Chapter 345 Strange Corpse
Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi were all stunned, no one thought that Fatty Wang came up without saying a word, and was just forced to go down by a few bullies.

Although this guy kept clamoring to eliminate harm for the people along the way, it happened too suddenly.

"This guy, can't he be possessed by an evil spirit and hasn't recovered yet?" Zhou Suyi seriously wondered if the tongue drop hadn't been resolved before, and now it suddenly happened again.

Hu Bayi was also a little vigilant, after all he didn't know about lowering his head.

If you are not careful, you may follow the trick.

"Fatty, what are you doing?" Hu Bayi questioned.

Fatty Wang stopped and asked, "Old Hu, haven't you seen it yet?"

"What do I see?"

Hu Bayi was dumbfounded by this question, and Zhou Suyi was also dumbfounded.

What the hell is this guy doing.

Fatty Wang showed an expression that you are so stupid, you are so stupid, he didn't even notice, "Look!"

Hu Bayi frowned, what is this fat man doing?

I usually have nothing to say, so why am I still a riddler now?

Then, Fatty Wang swung his arms round this time, and gave another powerful blow to the corpse's face.

This time, the corpse's head turned a few times around its neck, and Gululu rolled to the ground.

"what's the situation?"

Both Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi were dumbfounded.

The corpse is well preserved, so it can be seen that the coffin should have certain characteristics, not only will it not let the corpse rot, but it can also maintain a certain degree of activity.

With such a corpse, it is impossible to slap the head off with a few slaps.

This is a bit outrageous.

Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi looked at Fatty Wang, this guy just kept saying that you haven't seen it yet, he must have seen something himself.

As a result, Fatty Wang was also in a daze.

"Damn, why are you so careless?"

Hu Bayi was speechless for a while, "Fatty, what the hell are you doing, what did you say you saw?"

Fatty Wang scratched his head and smiled mischievously, "Oh, that... I said, didn't you see what I was doing just now? According to the blind fortune teller, when they were fighting each other, when they encountered fresh corpses, they would Wrap it with a corpse rope, and slap it several times."

"Why don't I remember?" Hu Bayi wondered.

Zhou Suyi was even more curious, "What blind man?"

"Hey, that's the old blind man we met in Longling. According to him, if you don't do this, you won't be able to take out the clothes of the corpse and the artifacts in the coffin. I wanted you to see , the head of this zongzi is the same as that of a living person, it should be whipped first, but who would have thought that it would look like paper. It will fall off with a light touch."

"Longling?" Zhou Suyi's eyes were strange, she thought of the news she had seen before.

That was the news that Director Zhang was going to shoot Longling Miku.

Now hearing the news about Long Ling from these two people, their eyes suddenly became strange.

After hearing this, Hu Bayi was a little helpless, "So you mean this, the blind fortune-teller said so, yes, but it's their tricks, they do that to strengthen themselves and calm the dead body, as for not To slap a dead person, and you can’t get them to talk about life if you grab the weapon, it’s a bit self-deceiving, and most of the targets are newly dead people who have just been buried in the grave, so it’s really unnecessary for you to do this.”

Hu Bayi picked up the head that fell on the ground.

The head began to oxidize immediately after leaving the coffin, and there were circles of spiral-shaped dark red blood marks on the edge of the eye sockets. Since the head was constantly turning black and dry, those marks disappeared.

The originally lifelike face began to wither and turn black, and soon became a black coal ball.

"Strange!" Hu Bayi let out a light snort.

"What's so strange?" Fatty Wang asked.

Hu Bayao: "This head has traces of being driven over and tortured with a bowl."

"What do you mean?"

Zhou Suyi was also very curious, she had never heard of this thing.

Hu Bayi continued: "In ancient times, there was a kind of torture tool, shaped like a wine cup, with rotating knife teeth inside. When you put it on a person's eye and turn it, it can gouge out the eyeball alive."


Hearing this punishment, Zhou Suyi felt her eyelids twitch.

This ancient man was really cruel, he could think of any tricks to torture people.

Wait, no.

If this is really offering the king, how could he bear such a perverted punishment? This is unscientific.

If this is the case, then the corpse inside is still not dedicated to the king.

Where is this guy hiding?

Hu Bayi looked carefully again, and saw some clues, "This head is not right. The marks on the neck seem to have been cut off. The reason why it can be easily knocked off is probably because of this. The head was spliced ​​onto the corpse."

"This... So, this corpse should be a prisoner. Moreover, it seems that he has committed some serious crimes. First, his eyes were gouged out, and then his head was beheaded. It's quite miserable." Fatty Wang said.

Hu Bayi shook his head, "Impossible, this is the tomb of King Xian, and everything is related to King Xian. This ghost coffin is buried below, so there must be some kind of meaning, and it will have a lot to do with King Xian." It’s related, King Xian couldn’t just put a prisoner’s corpse here.”

"It makes sense, but I still don't understand why?" Zhou Suyi said.

Everything here can only be analyzed by using the ability of Hu Bayi's ghost writing, so just ask Hu Bayi to find out.

Therefore, Zhou Suyi is not in a hurry, as long as she waits patiently for Hu Bayi's analysis.

"Take off his clothes!" Hu Bayi suddenly said to Fatty Wang.

"Ah? What?" Fatty Wang was stunned for a moment, and looked at Hu Bayi suspiciously, thinking that he had heard it wrong, "I said, Lao Hu, although we are Captain Mojin, we can't have that quirk of refining corpses. , besides, this is a male corpse!"


Hu Bayi stared at Fatty Wang's head, "You're thinking about all the nasty things in your head, just do it if you're told, you're a fool!"

"Okay, but, Lao Hu, I still have to persuade you."

Before he finished speaking, Hu Bayi raised his hand again, and Fatty Wang quickly swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"Fatty Wang is really unreliable. If I were Lao Hu, I wouldn't be relieved if I hit him eight times a day."

"What's on my mind, I'm really convinced."

"I feel that there is something wrong with this corpse. The three coffins above are all fraudulent corpses. Only this one is not fraudulent. There must be a serious problem."

"It can't really be Xian Wang's corpse, it's just a surprise, maybe Xian Wang has been killed long ago, there is no such thing as becoming a fairy, it's just a way to deceive people."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. You can question King Xian's ability, but you must not question King Xian's efforts to become an immortal."


Netizens also started talking about it, saying everything, but they were all curious about the only corpse that didn't have a fake corpse.

Immediately, Fatty Wang cut open the corpse's clothes.

When the corpse's clothes were cut open, Zhou Suyi and the others all stared wide-eyed with disbelief on their faces.


(End of this chapter)

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