Chapter 337 Kneel Down For Me
Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang struggled to control the black-haired zongzi with the red line, and Zhou Suyi fell directly from the sky, which was a sword technique that fell from the sky with one move.

Whether it should be said or not, the cooperation of the three people is still very tacit.

Zhou Suyi poured [-]% of his strength into this knife, it was just a lump of iron, and Zhou Suyi had the confidence to cut it in two.

When the sound.

When the blade made contact with the head of the black-haired rice dumpling, sparks flew everywhere.

A large piece of black hair nearby was cut open in an instant, and the blade was directly submerged in a small section. However, the huge shock force made Zhou Suyi's tiger's mouth explode, and the knife was instantly released, and the person also flew to the side out.

"Good job!"

Fatty Wang shouted excitedly.

This knife almost split the head of the black-haired rice dumpling into two pieces directly from the middle.

"Miss Yang, are you okay?"

It was Hu Bayi who was caring and cared about Zhou Suyi's safety.

Zhou Suyi's body turned over in the air and landed firmly on the ground. It was only the pain in her hands that made her gasp, but at this moment she didn't dare to check her injuries at all, but stared nervously at the black-haired rice dumpling.

At this moment, the ancient black gold knife was chopped on the head of the black-haired rice dumpling, about three or four centimeters deep, and a small piece of the black hair on the top was cut off, and the head of the black-haired rice dumpling was slightly separated towards the sides, as if it was about to bloom same.

"How is it, are you dead?" Zhou Suyi asked nervously.

At this moment, the black-haired rice dumpling was still standing there, although it was motionless, it was still very pervasive.

"Should be... dead, his brain is open." Fatty Wang said with some uncertainty.

Hu Bayi didn't speak, just stared nervously.

"Damn it, sister Zhou is awesome, she opened a scoop of a rice dumpling with a knife, and the dick exploded."

"This is Zongzi. It feels normal. It's done. I thought I'd have to beat it for a while. It's boring."

"Bad review, this zongzi is not tasty at all."

"The promised corpse king was born, is this all?"

"Hey, let's just say, for so long, I always thought that Zongzi was the ceiling of this game's combat power, but it turned out that it was done, and I was somewhat disappointed."


Netizens were a little disappointed when they saw that the zongzi was easily handled just a few minutes after it came out.

In fact, this game is originally a tomb robbery game. Zongzi has never been seen before, and it has never appeared. The last time it was on the big banyan tree, it was just a monster created by the scorpion technique, not a Zongzi.

Now that a zongzi finally came out, I thought it was going to be a [-]-round fight. After all, the scenes of this battle are much better than watching martial arts movies.

But who would have thought that the trio could be settled so easily.

This was much worse than their expectations, so they were a little disappointed.

But Zhou Suyi didn't feel disappointed, her heart was beating wildly, just thinking that this knife really killed this thing.

However, God did not wish.

The next moment, the black-haired rice dumpling suddenly went berserk.


It suddenly let out a loud roar, recovered from the short-lived dead state, and then the red rope suddenly tightened.

Before Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi could react, they flew towards the zongzi.

"Fuck me." Fatty Wang was numb.

The sudden jerk almost broke his arm.

"Fatty, let go!" Hu Bayi hurriedly reminded, otherwise, Fatty Wang might really have forgotten to let go.

If this is pulled over, it will be a big trouble.

The two quickly let go, but the huge inertia still pulled them over.

All the red strings on the black-haired zongzi burst into pieces suddenly, and then they jumped towards Fatty Wang.

This jump directly landed in front of Fatty Wang, and his big feet stepped directly on Fatty Wang.

Fatty Wang's face turned green.

Hastily rolled to the side.

Zhou Suyi's face changed drastically, "Is this not dead?"

She is all numb.

At this moment, Zongzi still had a black gold ancient knife stuck on his head, and it seemed extremely strange to just jump around like this.

However, seeing that Fatty Wang was about to die, both Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi were anxious.

Hu Bayi hurriedly opened fire.

Although the bullets were useless, the huge impact force could make Zongzi pause and buy Fatty Wang some time.

Zhou Suyi didn't waste anything, she just threw her hands at the zongzi.

Her tiger's mouth has just been shattered, and a lot of blood has been shed, and it is not wasted now.

Although I don't know if the blood will be of any use to the black-haired zongzi, but let's talk about it now.

Bright red blood drops moved towards the black-haired rice dumpling, and dripped on the black-haired rice dumpling's body.

sizzle sizzle...

The red blood drop is not like fresh blood, it is clearly like a red-hot iron ball, after touching the black hair of the black-haired rice dumpling, it immediately burned the surrounding black hair to ashes.

In just a few moments, several scorched marks appeared on the body of the black-haired rice dumpling.

The black-haired rice dumpling howled in pain as if feeling great pain, then turned around and ran away.

"Fuck, is this cursed blood so awesome?"

Fatty Wang was shocked.

He knew the horror of this thing, but now he was scared away by some blood, which was outrageous.

At this moment, he thought about looking for a hairy Muchen Bead, let's live a short life, with this precious blood, what kind of bicycle do you need.

Hu Bayi was also shocked.

I have seen the power of this blood before, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful, and it has such a good effect on zongzi.

"Brother Yang, keep spreading, don't let him run away!" Fatty Wang got up and shouted excitedly, took out a dagger at the same time, and shouted at Hu Bayi: "Old Hu, what are you looking at? Hurry up and bleed."

Hu Bayi also reacted, and directly let the blood out without saying a word.

You can't let someone else's woman stand in front of you.

Moreover, although the zongzi was running around here, but did not leave, it was obvious that they would attack them when they recovered.

Zhou Suyi's face was full of surprise, "Is this Qilin bloodline so awesome?"

She is really excited.

I think before the next game, can I get a few blood packs and save them, and when I go to the grave, just sprinkle blood all the way, it is not easy to pass the level.

"Well, it's a good way!"

Then, seeing Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang cut his palms, Zhou Suyi's eyes became extremely strange.

Well, a lie always needs to be explained by countless lies, it seems that these two children are being fooled.

But then, she thought of something, and her face instantly became terrified, "Don't!"

She yelled no, but it was too late.

Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi caught up with the black-haired zongzi directly, and the blood on their hands was scattered towards the black-haired zongzi.

"Hey, Zongzi, look at your precious blood, kneel down for me!" Fatty Wang made an air, as if he had the absolute upper hand.

There seemed to be a hint of panic in Zongzi's eyes.

The blood just now really made him feel the fear from the bottom of his heart. Seeing the blood of these two people also sprinkled towards him, Zongzi trembled in fright.

There is no one who can make a zongzi tremble with fright.

Even the netizens who watched the live broadcast were stunned, who is the zongzi and who is the hunter, this blood is too awesome.

Then, the blood of the two of them was sprinkled on the body of the black-haired rice dumpling.

If Zongzi could still pee, he would probably be scared to pee at this moment.

However, when the blood was sprinkled on the zongzi, the zongzi froze there...


(End of this chapter)

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