Chapter 335 Zongzi Attack
The light of the candle turned into a faint green, and then went out directly, which made Zhou Suyi feel as if she had fallen directly from the first floor of hell to the eighteenth floor.

Nerves tensed instantly.

However, this is not even more terrifying.

The most frightening thing was that just as the light went out, the sound of creaking nails scratching the wall came again from inside the bronze pipe, and it wasn't over yet.

Then there was a bang.

One of the bronze chains on the bronze coffin was snapped.

In an instant, the entire coffin tilted slightly, as if it was about to slide down.


Zhou Suyi's body trembled, and a layer of goose bumps appeared on her body.

Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi were the same, their hearts were beating wildly.

Not to mention the netizens, they were all terrified, but fortunately, this Yunnan Chonggu Valley has been in the underworld mode from the beginning, and they have somewhat adapted to it.

The hearts of the three of them rose to their throats.

Fatty Wang quickly looked innocent, "This time, I definitely didn't do it."

If it was the previous time when he heard the movement, and it was this guy who was buttoning the bronze mirror on the coffin, then this time the three of them were together and made another sound, obviously there was really a living thing in the coffin.

Hu Bayi swallowed, "The organization has always believed in you, but now it's time to test you, go and see what's in the bronze coffin... No, what the hell, you see At the other end of the coffin, why are there three large clusters of will-o'-the-wisps juxtaposed? Could it be that there are nine corpses here?"

Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang hurriedly looked over, and their scalps felt numb after seeing it.

There were three more lights on that side.

According to Hu Bayi, one longevity candle corresponds to one corpse, so there are at least nine corpses now.

However, this is also good, but it saves them self-doubt and what kind of prophecy it is.

After all, with the addition of the three of them, there are not enough nine corpses.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Zhou Suyi panicked.

Fatty Wang gritted his teeth, "Grandma's, there must be a zongzi inside, otherwise, let's act first and give him some earth drink."

"Earth drink? What's the matter? Is this thing useful for zongzi?" Zhou Suyi asked puzzled.

"Hey, Dadi Drink is gasoline!" Fatty Wang explained.

Zhou Suyi...

God damn earth drink.

"I think it's okay, the first is the strong, and the second is the disaster."

Although I think Fatty Wang is unreliable, but no matter how powerful this zongzi is, can it still resist the fire?

None of the carbon-based organisms are immune to fire.

"Okay, do it!"

Hu Bayi had no objection either, and the three of them took out gasoline and poured it directly on the bronze coffin.

"Grandma's, bring him a braised rice dumpling!" Fatty Wang lit the fire directly.

With a whimper, the flames sprang up in an instant.

This is a bronze coffin with excellent thermal conductivity. It only takes a while for it to burn hot. No matter what is inside, it is reasonable to say that it will be roasted to death by the scorching heat.

However, the fire that had just started was getting smaller and smaller, and it seemed that it was going to be extinguished in just a short while.

"What's going on? No more oxygen?" Zhou Suyi's expression changed.

If there is no oxygen, it will be troublesome.

Although they brought oxygen cylinders, after one dive, there was not much left, and it was probably only enough for them to go back.

If it is consumed here, it will be troublesome.

However, Hu Bayi said: "No, we can still breathe, and we don't feel suffocated. It's not that there is no oxygen, but the temperature of the coffin is dropping."


When he said this, Zhou Suyi shivered subconsciously, feeling that the temperature in front had really dropped a lot.

The flame burning just now did not bring warmth, but only cold.



Immediately afterwards, there was another sound of chains breaking, and the arm-thick chains kept breaking apart.

The flames on the bronze coffin were completely extinguished, and a fine layer of hoarfrost grew on the outside of the coffin, as if the midsummer had just come directly to the cold winter.

And, as more and more ropes broke, the bronze coffin began to shake, precariously.


A chill instantly spread in everyone's hearts.

"Grandma's, what to do with him, isn't it rice dumpling? It's not like I haven't killed Fatty before." Fatty Wang gritted his teeth and touched the black donkey's hoof.

Hu Bayi also raised his gun.

Seeing that both of them were ready to fight, no matter how frightened Zhou Suyi was, she could only take out the ancient black gold knife and stared at the bronze coffin in front of her without blinking.

Finally, the remaining chains could no longer bear the weight of the bronze coffin, and fell directly.

With a bang, the whole ground trembled, and the mountains shook for a while.

The three of them were dumbfounded, but saw that the bronze coffin made a big hole in the ground and fell straight down.

There was also the sound of rotten wood being smashed below.

"There is a hidden universe here." All three of them were surprised.

Before, the number of corpses and the number of longevity candles were inconsistent. Now it seems that this tomb is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and there are other secrets hidden.

The three of them leaned over, and saw that under the cracked tomb bricks, there were pitch-black square logs, each of which was as thick as an adult's body, and they were densely packed.

However, it has been severely eroded by sewage, and it has rotted to a very serious extent. These woods were not black before, but were all eroded by sewage. The bronze coffin smashed these rotten woods and fell into the depths.

"Grandma, the old boy Xian Wang must be hiding under here." Fatty Wang cursed.

Hu Bayi threw down a cold sparkler, and the place below instantly brightened.

Below is a small room made of square wood, which is very low and narrow. In addition to the fallen copper coffin, there is also a very special coffin next to it, which glows faintly, like it is made of water-blue ice crystals. It's worth the money.

When Fatty Wang saw the coffin, his eyes started to light up again, probably thinking about how to carry the coffin out.

But at this moment, the coffin lid of the bronze coffin suddenly fell aside, and the palm of a withered hand fell out from inside.

Immediately afterwards, a layer of fine black hair grew on the shriveled palm at a speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly spread towards the entire arm.

At the same time, the nails on that palm were also growing rapidly.

The pitch-black fingernails exuded a dark light, which made people panic when they looked at them.

Seeing this scene, Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi's faces were covered with cold sweat, Zhou Suyi was so nervous that she forgot to breathe, stood there motionless and stared, her hand holding the ancient black gold knife began to tremble .


(End of this chapter)

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