Chapter 341 Angry to death
Zhou Suyi was really going crazy. She thought Zongzi had a strong fighting power and amazing defense, which was scary enough, but who would have thought that this thing would have a brain.

I'm not afraid that the zongzi is uneducated, but I'm afraid that the zongzi will grow brains, this damn feels a little uncomfortable.

"Old Hu, help me stop it!"

Zhou Suyi could only call for help.

Now that Hu Bayi has finished with the white-haired zongzi, he can just spare his hand to help her.

"it is good!"

Hu Bayi didn't talk nonsense, he directly took out a bundle of ropes, quickly tied a noose and threw it on the ground, "Look for a chance, drive him into the noose."

"Well, a good way." Zhou Suyi nodded, thinking that Hu Bayi was still reliable.

As for Fatty Wang, she didn't even bother to talk about it.

This guy really didn't succeed enough, he failed more than he did, and he's still going around in circles.

Immediately, Zhou Suyi chased after her again.

As soon as she chased him, the black-haired rice dumpling immediately started running, Zhou Suyi spilled blood to the side, blocking the black-haired rice dumpling's path, and then drove the black-haired rice dumpling into the trap set by Hu Bayi.

Soon, the zongzi came near the noose.

"Step on, step on!" Hu Bayi looked forward to it, and immediately tightened the noose as soon as the black-haired zongzi fell into it, creating opportunities for Zhou Suyi.

However, seeing the black-haired zongzi reach the edge of the noose, after pausing for a moment, he seemed to raise his eyes to look at Hu Bayi, and there seemed to be a little disdain in Kong Dong's eye sockets, and that look seemed to say, you motherfucker I'm so stupid.

When you set up a trap in front of Lao Tzu, and you still want Lao Tzu to jump in, do you really think that Lao Tzu is an idiot?
Then whoosh jumped over.

"Fuck me." Hu Bayi couldn't help scolding his mother.

He and Fatty Wang had seen zongzi before, and even killed one with their own hands. They knew that this thing had no brains at all and relied on brute force, but now this one, why does he feel that it still retains a sliver of wisdom?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. No matter how powerful the zongzi is, it is still a dead thing. It is impossible to have a mind of its own. It must be a coincidence, and I am just thinking too much." Hu Bayi warned himself in his heart.

It would be terrible if Zongzi had wisdom.

The combat power and defense power of this thing itself is strong enough. If it still has wisdom, wouldn't it be invincible in the world? No matter how powerful the tomb robber is, it is impossible to beat it.

Zhou Suyi was also a little depressed.

"Come again!"

But she did not give up and continued to chase.

Then, after turning around, it came to the position of the noose again.

Hu Bayi was so nervous at the moment, his hands were clenched into fists, his palms were covered with sweat, "Stomp on it, step on it, you must step on it!"

The black-haired zongzi came to the noose again, stood outside the noose, then looked up at Hu Bayi, and then even opened his mouth to spit.

"Fuck me!"

Hu Bayi felt despised again.

"Damn it, this thing must have maintained a certain level of intelligence." This time Hu Bayi was almost sure.

Moreover, this zongzi is very cheap to your mother, deliberately playing them here.

"Ah... how do I feel, the eyes of the black-haired rice dumpling are full of contempt."

"Zongzi: Setting up a trap in front of me is somewhat insulting to Zongzi."

"My mother was quite scared at first, but I couldn't help but want to laugh when I was teased like this."

"This zongzi is too smart. It's hard to say that he didn't die completely and still retains the memory of his life, or that he has died and has produced a new spiritual wisdom."

"I think it should be the latter. After so many years, how could he still not die?"


For netizens, zongzi is a new species. No one understands this kind of thing. It is probably a Taoist priest who can't explain why.

Because even a Taoist priest must have never seen a real zongzi.

Zhou Suyi looked at this scene and scratched her hair, really going crazy.

Stop chasing, stop chasing.

Are you chasing a fart, this ghost thing is very evil, and most importantly, it can make people's temper soar.

It was originally fear, but now it is only madness.

"Don't pay attention to him, anyway, as long as I still have blood, he won't dare to approach, let's continue to do what we should do!" Zhou Suyi said.

Although it is said that with this zongzi watching by his side, he would panic about doing anything, but at least his own blood made this thing afraid, so he didn't dare to approach it, so just stay like this.

"I can only do this!" Hu Bayi immediately moved forward, "Miss Yang, give me some of your blood."

It's really unreliable not to have some Zhou Suyi's blood on her body, and if she is attacked by this thing when she is doing something later, it will be bad.

"Okay." Zhou Suyi was not stingy, and wiped the blood on Hu Bayi's body. With this blood, Hu Bayi's heart immediately became more at ease.

"Give some to the fat man, this guy has been poisoned by the corpse, but it's not serious." Hu Bayi still hasn't forgotten his good brother.

Zhou Suyi nodded helplessly.

Then the two looked for the fat man, and then there was nothing more.

They saw that Fatty Wang was giggling while hugging the cellar coffin.

"Hey, brother, you are my brother. From now on, if anyone dares to bully you, I will never end with him!" Fatty Wang felt as if he had drunk too much.

Zhou Suyi felt her scalp explode instantly.

Because she saw that the coffin lid of Yinzi's coffin had been lifted, and a bloody hand protruded from inside.

At this moment, Fatty Wang was still reaching in to grab the bloody hand, "Brother, how much have you drank, get up, come, come, drink again."

"Fatty, your uncle!"

Hu Bayi reacted quickly, and rushed over with a whoosh, kicked Fatty Wang's ass, and kicked Fatty Wang directly to the ground.

Fortunately, the hands of the two did not touch each other.

Zhou Suyi was numb.

Who knows this feeling.

I worked hard to beat zombies in the front, and then released water for others here in the back. I thought there were not enough zongzi, so I released another one.

It seems to hit someone.

Do not……

I really want to kill someone.

If it weren't for the moral bottom line, she would have given Fatty Wang a knife now.

Fortunately, Hu Bayi reacted fairly quickly, and hurriedly picked up the coffin lid. He didn't know where the strength came from, and he directly lifted the heavy coffin lid and buckled it down.


The bloody hand was instantly pressed back.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Suyi felt relieved.

The same person, the same Captain Mojin, how can there be such a big gap in life.

Fatty Wang got up from the ground, like a drunk who had drunk too much, and was still cursing.

"His grandma, you bastard from over there, you dare to hit me, you still dare to lock up my brother, I'll fight you the fuck out, brother, brother, come out, let's beat him together, beat him!"


(End of this chapter)

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