Chapter 330 Infighting
Zhou Suyi looked at Fatty Wang with a blue face and fangs, and felt really guilty in her heart.

"Old Hu, what should we do?"

She's okay breaking through the mechanism, but she really has no backbone when encountering this kind of thing.

Hu Bayi thought for a while and said, "Since there is no problem with the bridge, let's go there first. Let's pretend we didn't find anything. I remember that the fat man still has a black donkey's hoof in his pocket. Find a chance to control him and put the black donkey's hooves away." Put a donkey's hoof in there and try."

Zhou Suyi nodded. Although this method is not very humane, there is no better method now.

"Okay, let's go and talk first."

Zhou Suyi took a deep breath and tried her best to be calm.

"I said, what are you two dawdling about? Even if you want to get rid of Fat Master and live in a world of two, you have to wait until we leave." Fatty Wang urged loudly on the opposite side.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, come here." Hu Bayi replied, and then looked at Zhou Suyi.

Both of them nodded and walked towards the opposite side together.

Zhou Suyi is also ready, if the black donkey's hoof is not enough, then she will directly let the blood out, if you don't believe it, you can't kill this lingering female ghost.

The two of them got on the bridge without any abnormality, and soon they arrived at Fatty Wang's side.

Strange to say, when I got off the bridge and looked at Fatty Wang again, I couldn't see anything unusual, but Fatty Wang looked at the two of them with strange eyes.

"Are you two okay?" Fatty Wang asked.

Hu Bayi shook his head, "What can the two of us do, that's fine, let's go quickly, the entrance to King Xian's Tomb should be ahead."

"Yes, yes, let's go in first!" Fatty Wang nodded, and the three of them soon arrived at the gate of the treasure hall.

The palace is made of white jade, but the gate is made of wood.

Three people stood in front of the gate, but none of them went to open the door.

Zhou Suyi said: "Fatty, aren't you the most active, why don't you go over and open the door!"

She also wanted to sneak up on Fatty Wang from behind when he passed by.

Fatty Wang shook his head, and suddenly covered his stomach, "Oh, oh, my stomach hurts suddenly, no, you two open the door first, I have to find a place to make things easier."

As he spoke, he ran to the side.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang looked at each other.

"Why do I feel that Fatty looks at us a bit wrongly, so it's hard to see that we have discovered his problem?" Zhou Suyi said.

Hu Bayi was also puzzled, and he also felt something wrong with the way Fatty Wang looked at them.

Moreover, according to Fatty Wang's personality, at this time, he wished to open the door quickly and go in quickly.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

"It seems that there is indeed a problem with the fat man. We have to solve this problem outside, otherwise, if we go in, there will be endless troubles." Hu Bayi said.

"Agreed, if it's really impossible, let's do it directly, control him first, anyway, he can't be our opponent!" Zhou Suyi said.

Hu Bayi smiled wryly, "If Fatty is himself, of course he is not our opponent. I am afraid that this guy is really possessed by a black star. Once his face is torn, it may not be able to end."

"so what should I do now?"

Zhou Suyi was also a little uncomfortable.

After all, ghosts still sound a bit too mysterious.

"Hey, let's find a chance. After a while, I will say that we can't open this door. Let him try. When he opens the door, let's find a chance to do it."

"Okay, just do it."

After the two discussed it, they pretended to push the door.

The door was also closed, apparently locked inside too.

After waiting for a while, Fatty Wang didn't come back either.

Hu Bayi shouted into the darkness: "Fatty, what are you doing?"

"Don't rush, don't rush, open the door first, don't wait for me!" Fatty Wang's voice came.

"No, the two of us can't open it. There is something wrong with this door, and we have to use a black book. Solve it quickly, come here quickly!"

"Okay, okay, come, come!"

Fatty Wang came out of the darkness reluctantly.

"Fatty, here is your chance to show off your talents. Don't be in a daze. Didn't you say you wanted to show off just now? Why are you not active at all now?" Hu Bayao said.

"People have three urgencies, can I control this, all right, let me do it!"

Fatty Wang walked over.

This guy's sleeves are bulging, and he doesn't know what's in them.

Immediately, he took out the black book and walked to the door, and looked behind vigilantly before opening the door.

Zhou Suyi's eyes were weird, why did Fatty Wang seem to be guarding against them, it was a bit weird.

But I can't control that much anymore.

He made eye contact with Hu Ba.


The two lip-synced and started directly.

But Fatty Wang in front of him seemed to do what they thought, turned around suddenly, and at the same time, smashed at Zhou Suyi with a black donkey's hoof in one hand, and aimed at Hu Bayi with a gun in the other.

"do not move!"

Fatty Wang's forehead was covered with cold sweat, as if he was very nervous.

Both Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi were shocked, they didn't expect Fatty Wang to attack them suddenly, it was unexpected.

But fortunately, Zhou Suyi reacted quickly, and grabbed the black donkey's hoof that was smashing towards the front door.

"Fatty, what are you doing?" Hu Bayi's face changed, he was pointed at the gun, he didn't dare to move, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he probably thought in his heart that Fatty was possessed by something, otherwise , How could it be possible to point a gun at them.

"What do I want to do? What do you want to do? I knew that the two of you would definitely sneak up on me, Lao Hu, Brother Yang, although I don't know how you died, but we are brothers anyway, even if you die, you can't fight me." Fuck me, Fatty Master, I’ll go out, you guys have a dream, whatever you want, Fatty Master will burn it for you.” Fatty Wang yelled loudly.

These words directly stunned Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi.

"Are we dead?" Zhou Suyi looked at him suspiciously, how could this guy bite back.

Hu Bayi scolded: "Fuck you, fat man, what nonsense are you talking about, stop pretending, we can all see it, you have been exposed by your black star, and you have framed us, sensible Yes, quickly put down your weapon, and when you go back, I will ask a few monks to give you relief, and quickly get away from the fat man."

"Fuck, Fat Master, I'm very normal. That little girl has already been burned by me. Fat Master made a mistake once, but it is absolutely impossible to make a second mistake." Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi was really dumbfounded.

What's going on.

"Fatty, you said, we are dead? What's going on?" Zhou Suyi felt calmer, and asked clearly before talking, so as not to make any misunderstandings.

Fatty Wang sneered, "Hehe, I saw you two when you just got on the bridge. You two have green faces, long fangs, and disheveled hair. You clearly turned into ghosts after you died. I saw it with my own eyes. Could it be wrong?"

"Fuck, you fat man, you've learned to bite back. It's you with a green face and fangs, like a ghost crawling out of hell, and now you're still slandering us." Hu Bayi retorted.

"Wait, you two stop arguing!" Zhou Suyi stopped them.

There is something wrong with this situation.


(End of this chapter)

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