Chapter 327 Knife Array

This day's gate is not very big, and it cannot be opened now, Zhou Suyi thinks that it can only be blown open with explosives.

But seeing Hu Bayi's swearing, he felt a little suspicious.

"Hey, Brother Yang, don't look at your ability, but in this respect, Lao Hu and I are professionals, just look at it!" Fatty Wang also snarled.

Zhou Suyi was full of curiosity, "Can it really be opened? Didn't it explode with dynamite?"

"Hey, how can you lose your share if you use explosives? We are Captain Mojin, how can we use such a method of losing our share!"

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, you guys use less explosives?

Hu Bayao: "Miss Yang, Lieutenant Mojin has something specially designed to deal with this kind of door. It's called Heizhezi, fat man, don't be fooled, just take out the thing."


Fatty Wang took out a metal object, a long strip of iron that could be folded, but Zhou Suyi didn't know how to use it.

"Just use this?"

Hu Ba nodded, and pushed Hei Zhezi in along the crack of the door, and then turned it upside down. After a while, the door was actually opened.

Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up, "That's amazing, you really touched Captain Jin!"

"Good guy, professional enough, Lin Mu is getting more and more punished."

"No, let's just say that if it's not a tomb robber, can you know this tool?"

"I don't think it's necessary to discuss this issue. I think Hu Bayi here is the alias of Lin Mu's father."

"The gate of heaven has never been opened, which means that the old boy Xian Wang's hope of becoming a fairy after death has not been successful."


Such a professional tool for tomb robbers made netizens feel more and more that there must be a deep connection between Lin Mu and the tomb robbers.

The three of them looked down clearly.

In front of it is a long inlay road, and there are two rows of tall figures standing on both sides of the inlay road.

These figures are all tall bronze figures, holding all kinds of weapons in their hands, holding them up high, and the weapons of the people on both sides are stacked together, as if they could fall down at any time.

Although thousands of years later, these weapons are not cold and rusty, but they still give people a great sense of oppression.

The three climbed down swiftly, and stood in front of those tall bronze figures, somewhat Alexander.

"I said, when we went in, wouldn't these swords come down suddenly?" Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi nodded vigorously.

She felt that there was no need to doubt this. Given the nature of the game, if the knives didn't fall, then there would be a problem.

However, if it's just a simple sword falling down, it's not difficult to get there. As long as the speed is fast enough, you can run over directly. No matter how fast these organs are, they can't run as fast as them.

But if this is the case, it seems too simple, and this is not the style of this game.

"Well, there must be other problems!" Zhou Suyi was a lot more cautious this time.

She carefully looked at the bronze figures in front of her, but she didn't see any problems.

"Except for these swords, I don't see any problems!" Zhou Suyi wondered.

Then, she looked at the ground again, and found that there seemed to be some problems with the bricks on the ground. Some bricks were cracked, and there were cracks, like glass that was about to break.

"Hmm... there's a problem!" Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up.

Hu Bayao: "These swords are controlled by the mechanism, and the speed should not be too fast. Let's not stop and pass in one breath. It shouldn't be a big problem."

"Then I'll come first!" Fatty Wang seemed to feel that he had cheated once before, so he volunteered.

This guy is really courageous, knowing that there is a problem, he dares to rush forward.

"do not move!"

However, before he could pass, Zhou Suyi stopped him.

"I said Brother Yang, what's the matter? Don't worry, don't look at Fatty, I'm a bit strong, but my speed is really fast. When I was young, I ran races in our village. I said that I ran second. No one would dare to say that I ran first. Fatty Wang started bragging again.

"Look carefully!"

Zhou Suyi picked up a small stone and threw it hard at a cracked brick.


When the stone hit it, the masonry shattered and fell down. There was a deep pit underneath.

Immediately afterwards, the sword in the hand of the bronze man next to him fell directly.

clap clap clap...

The sword smashed to the ground, spattered sparks, and then put it away again.


Fatty Wang gasped, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

If Zhou Suyi hadn't stopped him just now, it would have been dangerous.

Once you step on the ground and your body loses balance, you may be cut in two in minutes.

[Fatty Wang's recognition +1]

Fatty Wang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "Brother Yang, how did you know that?"

Looking at Fatty Wang's adoring gaze, Zhou Suyi felt very happy, hahaha, I am indeed the chosen one, and I can find out even this little detail.

Zhou Suyi was happy with her discovery.

"You see, although all the masonry has cracks, some masonry has a lot of cracks on the top, so I guess, the bottom may be empty, for people to sink, so the masonry is very thin, plus Last year was too long, so the number of cracks increased, we will try to step on those intact bricks and stones, and there should be no problems."

Hearing this, Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi gave thumbs up.

"Ms. Yang is still careful and found the problem, otherwise, something big will happen." Hu Bayi said with emotion.

"That's necessary. This is my elder brother Yang. That ancestor is also a mountain-moving Taoist, so he must be powerful." Fatty Wang also complimented.

Zhou Suyi thought it was a beauty.

Who can resist other people's compliments, and immediately said: "I am more agile, let me come first!"

"Miss Yang, be careful!"

"rest assured!"

I am in a good mood and have a lot of confidence.

Immediately, Zhou Suyi came to the front, looked at the floor tiles carefully, then planned a feasible path in her mind, took a deep breath, and ran towards the front.

Her speed was very fast, as soon as she stepped on the first brick, the swords in the hands of the bronze figures on both sides chopped down.

Kacha Kacha...

Sparks flew everywhere, but Zhou Suyi had already passed away.

Then a series of bronze figures all moved, and as they stepped on the first brick, all the bronze figures in front seemed to respond, and the speed of the sword's falling was a little ahead of schedule.

Before Zhou Suyi arrived, some bronze swords had already fallen.


Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang's expressions changed.

Even Zhou Suyi's face changed drastically, seeing that she was about to step on a brick, but the sword in front had already fallen, if she didn't stop, she would be cut in two.

But if he stopped, he would be cut in two by the sword behind him.

For a while, the situation was extremely dangerous, and there was no chance at all.

Everyone was sweating for Zhou Suyi, as if they were more nervous than Zhou Suyi herself.


(End of this chapter)

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