Chapter 334 The Ghost Blows the Lamp

The three candles turned into nine inexplicably, and the sound of fingernails scratching the wall from inside the coffin undoubtedly made the atmosphere of the entire tomb room strange.

Zhou Suyi felt her heart beating wildly, her heart was in her throat.

"How... what should I do?"

When this situation happened, Zhou Suyi lost her backbone.

Rao felt that his heart was strong enough, except for these weird things.

As a woman, even a strong woman, who wouldn't be stunned by this weird situation.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Hu Bayi's courage was highlighted at this time, and he walked towards the candles with a flashlight.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly followed.

Needless to say, Hu Bayi is very reliable most of the time.

Of course, there are also times when it is unreliable, for example, I was allergic to the ghost's tongue before, and it was outrageous to ask her to take it.

The three walked around the bronze coffin and approached the candles. The first thing they saw was a face covered with black scales.

"Fuck me."

Zhou Suyi was taken aback, and was about to take out the ancient black gold knife and give her a stab.

Regardless of whether he is a man or a ghost, it is better to strike first.

However, Hu Bayi stopped her, "Don't get excited, they are all dead things."


Zhou Suyi calmed down for a while, didn't do anything directly, and watched carefully.

There are two copper pillars embedded in the tomb wall in front. Each copper pillar is divided into top, middle and bottom, and there are six half-human, half-fish monster corpses tied together.

"This, is this a mermaid?" Zhou Suyi was dumbfounded.

Although this thing has been shriveled, its shape is exactly the same as the mermaid in myths and legends.

The upper body of these mermans looks like a woman, and they also have two breasts. Their necks are very thin, and their gills grow on their necks. However, they do not have human skin, and their whole bodies are covered with sparse large black scales, only the abdomen has no scales.

"It looks like a sea cow to me, how can a mermaid be so ugly." Fatty Wang said.

Indeed, these corpses looked a little scary.

The corpse seemed to have been specially treated, it was dry, hard and black, and it did not rot in the yin womb. There were chains on the copper pillars, and the six mermen were put through the lute bones, and they were locked on the copper pillars in a crouching and kneeling posture. On, just from top to bottom, evenly lined up.

Their mouths are surprisingly big, all of them are open wide, and the throats of the mermaids are all blocked by white things like asbestos, and a piece of tinder is stuck in the dry and stiff tongue, which is burning a dim blue light.

It looks really infiltrating.

"Hey guy, is this a mermaid? Does such a creature really exist?"

"It's so ruthless. The mermaid was directly made into an oil lamp. This offering to the king is really awesome and inhumane."

"Congratulations, another new species has been unlocked."

"Is this the legendary eternal lamp?"

"It should be one. It is said that the ever-burning lamp is made from the corpse oil of the sharks in the South China Sea to make lamp oil. This is directly pumping oil from the body."


Looking at this terrifying shark, who can not be surprised.

After all, the legend about the mermaid not only exists in Daxia, but also abroad. This shows that this kind of creature may really exist, but no one has discovered it yet.

If Lin Shu was here, he would recognize it at a glance.

These sharks are clearly the monsters that blocked them in the sea before.

"It should be the burning of the candles, which changed the temperature here and made these longevity candles burn too. It's nothing serious, but..." Hu Bayi stared at the longevity candles, frowning tightly.

Zhou Suyi let go of her heart just now, but Gordon felt it again.

She is most afraid of others saying half of what they say, and then a yes or a but.

"Just what?" she asked hurriedly.

Hu Bayi said: "It is said in the Ghost Words that according to the mausoleum system, the longevity candle in the underground palace is only in the tomb. It is different from the Wannian lamp. A longevity candle corresponds to an important corpse in the tomb. Of course, the martyrs don’t need it, for example, in the tomb where husband and wife are buried together, there are often two longevity candles in front of the coffin.”

"Ghost writing!"

Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up immediately, thinking of the previous reward, unlocking the Ghost Character Chapter in Hu Ba's 16-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Art.

It was useless before, so it turned out to be waiting here.

She recalled the content of the Ghost Words.

"The theory of the underworld is ghosts. This article mainly explains the situation of the owner of the ancient tomb. For example, the arrangement of the corpse and the coffin, the location of the martyrdom and the funerary objects, the symbolism of the eternal lamp and the eternal candle, etc., and more anecdotes and quirks Wait for analysis."

According to the above explanation, it is combined with their current situation.

Fatty Wang scolded: "Damn it, there are only three coffins here, and these six lamps, don't they count the three of us? Is it possible that the old boy offering Wang will also be a prophet?"

Hearing this, Zhou Suyi frowned.

In the ancient city of Jingjue, with the cooperation of Corpse Fragrance Konjac, the prophecies on those stone boxes almost caused them to kill each other. Now this is so difficult, is it going to happen again?
Hu Bayi shook his head, "If my guess is correct, King Xian should not be in the three coffins in the middle of the tomb. Although his coffins cannot go out of the scope of this tomb, they must be hidden very deeply."

"Neither? Are you kidding me? Is there any other place to hide the coffin?" Fatty Wang couldn't believe it.

However, Zhou Suyi chose to believe in Hu Bayi. After all, this ghost essay is applicable here, so it must be right to listen to Hu Bayi here now. This is also the mechanism of the game.

"Old Hu, what do you say?"

Hu Bayi ignored Fatty Wang, and continued: "We have guessed before that these three coffins may represent the three prisons of King Xian, and the bones in them represent the previous lives of King Xian, and together with King Xian, these are four coffins. corpses, and the animal sculptures on the Sanshiqiao have a pair of male and female, this king's tomb is a joint burial tomb, which means that there are at least five corpses here."

"Hey, isn't that still one less body, or, for the three of us, two deaths are enough, and one can live?" Fatty Wang said.

Both Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi gave this guy a hard look.

"Brother, this is an ancient tomb, can we not say that we are dead?" Zhou Suyi said angrily.

"Hey, Brother Yang, you've said three times in one go, and you've covered everything I said." Fatty Wang said poorly.

"I fucking..."

Zhou Suyi was so angry that she really wanted to give this guy a big blow and let him purify his mind.

But he still didn't make a move, and being teased by the fat man made him feel less nervous.

However, this state of peace of mind didn't last long at all, and while he was talking, he didn't know where a gust of wind blew.

The three candles Fatty Wang lit in the southeast corner of the tomb suddenly turned a faint green, reflecting the entire tomb in a burst of green, as if he had come to the underworld in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the flame flickered for a while, and was extinguished in an instant.


(End of this chapter)

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