Chapter 336 Is This a Bug?

The coffin lid of the bronze coffin was thrown open somehow, and a shriveled arm fell out of it.

The nails on the palm were growing rapidly, and a layer of black hair had also grown.

Zhou Suyi had never seen this scene before, it felt like she was directly in a horror movie.

The atmosphere became very depressing.

It was as if the three of them forgot how to breathe at this moment.

"Stop staring, fuck him!"

Fatty Wang's title of stupid and bold is well-deserved.

Now the black donkey's hooves can't reach it and use the gun directly.

Da da da……

Bullets poured out and hit that arm.

A strange thing happened. Instead of hurting the arm when the bullet hit it, it shot a series of sparks instead.

It was as if the black hair on the arm was a layer of hard armor, invincible.

"Fuck, no way, is this zongzi? This defensive power..." Zhou Suyi was stunned.

From the beginning of playing this game, there are not many carbon-based creatures that can withstand the suppression of bullets, let alone a powerful submachine gun.

It was outrageous, but it actually happened right in front of my eyes.

The arm trembled from the blow, but it was still intact.

"Save some bullets." Hu Bayi pulled Fatty Wang.

They were running low on ammunition, and had to save it.

Use it at critical moments.

In the next moment, another hand stretched out from the coffin, and that palm also had thick black hair, and the long black nails looked like zombies in the movie ran out.

Then the two hands crawled out alternately, and the next moment, a shriveled monster with black hair crawled out from inside.


Seeing the appearance of this humanoid monster, Zhou Suyi gasped again.

This is like a gorilla with black hair. Although it is not as strong as a gorilla, it is much more terrifying than a gorilla.

The whole face is also covered with black hair, only the eyes have two deep eye sockets, and there are a few scattered sharp teeth in the open mouth.

"Damn it, he's still a black-haired one, so he's in trouble now." Hu Bayi's face was also extremely solemn, "Fatty, find a chance to stuff the black donkey's hoof into his mouth."

"Okay!" Fatty Wang responded.

The next moment, the zongzi stood up straight and looked up. Although the eyes could not be seen in the dark eye sockets, people could feel that this thing was staring at them.


Zhou Suyi swallowed nervously, holding the ancient black gold knife tightly.

At this moment, only holding a knife can give her a little courage.


There was another gunshot, this time it was Hu Bayi who fired, aiming at Zongzi's eyes.

The bullet hit Zongzi's eye socket with incomparable precision. Zongzi's body shook slightly, but it didn't seem to be useful. This thing probably didn't use eyes to see objects.

Even if both eyes were beaten blind, it didn't affect him.

This move seemed to anger Zongzi, and Zongzi's legs suddenly exerted strength, and he jumped out from below with a whoosh.

At a height of nearly 10 meters, the zongzi jumped up straight, and a big crater was shaken out of the ground. He was like a rocket, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

The three of them stepped back quickly.

As the zongzi jumped up, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop several degrees.

The next moment, the zongzi didn't stop, and rushed towards Zhou Suyi.

"Fuck, why are you the first to find me?" Zhou Suyi was so depressed that she wanted to scold her.

For any monsters encountered, it seems that the first preferred target is the player, but this is no wonder, after all, the game requires the player to break through the level.

The rice dumpling was extremely fast, as if it could fly, and it arrived in front of Zhou Suyi in no time.

Zhou Suyi's thighs were a little cramped due to nervousness, and she forgot to dodge. By the time she realized it, it was too late.

In desperation, she didn't care about her fear anymore, and raised the ancient black gold knife in her hand, using it as a stick, and slammed it across the wheel.

This ancient black gold knife weighs at least 200 catties, and with her terrifying strength, it is not an exaggeration to smash a huge boulder of a thousand catties with one blow.


The imaginary picture didn't appear, the knife didn't split the rice dumpling in half, and even just cut off a layer of black hair on the outside, causing sparks to fly everywhere.

However, the huge force still sent the zongzi flying backwards.

Naturally, Zhou Suyi was not much better, she only felt a numbness in her arm, and the ancient black gold knife in her hand almost flew out.

At the same time, he stepped back a few steps and sat down on the ground.

"Who am I, where am I, this fucking pervert!"

Zhou Suyi's mind is buzzing at the moment, and she has some doubts about life.

With the strength of the knife just now, she is confident that she can cut a gap in the earth dragon she encountered before, but this knife only cut off a layer of black hair of the rice dumpling, and did not hurt him. It's outrageous.

The black hair on this thing is even harder than steel.

"Brother Yang, you're awesome!" Fatty Wang next to him raised his thumbs in admiration.

Even though Zhou Suyi was bounced back and sat on the ground, it didn't affect his admiration at all.

After all, he and Hu Bayi have dealt with zongzi before, and they know how terrible this thing is, even if they are blown up with dynamite, they may not be killed.

This thing is a bug-level monster produced by nature.

"Fatty, lock the corpse." Hu Bayi greeted.

Fatty Wang had already prepared, and took out a ball of red rope from his backpack.

These ropes have been soaked in cinnabar and other items, and they are specially used to deal with things like zongzi corpses.

The two cooperated tacitly, and threw it directly at one end.

Hu Bayi took it, and then the two quickly circled around the rice dumplings.

That zongzi was probably a little dazed by Zhou Suyi's blow, and he probably never thought that someone could touch him by smashing it.

It's outrageous, very outrageous.

In a dazed effort, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang had already circled the zongzi twice.

This thing really works.

The red string made contact with the black hair on the zongzi, making a crackling sound, just like the feeling of taking off a sweater in winter, crackling.

Zongzi was not stimulated, and began to struggle hard.

"Hold it!"

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang couldn't bear it when Zongzi tried hard.

The veins on the arms of the two of them bulged, and they used all their strength to feed, but their bodies still slid towards the rice dumpling involuntarily.

"I'll help you!"

Zhou Suyi stood up from the ground.

Gritting his teeth, he felt that this thing was the same thing. Although it was in human form, how was it different from those monsters?
As long as you don't know magic or anything, you'll be fine.

Immediately, she was no longer afraid, mistook the zongzi for a big centipede or a big beetle, and rushed over.

When he got close, he jumped up suddenly, held the knife in both hands and raised it high, and slashed down on the Rentian Linggai facing the rice dumpling.

"I can't believe your brain is so hard!"


With a loud shout, Zhou Suyi's [-]% strength was poured into the ancient black gold knife, coupled with the gravity from top to bottom, it chopped directly on the top of Zongzi's head.


(End of this chapter)

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