Chapter 331 Yinzi Coffin, Bronze Coffin

The two parties insisted on their own opinions, which confused everyone.

"What's going on, who's the problem?"

"Who else could it be? It must be Fatty Wang. They all have previous convictions. Moreover, it was indeed Qingmiaofang just now."

"Unfortunately, when sister Zhou and the others passed by just now, they didn't give a close-up of the front face, so they didn't see clearly what was going on."

"There's something wrong, Fatty Wang's appearance doesn't look like acting."


Netizens are all at a loss, and some don't know what the situation is.

It's so weird how both sides say that the other is a ghost.

Zhou Suyi also felt something was wrong.

No matter how she looked at it, she felt that Fatty Wang didn't seem to be lying, and the nervousness and excitement didn't seem like it was staged.

The cold sweat on his forehead didn't look like acting.

She vaguely realized something.

"Wait, stop arguing, we may be fine, but we were deceived." Zhou Suyi said loudly.

"Hehe, you lied to me if you want to lie. Fatty, I definitely didn't lie to you. I saw it clearly when you came here just now." Fatty Wang's gun still didn't come down, and he stared at them vigilantly.

Hu Bayi said angrily: "Fart, we see you as the blue-faced fangs!"

"Oh, stop arguing, and look at me again, what has changed!"

While speaking, Zhou Suyi returned to the bridge again.

The two looked together.

Seeing this, both of them were shocked at the same time.

"Fuck, I'm just talking about you, you are all dead, the appearance of this green face and fangs is the appearance after death." Fatty Wang shouted.

Hu Bayi's expression turned ugly, "How could this happen?"

Zhou Suyi didn't seem surprised by their performance, but got off the bridge, "Look again!"

"What's going on, why did you recover again, brother Yang, did you become a bone spirit and know how to change?" Fatty Wang said.

"You are the Bone Demon!" Zhou Suyi said angrily, "We are all deceived by our own eyes. If I am right, as long as I stand on this bridge, people under the bridge will see the appearance of green face and fangs. It is the light and shadow effect produced by the bridge itself being illuminated by light."

"What do you mean?" Fatty Wang felt a little confused, "You mean, I read it wrong?"

Zhou Suyi nodded, "Well, that's it. Everyone standing on it will look like this. In this way, it will be like just now, making us suspicious and grudges."

Zhou Suyi secretly said that fortunately the relationship between them is very good, and their favorability is very high.

If a group of grave robbers who don't trust them come in, once they step on this bridge and suspect each other, they will probably start killing each other.

"So that's the case, let me try!" Hu Bayi also walked up. "How, have I changed?"

As soon as he got up, his originally calm face instantly turned green with fangs, like a ghost.

Zhou Suyi nodded, "It can't be wrong, the blue light reflected by the white jade will look like a ghost when it shines on our faces, and the meaning of the bridge itself will easily make us have some bad associations."

"The methods of presenting the king are really emerging one after another, making it hard to guard against." Hu Bayi was a little terrified.

Had it not been discovered.

Even if Fatty Wang was under control just now, even if Fatty Wang proved himself innocent, they probably wouldn't believe it.

Well, now I figured it all out.

"So, you're really still alive, fuck me, Lao Hu, Brother Yang, I thought, I thought you both were dead, so you left me alone."

Hearing this, Fatty Wang's eyes turned red.

Hu Bayi said angrily: "Don't talk about it, it's useless, who almost broke us just now!"

Fatty Wang quickly put the gun away.

"Hey, haven't I been deceived by King Xian's tricks? Don't worry, when I find King Xian's coffin, I will give you a few slaps to vent my anger!"

"It's fine!" Zhou Suyi let out a long breath, secretly glad.

Fortunately, the two sides did not beat around the bush just now, and directly stated what they saw, otherwise, it would not be so easy to think of the crux of the problem.

But this offering to the king is really scary.

People thousands of years ago actually used the reflection of light, thousands of years earlier than Westerners.

It's a pity that some of the technologies that should be far ahead in the Great Xia Kingdom are all used to build ancient tombs, not to develop people's livelihood, which makes people very helpless.

Otherwise, how could the current Great Xia Kingdom be suppressed by others.

After figuring out the matter, the three of them came to the wooden door again, this time without anyone telling, Fatty Wang opened the door with a black book in his hand.

Soon, the door was opened.

There is no dark crossbow or the like shot out of it.

Obviously, King Xian doesn't think anyone can make it this far, and he doesn't bother to set up any more mechanisms. It's completely unnecessary. In his opinion, the only way to get here is in the future picture seen in Muchen Bead. Received the fairy who led him to ascend.

Unfortunately, people are not as good as God.

He saw the gods in the prophecy, not the real gods, but three real tomb robbers.

I still suffer from being uneducated and uninformed.

However, when people thousands of years ago saw the world today, they would indeed think that these were fairylands, which was determined by their vision.

Even if people at that time had a long-term vision, it was impossible to imagine what the world looks like today.

It was pitch black inside the door.

Hu Bayi took out a cold smoke flower and threw it in, a blazing white light flashed, and everything inside was immediately displayed in front of everyone.

There were no funerary objects inside, and the most conspicuous thing in the entire tomb was the three large coffins in the center.

The materials of the three large coffins are all different.

The closest to them was a bronze coffin, which was dropped in the air with a copper ring, and the one behind was far away and could not be seen clearly.

But when Fatty Wang saw the three coffins, his excited expression disappeared instantly, and his face turned pale, and he didn't dare to go in after staying there.

Zhou Suyi asked curiously: "Brother Fat, you are the happiest, why don't you dare to go in now?"

Fatty Wang's face twitched for a while, and he said with an ugly expression: "I said, Laohu, look, is this, is it the legendary sinking coffin, bronze coffin?"

"Sinking coffin, bronze coffin?"

Zhou Suyi had never heard of this, but seeing Fatty Wang's serious face, she also knew that this thing might not be simple.

Hu Bayi murmured: "The sinking coffin, the bronze outer coffin, the horoscope is not hard and you can't move forward. It's hard to come by. It's true that the black pig outside is crossing the Tianhe sky. Is there really a corpse king born here?"

"Corpse king, there will really be a corpse king!"

These two words are usually nothing, but when I say them under the current situation, I shudder unconsciously, feeling that the surrounding temperature has dropped several degrees in an instant.


(End of this chapter)

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