cutting down with the knife, Zhou Suyi seemed to hear another miserable scream, which made her tremble unconsciously.

But luckily nothing else happened.

Immediately, Zhou Suyi hurriedly chased inside.

"Miss Yang, come and help me!" Seeing Zhou Suyi coming, Hu Bayi hurriedly greeted her.

The current Fatty Wang doesn't know where he got so much strength, Hu Bayi can't handle it by himself.


Zhou Suyi took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to vomit, gritted her teeth and ran over.

The two of them worked together and pushed Fatty Wang to the ground.

"Quick, pry open his mouth, there must be something wrong, I suspect that he has been infected by the tongue gu!" Hu Ba said.

"Tongue Gu?" Zhou Suyi's body trembled slightly, and it was the first time she heard this thing.

Hu Bayi said again: "In ancient times, the birthplace of the head lowering technique was in southern Yunnan. Among them, there is a tongue drop that controls people's voices. It is similar to the tongue gu in Thailand. I suspect that the fat man has been tricked!"

"Fuck, do you really have the technique of lowering your head!" Zhou Suyi's eyes were a little strange.

I have seen this thing a lot in novels, but I never believed it. I didn't expect to see it in person in the game now.

However, since it is not haunted, at least I am not so scared.

Immediately, Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi started together, and with Zhou Suyi's help, they easily pushed Fatty Wang to the ground.

Hu Bayi directly pinched his big face with his left hand, opened his mouth, and a sinister laugh immediately came out of his mouth.

"Is this thing so terrifying?"

Rao knew it wasn't haunted, but still felt scary.

There are too many crooked things in this world, and the magic tricks and Gu arts are too crooked. It is estimated that the current science cannot study and prove these things.

The mouth was opened, and there was indeed something in Fatty Wang's mouth.

On his tongue, a woman's head grew, to be precise, it was a sarcoma-shaped thing.

The yellow one is not too big, it’s only the size of a thumb’s belly. If you look at it coldly, you’d think there’s a thick layer of tongue coating on his tongue, but the tongue coating has all the facial features and outlines, very much like a young woman sleeping with her eyes closed. face.


Seeing this weird scene, Zhou Suyi couldn't help gasping.

It's really evil.

There is a human head growing on the tongue, this picture is simply amazing.

When Chen Yan and the others saw this scene, their hairs stood on end, and their faces were as pale as paper in fright.

Netizens are fine, after all, they are too far away, and it is impossible to affect them at all, but Chen Yan and his archaeological team are different, they have just come down from the Minglou Palace.

Who knows if there is a trick.

When some young people saw this scene, they were so frightened that they burst into tears.

The whole camp was in chaos.

Zhou Suyi also felt her scalp tingling.

The sarcoma on the fat man's tongue was like a woman's face. Although his eyes were closed, as if he was in a lethargic sleep, the mouth on this face kept closing, and he let out bursts of sneering.

The ghostly laughter I heard before all came from the mouth of the little sarcoma, and this scene was even more terrifying.

Hu Bayi's forehead was full of cold sweat, and he didn't know whether he was scared or tired.

"Miss Yang, you burn that tongue first. Gu art requires a medium, and this tongue must be the medium!"

"it is good!"

Zhou Suyi didn't talk nonsense, she already hated this thing a long time ago, so she immediately set it on fire.

This thing burned very quickly, puffs of black smoke came out, and soon turned to ashes.

But looking at Fatty Wang's appearance, it seems that he has really improved a bit, and he no longer struggled hard.

"Fatty, hold back, I'll pick this thing out for you!"

At the critical moment, Hu Bayi was still reliable, bold and careful, took out the paratrooper knife, stuck it into Fatty Wang's mouth, cut off the woman's head abruptly and threw it into the fire.


The woman's skull-like tumor fell into the fire, and immediately let out a shrill cry.

The clear facial features began to distort.

But it was still useless, and it was burned to ashes in a moment.

Without the sly laughter, the surroundings instantly became quiet.

The tense nerves were finally relieved, and Zhou Suyi sat down on the ground.

"Fuck, it's too scary!" She sighed in her heart, and at the same time looked helplessly at Fatty Wang, really not knowing what to say about this unreliable guy.

"It hurts, I touched it, old Lu, Neha's hands are too dark!"

As soon as the sarcoma was cut off, Fatty Wang finally recovered, with blood dripping from his mouth, and his tongue became tongue-tied.

"Stop talking, what's going on, how did you get caught?" Hu Bayi said angrily.

Fatty Wang took a few breaths, spit out all the blood and messy things in his mouth, and then said vaguely: "Bye, it's white, I, Ha Liang, I thought, yes, it's a As for the embarrassment, just, just lick Ha Niang's mouth!"

"Lick it!"

When Zhou Suyi heard this, she really wanted to give this guy a big blow.

What kind of person is this, why dare to put anything in his mouth, he is almost invincible, so he is not afraid of poison?
Hu Bayi was also speechless.

But he was not surprised, because he knew that Fatty Wang really did this.

(End of this chapter)

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