Chapter 333 Ghost Lighting Candles

Zhou Suyi felt that the more she listened, the more upset she became.

It’s okay if you don’t understand these things, but once you understand it, it’s even more terrifying, and I feel that the courage I mentioned before has been eroded little by little.

"Damn it, among the three coffins, the corpse king won't all come out, right? That would be too awesome!" Zhou Suyi thought in her heart.

And, given the nature of the game, it's entirely possible.

"This coffin has so many details, it's amazing."

"It seems that the burial is very necessary, otherwise, it would be too scary to often meet Zongzi running out for a walk."

"Looking forward to opening the corpse king. This is a tomb robbery game. I haven't met a zongzi until now. This is unscientific."

"Zongzi: Are you polite, you talk about science with me?"

"I knew it, it was dark, and something was going to happen again."


In the next session, the hearts of the netizens were all raised. Everyone knew that if Zhou Suyi continued to play, then tonight would definitely be another sleepless night.

At the same time, Wang Bing and others who found the entrance below also stopped, and did not act rashly.

Hu Bayi thought seriously, thought of something and said: "I just remembered the Sanshi Bridge in front of the gate of the Yin Palace. It is not known that the corpses placed in these three coffins are all dedicated to the king, but there may not be the ones we are looking for. The King Xian who possesses the phoenix guts, these coffins in the tomb were dug out from other ancient tombs by him, and he may have determined that these are the bones of his previous life through some means."

"This... can you still do this? It's so hard, Xian Wang really thinks that he has a past life and this life?" Zhou Suyi's eyes were strange, and he felt that this Xian Wang was too superstitious.

"Hehe, everyone wants to ascend to immortality, so it seems reasonable to have past and present lives!" Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi nodded with strange eyes, as if it was quite reasonable.

"Then... is this coffin still open?" Fatty Wang felt a little guilty.

To be honest, if there is a choice, Zhou Suyi really doesn't want to open it.

But Muchen Bead might be in one of the coffins, and it’s okay if you don’t open it, so you can only sigh, “It’s all here, I can only open it!”

Fatty Wang nodded, "Damn, wealth and wealth are in danger, I'm afraid of a ball, you wait here, I'll go light the lamp!"

As the serious Captain Mojin, now that the serious ones are starting to open the coffin, rules are still indispensable.

Fatty Wang took out the candle and walked into the darkness.

Zhou Suyi looked at the three coffins, "Old Hu, if according to what you said, all the past and present lives are brought here, is there any special meaning?"

Hu Ba nodded and continued: "The three coffins do not belong to the same period, but represent the three lives of Xian Wang in the world. Chinese Taoism has always had legends about the three lives of immortality. These first three lives are called The final death in the three prisons will be extremely tragic, so this special coffin is used to contain it, and the real Xianwang must also be hidden somewhere in this tomb."

As Hu Bayi said, he was still looking around, wanting to find the real coffin of King Xian, but when he saw it, his brows frowned immediately, "Hey, what about the fat man who went to the corner to light candles because we were just looking at these three demon coffins?" Still not coming back? Three...six...nine... There are nine candles in the corner, how did this grandson light so much wax? What about others?"

When he said this, Zhou Suyi also hurriedly looked at it, but at this moment, he heard a slight harsh sound coming from the bronze coffin.

The sound was like someone scratching the glass with their fingernails. The creaking sound made people feel uncomfortable.


Zhou Suyi felt that all the hairs on her body exploded in an instant, and her scalp felt numb.

Damn, it's too scary.

At this moment, Zhou Suyi only felt that the surrounding temperature seemed to drop sharply.

In the corner, on the right side of the three candles, there are two rows of faint blue lights standing vertically on the wall in three rows. This kind of light can only make people feel that there is light in a dark place, while the faint blue The light source itself does not have any illuminance, and the dark place is still so dark, but in this darkness, there are six more dim blue "wild lights".

This scene is not too scary.

Rao Zhou Suyi felt that she was brave enough, but her heart was still beating wildly.

But Fatty Wang hasn't come back yet, Zhou Suyi thought in her heart, this guy must have been caught in the coffin.

Just like on the big banyan tree before.

It was definitely a wrong decision to let him light candles.

This is a fucking plot trigger.

Hu Bayi's face was also extremely ugly, "Fatty, what the hell are you picking up? Get out of here quickly."

I saw the fat man protruding his head from the other end of the bronze coffin, and asked, "Old Hu, are you looking for me? I have carved a good thing on this copper coffin, it seems to be gold."

After speaking, he came over holding a round metal object.

Zhou Suyi had a bad premonition in her heart.

Hu Bayi took the things, saw that it was a bronze mirror, and wiped off the dust on it. The surface of the bronze mirror was still shiny and not much rusted, but the back was full of copper rust, and there was a circle of golden "縎石" around the mirror. as makeup.

These round stones, so shiny, could easily be mistaken for gold.

Although the back of the bronze mirror is dilapidated, it gives people a unique decadent beauty of ancient cultural relics.

"It's gold, it's a bronze mirror. Where did you get it from? Hurry up and put it down where you got it. Don't make any moths in the face of major events." Hu Ba said.

Zhou Suyi asked nervously: "Fatty, how many candles did you light just now?"

Fatty Wang was a little puzzled, "Three, what's the matter? Fatty, I just can't count, but I can still make a mistake about lighting a few candles. If you don't believe me, look, it's not one, two, three... six... nine ...fuck me!"

Fatty Wang watched it by himself, and everyone jumped up in fright.

There are three light spots in the corner, there are clearly nine, and it is impossible to misread them.

However, he remembered clearly that three candles were lit. If this could be mistaken, wouldn't it be dementia?

"Didn't it say that when people light candles, ghosts blow out lamps? Why do people light candles, and ghosts follow suit?"

"Hey... this little blue light, my scalp is going to explode."

"High-energy early warning ahead, please be prepared to be scared to death at any time."

"Bullet screen protection, help, I need a boyfriend urgently, come quickly, private message me, I will send you the address, don't bring soy milk and fried dough sticks."

"My, my, my, my ghost, I'm haunted."


At this moment, the netizens gasped, feeling extremely nervous.

First, there was the sound of fingernails snapping on the glass in the coffin, and now there are a few more light spots. This weird situation can easily make people have all kinds of bad associations.

The more I think about it, the more terrifying I become, the more terrifying I think, this night is destined to be another sleepless night.


(End of this chapter)

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