Chapter 340

Hu Bayi managed the white-haired zongzi, which made Zhou Suyi very pleased. Finally, there was a reliable one. Looking at Fatty Wang who was still wandering around, she sighed inwardly.

It's really not enough for success, but more than failure.

"You did a great job, old Hu is awesome, you are indeed my male god."

"It makes me want to marry Lao Hu."

"This white-haired one just makes up the numbers, it's far worse than that black-haired one."

"Don't feel it, it's the truth. If it's black-haired, it's impossible to handle it so easily. Even the ancient black gold knife can't break through the defense."

"Do you think there is a more vicious zongzi in that wooden coffin?"

"It's very possible, after all, the formula is there. Yinzi's coffin, bronze coffin, the horoscope is not hard to come to the front."


Netizens were kneeling and watching the live broadcast. It was really thrilling and exciting. There was no urine point during the whole process, which made people's nerves tense all the time.

Wang Bing originally led the team into the tomb passage, but when he arrived at the position of Tianmen, he still hesitated.

With their equipment, they were able to watch the current live broadcast. Seeing that Zhou Suyi's guns were useless against black-haired rice dumplings, they couldn't help being cautious.

Their most powerful weapons are guns, and small grenades.

But here, grenades are absolutely impossible to use easily.

And the gun is useless to the zongzi, they basically give it for nothing when they go in, even if there are many people, it is useless.

"Captain, what should we do? Can't we also get a few black donkey hooves?" Some team members said depressingly.

Although he is a special soldier, he is not afraid of anything, but he is definitely not stupid.

Wang Bing's complexion was extremely complicated. Before they came, they had done some homework, such as how to deal with those big toads, those slugs and that giant monster.

However, I really didn't think about how to deal with zongzi.

This thing, without seeing it with your own eyes, who would have thought that it really existed, so, I really didn't make any plans for this thing.

"Hey, just sit back and wait, I hope the two people who go in can get rid of the zongzi inside!" Wang Bing said.

"But, those two people are just ordinary people, can they really handle it?"

Wang Bing shrugged helplessly, "I hope, we have no other good solution except this, after all, we are not Lin Daoren."

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Inside the tomb.

The chase is still going on.

Zhou Suyi felt a little tired, but the black-haired zongzi was tireless at all.

Hey, run after me.

If you stop, I will stop too.

This made Zhou Suyi feel like she was being played.

This feeling annoyed him.

"You're a fucking zombie, you're a zongzi, what a fart you are!" She yelled, feeling a little frustrated.

Because of the time spent, the wound on the palm has begun to heal.

After a while, I have to cut my own mouth again, and it feels really uncomfortable.

The pain wasn't too painful, and it was bearable, but the psychological pressure of putting a knife on myself was enormous.

The black-haired zongzi didn't even reply when she scolded her, but ran ahead with a knife stuck in her head, which looked ridiculous.

Who would have thought that such a funny thing would be an extremely terrifying thing.


Inside the tomb.

The third master and Dao Scarian also stared at the three coffins. The third master's words were similar to Hu Bayi's guess, and they all saw some clues.

"Third Lord, there is a bronze mirror on this coffin, it looks like it should be very valuable!" Scarface looked at the bronze mirror attached to the bronze coffin, and his eyes gleamed.

They rob tombs for money, valuable things, and things that can be taken away, all of which are taken away without any psychological pressure.

He was about to pry it open, but the third master kicked it.

"Stinky boy, you don't want to live anymore, dare to touch that bronze mirror!"

Scarface staggered from being kicked, but he was not angry, "Third Lord, what's so special about this bronze mirror?"

"The people inside the bronze coffin must be the owner of the corpse after death, and the owner in this coffin is not only contained in the bronze coffin, but also locked with nine bronze locks. It can be seen that the things inside must be the murderer. The mirror is a bronze mirror for suppressing corpses, with this bronze mirror, the owner inside can still be suppressed, once the bronze mirror is taken away, we both have to confess here today!" The third master said solemnly.

"Ah, so, so fierce!" Dao Scar's face was frightened for a while, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He still chooses to believe unconditionally in the words of the third master.

"Third Master, then, what should we do? There are so many coffins, and we can't be sure which one is dedicated to the king unless we open them!" Dao Scar said with a face.

For tomb robbers, opening a coffin is an extremely exciting and surprising thing, just like opening a courier or a blind box.

No grave robber can resist this temptation.

The third master did not answer, and carefully observed the tomb, "Nine long-burning lamps correspond to nine corpses, plus these three guide boys who made it into the stage, there must be six corpses. The three people here are not hidden at all." , It is probably a set prepared for tomb robbers, the corpses inside must be the murderer, once you can't help but be tempted to open the coffin, you will be close to death."

Hearing this, the cold sweat on Scarface's forehead grew even more.

He was terrified in his heart, if there was no third master, he would definitely open the coffin when he got here, and at that time, even the gods might not be able to save him.

But after thinking about it, I felt that I was worrying too much. Without the third master, he would have died a long time ago, and it was impossible for him to come here.

"Then what should we do?" Scarface asked.

The third master said: "Look, there must be other coffins and corpses hidden here. As for the corpse of Xian Wang, it must be hidden deeper, and it is hidden in an unexpected place. As for these three coffins, don't touch them all."

"Okay, listen to the third master!"

The two began to search in the ancient tomb.

As for Wang Bing and the others who were waiting outside, they had been waiting to hear what happened inside.

If there were zongzi, there would be a fight, and as long as there was a fight, there would be a lot of noise, but they waited outside for a long time, but they didn't hear any movement, which was a bit strange.

Could it be that there are no zongzi in reality, and they are all fabricated in the game?
However, with the level of urine in this game, is this possible?

This made them unable to make a choice for a while.

Zhou Suyi stopped and stopped chasing her. If she kept chasing like this, she would never be able to catch up. It was a waste of energy, but with this zongzi watching over her, they couldn't do anything.

This thing is very thieves, it is obvious that the gate is there, but it does not run outside, just circles with them here, it is clear, when her blood is exhausted, then kill people.

This method is very low-level, but it is very practical at present. They really have no good way to deal with this thing, which puts them in a dilemma.


(End of this chapter)

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