Chapter 338 Come and join me in the rainbow
The black-haired zongzi was forced into a corner by the two of them, black smoke was still rising from his body, and Zhou Suyi's unicorn blood was still playing a certain role.

Seeing that both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang had cut their palms and were about to splatter blood on him, the black-haired rice dumpling really wanted to pee in fright.

If a certain organ can still be used now, it may have already urinated.

At this moment, the black-haired rice dumpling looks like a poor child, while Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi look like two strange millets. This picture seems a bit weird to be true.

Fatty Wang was extremely excited. When did he experience this feeling?

It frightened a zongzi like this.

Then, the blood of the two was sprinkled.

Zongzi's heart is broken and desperate.

However, after sprinkling it on, Zongzi froze for a moment, at the moment he was confused and puzzled.

Because the blood of these two people is useless to him.

Not only was it ineffective, but it could also nourish his corpse energy and allow his damaged black hair to recover quickly, which was exactly the same as ordinary fresh blood.

"Hahaha, kneel down to the fat man, I'll fuck, I'll fuck, I'll fuck..."

What Fatty Wang sprinkled was called a joy, and he didn't care how painful it was. When the blood stopped bleeding, he squeezed it out, wishing to smear the whole body of the black-haired rice dumpling with blood.

Hu Bayi also worked very hard.

In just a moment, the black hairy rice dumpling was covered in blood.

"It's over!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Suyi covered her face, not knowing what to say.

After talking for a long time, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang came to their senses.

"I'm talking about Lao Hu, do you feel that our blood seems useless?" Fatty Wang said with a guilty conscience.


Hu Bayi swallowed, "Not only is it useless, it seems that the injured area has recovered."

The place that had been scorched by Zhou Suyi's blood before had grown new black hairs, as if nothing had happened to him.

And the blood sprinkled on the black-haired zongzi was quickly absorbed by those black-haired zongzi.

Originally, the black hair looked like a steel needle, but now it was shining with a metallic luster.

"What are you still doing, why don't you run away!"

Seeing the two of them standing there in a daze, Zhou Suyi hurriedly yelled.

"Fuck, it really is not old enough!"

The two realized that the situation was not good, and they were about to run away.

However, how could the black-haired rice dumplings fly away from the ducks that were brought to their mouths? They grabbed the necks of the two with their hands raised.

The two felt their necks being pinched by the vise, struggling in pain, and wanted to break the black-haired rice dumpling's hand with their hands, but how could they have the strength of the black-haired rice dumpling.


The black-haired zongzi roared again, several times more powerful than before.

The empty eye sockets stared at the two of them. Although they couldn't see the eyes, they felt that there must be playful eyes in them.

This mother definitely treats them as idiots.

"Ah, this...does it count as replenishing the blood bag for the zongzi..."

"I'm so fucking laughing, these two people are doing it together, and their relationship is replenishing blood for the zongzi."

"Emm, I can't laugh anymore."

"Give these two great brains a thumbs up."

"Sister Zhou's lie, the two of you are fooling around so badly."


Netizens are dumbfounded, and don't know what to say.

Zongzi is bloodthirsty, except for Qilin blood, other blood not only has no effect, but will also increase Zongzi's strength.

"Brother Yang, help, help..." Fatty Wang managed to squeeze out a few words, and the black donkey's hoof in his hand kept hitting the black-haired rice dumpling in the face.

But the black-haired zongzi didn't open his mouth, and his black donkey's hoof couldn't get in at all.

The faces of the two of them were already flushed.

Zhou Suyi hurried over.

Seeing Zhou Suyi approaching, Zongzi was obviously apprehensive, and still had an instinctive fear of Qilin blood, so he immediately threw the two people in his hands over.

Like two cannonballs, the two of them collided towards Zhou Suyi.

Zhou Suyi had strange eyes, she could only dodge and avoid it.

Then run to the black-haired zongzi again.

While the blood is still flowing now, it must not be wasted.

At the same time as the past, he raised his palms, and the blood beads flew towards the black-haired rice dumpling again.

However, the black-haired zongzi knew the power of the blood beads, so he didn't confront Zhou Suyi at all, and turned around and ran away.

This zongzi seems to have wisdom, unlike ordinary zongzi who can only be reckless.

"Fuck, I can still run!"

Zhou Suyi was a little depressed.

Is this a zongzi or a human? He seriously doubts whether there is a living person under the black hair.

"Don't run, stop for me!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly chased after her.

The black-haired zongzi ignored him and ran back and forth around the tomb. His speed was so fast that even Zhou Suyi couldn't catch up.

Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi fell out and hit the sarcophagus just in time.


This time the force was not small, and it directly knocked down the sarcophagus.

With a bang, the sarcophagus fell to the ground, and the lid of the coffin was immediately opened.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Suyi in the distance was numb.

She looked over in panic, and saw a shriveled corpse rolling out of the sarcophagus.

"Fuck, let people live!"

She was going to scold her mother in her heart.

A black-haired zongzi is difficult enough to deal with, if another sentence pops up, then just give up.

"Calm down, calm down, not all coffins can cheat corpses, yes, not all coffins can cheat corpses." Zhou Suyi comforted herself in her heart.

But what to be afraid of.

The corpse that fell out quickly grew a layer of white hair, just like white hairy tofu.


Zhou Suyi gasped.

At this moment, my heart is a little broken.

Destroy it, destroy it all.

How can this damn play.

Now this black one is tough enough, and now there is another white one, if there are really nine corpses here, wouldn't there be a rainbow of colors?
Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang fell to the ground, the pain made them burst into tears, and it felt like several bones in their bodies were broken.

However, before they could react, Zhou Suyi hurriedly yelled: "Old Hu, fat man, hurry up, put the black donkey's hoof into it before the white-haired corpse is recovered."

Although I don't know if the black donkey's hoof is really useful, but there is no good way at the moment.

Her blood has stopped bleeding.

The mechanism of the game is still very strict, it is impossible to let her have blood flowing all the time, even if it can continue to flow, it is not far from death.

Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were taken aback for a moment.

"Old Hu, what are you talking about, Brother Yang? What white hair?"

Hu Bayi's reaction was quick, and he looked back suddenly, only to see a white-haired corpse lying on the ground.

"Fuck me!"

At this moment, Hu Bayi couldn't care less about the pain, and jumped up from the ground.

"Fatty, black donkey's hooves."

Seeing Hu Bayi's reaction so fiercely, Fatty Wang quickly jumped up. When he saw the white-haired zongzi, his legs went limp and he almost lay down on the ground again.


(End of this chapter)

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