Chapter 329
Looking at the three golden water bridges in front of her, Zhou Suyi didn't dare to go up rashly, thinking that there might be problems here.

In this case, it is better to ask more questions.

In some places, you can only tell Hu Bayi if you ask Hu Bayi. If you don’t ask Hu Bayi, you really don’t talk about it.

This game is so shitty.

However, this also increases player participation.

Hu Bayi explained: "This is the Sansheng Bridge on the Huangquan River, also known as the Naihe Bridge. The real dividing point."

Hearing this, Zhou Suyi's heart sank.

This is a very bad moral.

Originally, there are many taboos about tomb robbery, not to mention things linked to the underworld, which are more likely to make people imagine.

According to this statement, when they crossed the Naihe Bridge, it was no longer the boundary of the yang world, but the underworld.

Hades is a place where people can go.

That's where the dead should be.

In other words, if they passed, they would be dead. This also shows from the side that once they set foot on this bridge, they may encounter danger.

Hu Bayi took out a cold fireworks, broke it and threw it towards the opposite side.

The blazing light illuminated everything in front of him.

The three of them could clearly see that on the opposite side of the Sansheng Bridge, there was a magnificent white building.

It turned out to be a treasure hall made of white jade.

The treasure hall is built in a natural cave, and the snow-white wall is very conspicuous in the dark. It is directly connected to the roof of the cave, which is six or seven meters high, and is integrated with the cave. big wooden door.

The entire Baodian is integrated with the surrounding white stone walls. It doesn't look like it was artificially built, but it is more like a natural formation, giving people a natural feeling.

"Damn it, it's too fucking extravagant to sacrifice to the old boy!" Fatty Wang swallowed and spit.

Staring at the treasure hall in front of her, Zhou Suyi felt more and more that there must be something wrong with the three bridges.

Xian Wang's real underground palace is right in front of him, and this is the time to make troubles.

"I said, let's stop being dazed, let's go over quickly, and present the fight of old boy Wang to eliminate harm for the people." Fatty Wang shouted slogans and was about to step forward, but was stopped by Zhou Suyi.

"Don't worry, the tomb of King Xian is right in front of you, but there are three bridges here. I feel that there must be something wrong here. We'd better be careful." Zhou Suyi said.

Fatty Wang didn't take it seriously, "Hey, Brother Yang, you're thinking too much. This bridge is all made of white jade. Even if you want to be an organ, you can't do it. There is no danger."

Hu Bayi also nodded, "From the material point of view, it is indeed impossible to do anything wrong, but Miss Yang's worry is not superfluous, we'd better be careful."

"Hey, you are afraid, I am not afraid, you wait here, I will go to find the way for you first, we old men, men, we can't always let my brother Yang stand in front, we have to behave as we should! " Fatty Wang said.

It was so majestic.

Zhou Suyi thought about it, and decided to do it this way.

Anyway, I really can't see any problem now, and Hu Bayi didn't see any problem either, so he asked Fatty Wang to explore the way, or start all over again.

"Be careful!" Zhou Suyi warned.

"Hey, Fatty Mo Jin Xiaowei, brother Yang, don't underestimate us, just put your heart in your stomach and watch."

With that said, Fatty Wang strode straight forward.

He walked directly onto the bridge in the middle.

Zhou Suyi stared nervously, if there is any danger, she must find out where the problem is, otherwise she will never have to.

However, watching Fatty Wang go from beginning to end, nothing happened.

After getting off the bridge, Fatty Wang waved to them from the opposite side.

"Let me just say, what danger is this bridge, you just think too much, come here quickly!" Fatty Wang was full of pride.

"It's so difficult that I really overthink it?" Zhou Suyi was a little depressed.

Why does this game like surprises so much?

Where she feels that there is danger, it turns out to be safe, and where she feels that it is safe, there will be hidden secrets. It is simply, the main thing is an anti-humanity.

"Miss Yang, let's go too!" Hu Ba said.

He actually didn't take it seriously.

After all, the Sansheng bridge was made of white jade. With the technical level at that time, it is obviously impossible to set up a mechanism on a white jade bridge now, because there is no such technology at all.

Zhou Suyi nodded, "Yes!"

However, just after arriving at the bridge, when she looked up to see Fatty Wang again, Zhou Suyi noticed something was wrong.

Fatty Wang was still standing on the bridge and waving towards them, but Fatty Wang's face was pale and blue, and there seemed to be a strange smile on his face.

Looking at it, it looked like a ghost with a green face and fangs, waving at her.

"What's the matter? I'm dazzled?" Zhou Suyi hurriedly rubbed her eyes.

Well, it's okay if you don't knead, but after just kneading, you can see a new change in Fatty Wang on the opposite side.

Not only the blue-faced fangs, but also the long nails growing on the palms, and the tongue seems to stick out. It really looks like an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

"Fuck, what's going on? It's so difficult. That female ghost hasn't been eliminated yet, and she's still attached to Fatty Wang. Now that she's passed the Sansheng Bridge, she's revealed her original form?" Zhou Suyi's heart was beating wildly.

"Old Hu, Old Hu, look quickly!"

Seeing that Hu Bayi didn't notice, he hurriedly pulled Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi looked forward in puzzlement, and was taken aback by this look.

"Fuck me!"

When Hu Bayi saw it at first glance, he jumped up in fright.

"I said, what kind of plane are you two flying, come here quickly." Fatty Wang on the opposite side was still urging them.

However, Zhou Suyi heard these words, how could they let them pass quickly.

This is to let them hurry over to die, right?
"Could it be that Black Star is still following the fat man?" Hu Bayi's face was extremely ugly.

Zhou Suyi nodded, "I think so too, it's probably because the female ghost has been following Fatty Wang, waiting for the critical moment to make troubles, but after crossing the Sansheng Bridge, some powers made her unable to hide and were revealed. "

Zhou Suyi expressed her opinion.

Hu Bayi's expression turned ugly, "Unfortunately, I don't have a black donkey's hoof, otherwise, regardless of 21, let this guy eat a bite first."

"No, no, that female ghost really lingers."

"It's really the Sansheng bridge. After crossing the bridge, you will be in the underworld. Now, the people on both sides are separated from each other, which is really appropriate."

"I knew that once the fat man made a move, he would definitely be a moth."

"Is there really a ghost? Don't scare me."

"Good fellow, this blue-faced and long-toothed man is scarier than a ghost."


Netizens also panicked when they saw Fatty Wang's youthful fangs.

This is much scarier than those ghosts with makeup in movies and TV.


(End of this chapter)

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