Chapter 344
Zhou Suyi was really anxious, the contents of the cellar's coffin could come out at any time, just seeing a bloody hand before, she felt that the contents were terrifying.

If you do run out, it's all over.

Fatty Wang was stunned, "I said Brother Yang, what do you want this mirror for? It's hard to find in this ancient tomb, and you still need to put on some makeup."

"I love you, uncle, hurry up!" Zhou Suyi scolded angrily, with her heart in her throat.

Seeing Zhou Suyi's serious face, Hu Bayi knew that there must be something important.

Immediately ignored Fatty Wang, and went directly to look through Fatty Wang's backpack.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't worry, don't break it!"

Good guy, once this backpack is opened, there are all kinds of odds and ends inside.

There are a lot of small items of gold, jade, and emerald.

Hu Bayi was speechless.

He didn't even see when Fatty Wang took these things.

Fatty Wang was not embarrassed when he saw that his stuff was exposed, "It's not my fault, Hu, think about it, we can only go in and out during this period of time, and you still have to send money to your comrades-in-arms and their families. We really don't have much money , I use these things to subsidize the family."


Hu Bayi didn't say much, and hurriedly found the bronze mirror.

"Miss Yang, go on."

He threw it upwards violently, and Zhou Suyi quickly caught it.

At this time, bright red blood flowed out of the cellar coffin, which was sticky and gave off a stench that made people sick.

Obviously, the things inside are about to be completely revived.

Immediately, without saying a word, Zhou Suyi ran directly to Yinzi's coffin.

A muffled sound.

The coffin lid flew upwards, but Zhou Suyi also arrived.

In desperation, he flew up, jumped directly onto the coffin lid, stepped on the coffin lid again, and then the bronze mirror was directly buckled on the coffin lid.

There was another bang, and the coffin lid closed again.

And that black-haired rice dumpling seemed to have spotted the right opportunity, and rushed towards it.

Zhou Suyi raised her head abruptly, making a gesture of shaking her hands.

The black-haired rice dumpling was startled, and jumped back with a whoosh.

Strange to say.

As soon as the bronze mirror was fastened to it, the restless thing inside the coffin immediately settled down.

As if nothing had happened just now.

Zhou Suyi let out a long breath, unknowingly her forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"It's dangerous, luckily I guessed it right." Zhou Suyi rejoiced secretly.

At the same time, he was a little depressed, "Fatty Wang, why do you owe him so much!"

Looking at it now, if Fatty Wang hadn't tilted the bronze mirror from the coffin, nothing would have happened.

That terrifying black-haired zongzi will not get away, and his black gold ancient knife will not be lost until now.

Thinking of this, I want to kill Fatty Wang even more.

"Miss Yang, are you okay?" Hu Bayi's voice came from below.

Obviously, they also heard the huge movement made by the coffin lid just now.

Zhou Suyi replied: "It's okay, it's done!"

"It's fine!"

Zhou Suyi jumped down from the cellar coffin, and after confirming that the things inside were really suppressed by the bronze mirror, she was completely relieved, walked to the position of the big pit, and looked down.

"We are ready to open the coffin!" Seeing Zhou Suyi approaching, Hu Bayi was completely relieved, and continued to prepare for the opening of the coffin.

"En!" Zhou Suyi nodded.

This coffin is very special. The blue fluorescence on the ancient coffin is particularly obvious. The whole coffin is as smooth as a mirror, like a piece of blue ice from the depths of the ice sea, shining with a charming luster.

Even if this coffin is taken out alone, it will become the treasure of the town hall. I don't know where Mr. Xianwang got so many good things.

"My God, this coffin is not carved out of a huge night pearl, is it? This is too extravagant."

"How can this offering king, He De, get so many good things?"

"The emperor dreams of conquering the world, leaving his name in history, and the king dedicated to cultivating immortals and building ancient tombs. Can this be compared?"

"It's just too dangerous. It has to be Sister Zhou. It's incredible that she hasn't died once this time."

"It fully proves that Sister Zhou is getting more and more proficient in playing this game now. If I were to die, I would probably die [-] times without getting through it. That black-haired one would torture me [-] times."


Feelings of emotion, admiration of admiration.

But it's not as exciting as it was before, there's no way, everyone has experienced big scenes now, and no matter how dangerous the scene is, they can completely hold it.

"Old Hu, what do you think this thing is?" Fatty Wang stroked the coffin, not as cold as it looked.

Hu Bayao: "This should be a stone essence. It is recorded in ancient books that it is a stone found in the valley near the underworld. It is said that there is a stone mill made of stone essence in hell. All the heinous people who fall into the nether world will inevitably die." To be ground by the stone mill, there is a black dog on the ground, just waiting to stick out its tongue to lick the meat sauce that has been ground out, and the remaining minced meat will turn into flies and mosquitoes, be beaten in the world, and never be reborn day."

"I'm stupid, it's so evil, and it's still used as a coffin. Are the people inside really Xianwang?"

Hearing Hu Bayi's words, Fatty Wang began to wonder if there was a King Xian in it.

If it is really Xian Wang, how could he use such a coffin to contain himself, it is too unlucky.

"Forget it, forget about him, I'm happy to open the coffin, and I'll know everything after opening the coffin!" Fatty Wang was eager to try.

Although there are not many coffins that have been opened, this scene has been rehearsed countless times in the dream, and the door is very clear.

There are seven mortise and tenon joints in this coffin, one on the head, three on each side, and none on the bottom.

Fatty Wang did it with great enjoyment, one by one, in a short while, he pried off the coffin lid. Under the coffin lid, there was another layer of isinglass glued together, which had long since died and could only be inserted with a paratrooper knife. Little by little.

After tossing for a while, the coffin lid was finally lifted off.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang immediately became nervous, and Zhou Suyi's heart rose to her throat, for fear that there would be another horrible rice dumpling.

Inside the coffin lies a male corpse, wrapped in white brocade from the neck down, only the head can be seen.
The corpse is relatively well preserved, and even the facial muscles have not collapsed and atrophied. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is lifelike.

However, the appearance of his death is really terrifying, the two eye sockets are deeply sunken, forming two black and reddish holes, the eyeballs have been taken off, and because the eyes are missing in the facial features, it looks extremely frightening and terrifying .

"Fuck, so ugly!" Fatty Wang scolded.

Although Zhou Suyi was on the top, she could see clearly that the death of this corpse was really terrifying.

"There is no stasis of corpse gas, so it should be no problem!" Hu Ba said.

"That's good, that's good!" Zhou Suyi was relieved when she heard this.

But then I saw that Fatty Wang didn't know what evil had caught him. He put a rope around the head of the corpse, pulled it up slightly, and then fell down with a few big cocks.


(End of this chapter)

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