Chapter 332 Opening the Blind Box
Hearing Hu Bayi's words, Zhou Suyi only felt that the temperature here dropped a few degrees.

Although she has never seen the Corpse King, she knows that this thing is definitely not simple.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Regardless of whether there is a corpse king or not, they can only resist.

Even the earth dragon and the giant Huo's undead worm have been killed, even if there is a corpse king, Zhou Suyi thinks there is nothing to be afraid of.

Do it if it's a big deal, and start over if you can't do it.

"However, why are there three coffins here, one is dedicated to the king, and whose are the other two, dedicated to the king's wife?" Zhou Suyi asked.

She doesn't understand these things at all.

"Heh, there is another one who must be the mistress. It is normal for the ancients to have three wives and four concubines. This old Xian Wang keeps saying that he wants to be promoted to immortality, but he is not willing to do such a pure-hearted thing." Fatty Wang Take it casually.

"Man, hehe!" Zhou Suyi also scorned for a while.

Hu Bayi frowned, "I feel something is wrong, let's go in and have a look first!"

With that said, the three of them walked in.

This is a "Hui"-shaped tomb chamber. The two tomb walls are separated by seven or eight meters, and various sacrifices are placed on the interlayer.

The copper plate, copper tripod, and ivory, jade coins, and jade cauldrons stacked in between symbolize the status of the owner of the tomb.

Its number can be said to be very large.

It is estimated that those bronzes alone add up to thousands of tons.

When Fatty Wang saw these things, his eyes glowed green, and he said with emotion: "Good guy, this King Xian stuffed all the things from the entire Dian Kingdom into his tomb, right?"

Fatty Wang's words were not an exaggeration at all.

The Kingdom of Dian is just a small country on the border. It is estimated that it can't even compare with the ancient country of Jingjue. It is already commendable to have so much bronze production.

What's more, after King Xian became the leader here, he stopped doing personnel affairs. It is estimated that the people of the whole country were pulled by him to build ancient tombs. It is not easy to preserve so many things without development.

It's a pity that the King Xian fantasized about being able to take these things to soar.

But in the end, all these things were buried in this dark underground.

Rotten decay, ruined ruin.

It's simply a waste of money.

Fatty Wang was about to go over to pick up some of them, but Zhou Suyi hurriedly stopped him, "Fatty, are you a dog? Can you have a little memory!"

This guy really remembers eating but not beating.

They were tossed by the female ghost's tongue before and almost killed all of them. Before that, they also took treasures from the underground palace in the ancient city of Jingjue and got the earth dragon out.

Now I have no memory, and I can't walk when I see these babies. This is really a dog.

"Hehe!" Fatty Wang sneered, "No, I'll just take a look, just to appreciate it."

"Miss Yang is right, one more thing is worse than one less thing, do the real thing first, and then find Muchen Zhu." Hu Bayi also said.

Only then did Fatty Wang continue walking with the two of them with eyes full of reluctance.

Passed through the corridor outside and came inside, and came into close contact with the bronze coffin hanging in mid-air.

The copper coffin was dark and dull, covered with a thick layer of dust, and there were many flowers on it, like green centipedes crawling all over the coffin, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

The other coffin was wooden, unpainted, but charred.

And the third coffin is a sarcophagus.

The sarcophagus is very simple, and the stone patterns on it are very special. At first glance, it looks like a beast, full of mystery.

Under the sarcophagus, there are four stout one-legged men carrying it, so it looks a lot taller than the sarcophagus.

"That's the Yinzi Coffin you mentioned? Why is it called the Yinzi Coffin?" Zhou Suyi was curious.

At this moment, she is the mouthpiece of netizens, because netizens are also very curious about these mysterious cultures.

And they have never heard of this thing.

Hu Bayi explained: "The so-called yinzi coffin is a coffin made of yinzi wood."

"What is a genus tree again?"

"In the shade of the ravines in the deep mountains and old forests, where the sun never shines, there is a kind of carbon-colored tree, which has never seen the sun since it grew.

Ordinary trees grow a ring every year, but this kind of tree that does not see the sun takes tens or hundreds of years to grow a ring, which is called yinzimu. "

"It sounds like it's not as precious as the Kunlun Shenmu we saw in Jingjue Ancient City!" Zhou Suyi said.

"That's natural. The Kunlun Shenmu is a strange species in the world, and it's hard to find in the world, but you can still find some yinzimu if you want to find it, especially for these emperors. It's easy to find, but basically no one will use this kind of thing to make it. The coffin." Hu Bayi continued.

"The yinzi wood does not see light all the year round, and it is extremely yin. A coffin made of this kind of wood is a disaster. That's why people are so afraid when talking about yinzi coffins. Using yinzi coffins to store corpses is a combination of yin and yin." Yin. If the corpse inside doesn’t change, it’s all smoke from the ancestral tomb.”

After hearing this, Zhou Suyi's expression became a little strange.

"That's not right, since it's a big crime to put corpses in Xingzi's coffins, it's impossible for the king to know why he chose Xingzi's coffins. Could it be that these coffins are also for us to open the blind box, and only one of them is right?" Yes, if you guess wrong, you will be in danger?"

"Fuck, this old boy presenting Wang is really yin!" Fatty Wang cursed, and then felt wrong, "Wait, no, no, even if it was intentional, then you can't make a cellar coffin and put it here Ah, how could any knowledgeable tomb robber fail to see this cellar coffin, could it be that this old boy Xian Wang has also seen Sun Tzu's Art of War, and knows that the more dangerous the place, the safer it is?"

Hu Bayi shook his head, "Xian Wang's goal is to ascend after death, it is impossible to use such a vicious thing as a dead body."

"Then what do you think is going on?" Fatty Wang felt a headache and was too lazy to think about it again, "If you want me to say, let's not waste that brain cell, just open the coffin, and it will be clear when the time comes, even if it is true. It’s not like we haven’t dealt with it before. If he dares to come out, the fat man will let him taste the strength of the black donkey’s hoof.”

The opening of the coffin was Fatty Wang's favorite part.

It feels like opening a blind box to open an express delivery. What is inside is not important, what is important is the process of opening the blind box, and I am very happy.

"That's the reason, but it's better to figure it out first. By the way, there is also this bronze coffin. Why did the ancients pay attention to being grounded when it was hoisted up? Why is it grounded when it is hoisted?" Zhou Suyi asked. ,

Hu Bayi explained: "Probably the purpose of hanging it is to isolate the stale air from the ground, so that the owner of the tomb can ascend."

"It makes sense, but why use a bronze coffin? This thing is very dangerous!" Fatty Wang also asked.

Hu Bayi touched his chin and nodded thoughtfully, "Generally, the bronze coffin is sealed with a bronze coffin because the corpse has changed. Moreover, the bronze coffin is wrapped with nine layers of chains. If you have locked nine locks, the contents inside may not be simple!"


(End of this chapter)

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