Chapter 343 The Key
According to Hu Bayi, ten lamps correspond to ten corpses, but the total number of known corpses here is not that many, which makes Zhou Suyi think that there must be a coffin hidden somewhere.

Just like the coffin hidden below.

Although the coffin was special, it was not necessarily the King Xian.

King Xian is so shrewd and has made so many arrangements, it is impossible for someone to find him easily, otherwise, he would not be King Xian.

This old boy may not have done much, but in order to become a fairy, he is absolutely proficient in such weird things.

"Okay, let's stop being dazed, go down and have a look, I feel that Mr. Xian Wang must be below." Fatty Wang couldn't wait.

"Then go down and have a look, but you have to leave someone on top!" Hu Bayi looked fearfully at the black-haired zongzi who was still eyeing him.

If this thing is not removed, it will always be a disaster, but now there is nothing to do with it.

"Ahem, um, I, Fatty Master, I'm not afraid, I'm just interested in opening the coffin, so, Fatty Master, I have to go down." Fatty Wang said with a guilty conscience.

What a joke, staying on top and facing that black-haired rice dumpling alone, isn't it a joke?

"Ahem, um, I, I don't think I'm good either." Hu Bayi couldn't find any good excuses, so he could only tell the truth.

Zhou Suyi sighed, "Okay, I'll stay on top, you two go down, pay attention to safety, if the situation is not good, close the coffin lid quickly, don't make another one, it's really too much."

"Don't worry, Fatty has always been lucky, and there will be no problems." Fatty Wang assured, patting his chest.

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, and looked at Fatty Wang speechlessly, do you really have no self-knowledge at all?

"Go, both of you, I'll watch over it."

"Okay, Brother Yang, just wait for the good news of our victory." Fatty Wang immediately started to fix it with ropes, and then climbed down with Hu Bayi.

The height of about ten meters is not very high, and the two soon climbed down.

Zhou Suyi stayed on it alone, looking at the surrounding environment, she was still a little apprehensive, especially the black-haired zongzi, who was hiding in the corner.

The black hair all over his body seems to be integrated with the darkness, as if to launch a fatal blow at any time.

"Damn it!" Zhou Suyi cursed, but she could only be helpless and furious, "Oh, my knife!"

She looked at the black gold ancient knife with some regret, it was her most convenient weapon, and now it was left on the head of the black-haired rice dumpling, and she always felt uneasy.


At this moment, the sound of fingernails scratching the wall sounded again in the tomb, and that sound made Zhou Suyi's hair stand on end.

She thought it was below, so she hurriedly looked down.

As soon as the two of them went down, they were not in a hurry to open the crystal coffin, but went to the bronze coffin to check if there were funeral objects inside.

"The sound didn't come from below!"

Zhou Suyi frowned, and suddenly looked at the Yinzi coffin next to her.


That's right, the sound came from inside the cellar's coffin.

At the same time, the coffin lid swayed on Weiwei Bridge.

"Fuck, don't, big brother, can't you just stay inside honestly at this time, can't you just come out and join in the fun?" Zhou Suyi felt like her scalp was about to explode.

The black-haired zongzi in the bronze coffin were tricky enough, if the things in the cellar's coffin escaped again, they would definitely die.

Even if her blood has some restraint effect on those zongzi, it is absolutely impossible for a long time.

If the things inside run out, then there is no way to survive.

"No, no, it's impossible for this game to have such a mortal level, there must be something wrong." Zhou Suyi frowned.

Before, she had been chasing black-haired rice dumplings without thinking calmly, but now that she stopped, she began to think about the mechanism of the game.

Coming from the ancient city of Jingjue, there is no level that is absolutely unsolvable.

Even, many levels that seem absolutely unsolvable can be easily passed as long as you find the trick to break the level.

If so, then this level should not be unsolvable.

However, so many zongzi ran out together, which is obviously unsolvable.

That white-haired zongzi was alright, its combat power was not strong, so it was dealt with as soon as it came out.

However, one black-haired zongzi can wipe out the three of them, plus the blood-stained zongzi in the cellar coffin, it looks hard to deal with, and the crystal coffin below, if there are zongzi in it, it is definitely not good a good match.

So the question is, where is the problem?

"What's the secret to breaking through?"

At this moment, Zhou Suyi frowned, and began to think quickly, recalling everything that happened from entering here to now.

This time since entering here, I haven't failed once, so I didn't pay attention to many details.

Ever since I came in, my nerves have been tense, and I have no time to think.

After calming down now, I really thought of something.

"I remembered that the first time the bronze coffin made a sound was when Fatty Wang removed the ancient mirror from the coffin. It seems that since the ancient mirror was removed, the black-haired zongzi inside began to act like a demon." It's hard, the bronze mirror is the key?" Zhou Suyi's eyes brightened.

Before, Hu Bayi asked Fatty Wang to put the bronze mirror where it came from, but Fatty Wang didn't seem to do that, and he didn't know where he stuffed the bronze mirror.

If the bronze mirror really has a restraining effect on these zongzi, it will be a big killer for them, a big killer for solving the current predicament.

bang bang bang...

The coffin lid of the cellar coffin vibrated even more violently, as if the things inside might come out at any time.

It is different from the bronze coffin.

Bronze coffins were originally used to hold corpses that had undergone corpse changes after death, while the cellar coffin itself was extremely yin, and would constantly nourish the corpses inside.

Even if it is an ordinary corpse, if it is placed in the cellar's coffin for a long time, it will definitely be a fraud.

As long as you come into contact with popularity, you will slowly wake up, which is slower than the black-haired rice dumplings in the bronze coffin.

Zhou Suyi was shocked, and hurriedly shouted down: "Fatty, where's the bronze mirror? Where did you put it?"

Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi searched in the bronze coffin, but they didn't find any funerary objects. Cursing and swearing in disappointment, they came to the crystal coffin and prepared to open it.

This crystal coffin exudes a faint light, as if it was made of a night pearl, it is not an ordinary thing at first glance.

Hearing Zhou Suyi's words, Fatty Wang replied: "Hey, Brother Yang, you also think that bronze mirror is a treasure, hehe, don't worry, I put it in my backpack and must take it out."

"Give it to me quickly!" Zhou Suyi said anxiously.

At this moment, the voice behind him became more and more urgent.

What's more, the black-haired zongzi in the corner is also eager to try, as if they are waiting for the things in Yinzi's coffin to come out, and then attack them together.


(End of this chapter)

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