Chapter 326 Tianmen
Zhou Suyi was quite speechless, even dared to lick the female ghost's tongue twice, what else would Fatty Wang not dare to do.

This stupid and bold name is really well-deserved, invincible.

"Fatty Master is really cute, does this count as an indirect kiss with a female ghost?"

"It's so indirect, it's all tongue-in-cheek."

"Tongue kiss... emm, suddenly died laughing."

"There is nothing my fat brother dare not do!"


Netizens were also convinced. They really admired Fatty Wang's courage and admiration.

Of course, there are only Biao, not Han.

Zhou Suyi didn't bother to talk about Fatty Wang anymore, because it's useless to talk about it, this guy really just goes in his left ear and goes out his right ear, he just doesn't get oil and salt.

"Okay, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's hurry up!" Zhou Suyi got up.

Hu Ba nodded, "I said fat man, can we be a little promising, don't kick all the rags in our pockets."

"Hey, I'm doing this for you, okay? I think we've been living on our laurels recently. I think this thing is like a quick jade, so I can bring it back and sell it to Da Jinya, so I can subsidize it a bit." no!"

Fatty Wang's voice finally recovered a bit.

Hearing this, Hu Bayi couldn't say much.

The three of them stopped staying and returned to the exit.

After getting into the water, the three of them pushed the bronze horse together and approached the water eye.

At the same time, the green scale python was tied to the tomb town beast outside.

Throw the other end directly to the position of the water eye.

The body of the green-scaled python was immediately sucked by the water.

Then, the three of them hugged the bronze horse and pulled the giant python's body at the same time, and were slowly sucked into the water eye.

The location of the water eye has a strong suction, and the water turns into a vortex, swallowing several people downward.

But with the bronze horse weighing more than a thousand catties, their bodies were very stable, and they were not affected too much, and they sank slowly towards the bottom.

After sinking for a distance of about seven or eight meters, a horizontal tomb passage appeared.

The tomb passage is surrounded by masonry structures.

The water eddies here are not so big anymore.

Zhou Suyi and the others let go of the bronze horse and swam inside.

This is a tomb passage, which gets wider and wider as it goes to the back.

The tomb path was slightly upward, and after about 100 meters, the heads of three people emerged from the water.

"It's really here!" Zhou Suyi was surprised.

I really didn't expect that this King Xian actually hid the entrance of the ancient tomb so deep.

No normal person would dare to take such a big risk to enter here. Once he is involved and cannot get out, it will definitely be a dead end.

Looking around, there was no danger, and the three climbed to the shore, panting heavily.

"Hey, I said, this time, it should be right? That old boy Xianwang, you can't make another fake place!" Fatty Wang said!
Hu Ba nodded, "It shouldn't be wrong. The entrance of the cave before is firstly a false coffin and suspicious tomb, and secondly, it may be a factory for making those bronze figures and bronze horses. It should be a forged product, so it was left there."

"It's good here!" Zhou Suyi also let out a sigh of relief, but she didn't take it lightly.

Logically speaking, the previous journey was so dangerous, but now that they have arrived at the real ancient tomb of King Xian, that's okay, there must be something more dangerous waiting for them.

Chen Yan and the others were relieved to see that Zhou Suyi and the others had found the source of the smirk.

I couldn't help but secretly rejoice that thanks to the third master and the others who explored the way ahead, they cleared up all the potential dangers and helped them reduce a lot of trouble and casualties.

Immediately, without waiting any longer, Wang Bing immediately arranged for someone to go into the water with him, and continued to chase the third master and the others.

Zhou Suyi and the others walked along the tomb passage, and walked a few tens of meters, and a bluestone gate appeared in front of them.

The stone gate is more than ten meters high, and it looks extremely thick and majestic.

And above the big stone gate, there is a small stone gate.

Fatty Wang took out the crowbar and went forward to try it. He was so tired that he was panting, but the Qingshimen didn't move at all.

"I said, don't even look at it, give me a hand, his grandma's is too heavy!"

Looking at the huge stone gate, Zhou Suyi felt a little apprehensive.

He was really disgusted when he opened the gate in Jingjue Ancient City before, but now he feels uneasy when he sees this kind of gate, and he always feels that there is something waiting for him.

However, fortunately, Hu Bayi said: "Don't waste that effort, there is probably a dragon-breaking stone behind the stone gate. After the gate is repaired, I never thought about opening it again."

"No, isn't Mr. Xian Wang still thinking of ascending to immortality? If the door can't be opened, where does this guy ascend from!" Fatty Wang said.

Hu Bayi pointed to the top, "I've already ascended to immortality, can I still go through the ordinary gate? The heavenly gate above is the gate I reserved for myself!"

Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang Qiqi looked up.

The shape of the gate tower of the small gate is very different.

Double eaves and bucket arches, clouds and flying birds, full of fairy spirit.

"What is Tianmen?" Zhou Suyi asked curiously.

She doesn't understand these things at all.

Hu Bayi explained: "The gate of heaven is for the tomb owner to dissect the body and go to heaven. Generally, only Taoists will leave the gate of heaven in the tomb."

Fatty Wang curled his lips, and said disdainfully: "This old man Xian Wang is only thinking about becoming an immortal, but in the end the gate of heaven left behind is regarded as a robber's hole for us. If this old boy knows, he will be furious. Hehe, this feeling, Fatty likes it."

"Still angry, can he really become a fairy?" Zhou Suyi curled her lips.

Immediately, the three of them didn't talk nonsense.

Since the big bluestone door can't be opened, let's start with the small door above.

Although it was very high, it was not difficult for Zhou Suyi at all.

The Yin-Detecting Claw was thrown out, and it accurately hooked the stone door above. Zhou Suyi pulled the rope with both hands, and flew up.

The swift movements are as simple as walking on flat ground.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang looked envious.

Hu Bayi followed closely behind and also climbed up. Fatty Wang wasted a lot of effort, and it was Zhou Suyi who helped him to pull him up.

"Hey, I can't do it, I can't do it, Fat Master, I have to lose weight when I go back this time!"

Hu Bayi hit and said: "If you can control your mouth, sows can climb trees."

"Hey, Lao Hu, don't bring such a spoiled person. Fat Lord, I have made up my mind this time. I must lose weight this time when I go back. If I don't lose weight, I will write my last name backwards!"

Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi rolled their eyes at the same time, neither of them bothered to pay attention to him.

Zhou Suyi pushed the gate of heaven, but it couldn't be opened, then she pulled it back, but couldn't open it, her brows frowned.

"No, this door is also locked!"

On the contrary, Hu Bayi smiled lightly, "Hehe, don't worry, this small door can't break the Dragon Stone, at most it's locked, it's easy to open!"


Zhou Suyi looked at Hu Bayi suspiciously, thinking he was bragging!

(End of this chapter)

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