Chapter 346 Unexplainable
After the clothes on the corpse were cut open, Zhou Suyi and the three of them were all dumbfounded, some couldn't believe it.

Hidden under the clothes turned out to be a golden skeleton, except for the spine and waist and hips, there were still a few human heads.

The rest of the parts are filled with gold, without any trace of flesh.

This half-bone half-gold cavity frame seems to be due to the high degree of decay of the bones, almost all of them turned into mud and air, and they were artificially arranged and pieced together to create a set of golden bones.

"What's the situation, this King Xian is so miserable that there's not even a whole body left?" Fatty Wang wondered.

Hu Bayi looked at the corpse carefully, and said lightly, "The ribs on the left side are missing a few, and it seems that they didn't fill them up on purpose."

"Hey, it's probably rotten to dust, that's why it disappeared." Fatty Wang said.

Hu Bayi shook his head, thinking it was not that simple.

Zhou Suyi didn't make too many guesses, it all depends on Hu Bayi, so she asked, "Old Hu, why do you say that?"

Hu Bayi didn't answer in a hurry, but thought and slowly sorted out the clues. After a long time, he said: "I seem to understand, this is the appearance of the bones that were tortured before death. It seems that the ancient corpse in the ghost coffin , is to use the coffin owners of the three coffins in the tomb to form a corpse."

"It's put together? Isn't this a pain in the ass?" Fatty Wang sneered.

"Fatty, don't talk, let the old Hu finish!" Zhou Suyi gave him a glare.

Hu Bayi ignored Fatty Wang, and continued: "We have already thought about it before. In three sets of special-shaped coffins from different periods, there are three nobles who were sentenced to death. Although they were executed, they were still given gifts to enjoy and give birth With the same burial system, they are all identified as King Xian’s previous life, which means that he has gone through three prisons, and they are the shadow bones left in the underworld before he became an immortal."

Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang were stunned, completely unaware of the reason for such unnecessary actions.

Without waiting for them to ask, Hu Bayi took the initiative to popularize science for them.

"Since ancient times, Confucius has had benevolence, Laozi has Tao, and Taoism specializes in refining and nourishing Qi, in order to prove Taoism and become immortal, and escape from the suffering of life, old age, sickness and death of ordinary people, but immortality is not something that can be obtained easily. You have to experience several major catastrophes, and these catastrophes are not forced, so some people in the Taoist sect find their own bones from the previous three lives as substitutes, and bury them in the Yin cave as shadow bones, so as to show to the world, I have gone through the three prisons, and I can be completely reborn, so there is hope for this life to transform into an immortal."

Zhou Suyi's eyes became a little strange.

She thought to herself that these people really came up with any self-deceiving ideas in order to become immortals after death.

Even after the last catastrophe, one can really become a fairy, but this way of fooling people and using other people's corpses to make up the number really makes people don't know what to say.

If there are really gods in the world, would they still be deceived by this method?
That fairy should not be called a fairy at all, but a stupid fairy.

Zhou Suyi shook her head, feeling a little sympathetic to these ancient people, she was thinking about becoming a fairy, but there are no gods in the world.

and many more.

If there are no gods, what is that snake god?
Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi was a little depressed. She found that she had also been affected unconsciously.

"Hehe, is this impure self-deceiving old boy Xian Wang? He still wants to use three corpses to make up his numbers, fooling people and God, and he still wants to become a fairy. It's a dream. If I am God, dare to lie to me, don't give him Entering the eighteenth level of hell is considered polite." Fatty Wang said.

Obviously, this approach is also dismissive.

Hu Bayi continued: "The "wooden coffin" under the tomb of the Yin Palace represents the underworld. The tortured parts of the three corpses are pieced together into a complete substitute here, and the three corpses, because they were identified It was the first three lives of King Xian, so it was no different from him, and it was also placed in the main tomb."

Zhou Suyi thought about these words seriously, and suddenly thought of something.

"In this way, the underground tomb represents the underworld, and the upper tomb represents the human world. If King Xian wants to become a fairy, he must go to the heaven. In this way, the coffin of King Xian should be hidden above?" Zhou Suyi looked up.

There is a copper beam with an iron chain hanging on it, which was used to hang the bronze coffin before, and there seem to be many murals on the wall above.

I paid attention to the three coffins before I came in, but I didn't pay much attention to the situation above.

"Grandma's, so it's hidden on top." Fatty Wang also looked up, and his eyes began to shine again.

Hu Ba nodded, he felt the same way.

Immediately, the two did not continue to stay below, and climbed up directly.

Seeing the black-haired zongzi hidden in the corner again, the two of them couldn't help but be vigilant. Even though they were prepared, every time they saw this thing, they still felt extraordinarily unreliable.

"Grandma, I said, let's find a way to get rid of this thing first? He is here, Fatty, I feel very uneasy in my heart!" Fatty Wang looked at the black-haired rice dumpling, still trembling.

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, "You are ashamed to say, if you hadn't taken down the bronze mirror for suppressing corpses, how could this thing have escaped."

"Ahem, that, Mr. Xian Wang is up there, right? What are we waiting for, let's go up and see the situation!" Fatty Wang immediately changed the subject.

Zhou Suyi didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Although the black-haired zongzi was watching, as long as there was Qilin blood, he didn't dare to act rashly, so he just ignored it for the time being.

"Let me do it!"

Zhou Suyi took out the Yin-exploring claw and threw it up very skillfully. The Yin-exploring claw immediately grabbed the copper beam, and Zhou Suyi immediately flew up.

All around are white rocks with many large murals painted on them.

The characters in those murals are very strange, their eyes are shining brightly under the light of the flashlight, as if they are staring at them.

Zhou Suyi felt panicked for no reason, she didn't act rashly, and directly pulled Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi up.

"Damn, how do I feel, these people are staring at us!"

He took the engineering shovel to catch the eyes of those strokes, and unexpectedly snapped out a few crystal-like eyeballs, and his face burst into a smile.

"Can you rely on the score, don't move around." Zhou Suyi was a little speechless.

"Hey, it would be great to get a few back to use as glass balls, Brother Yang, don't worry, what can happen to this!" Fatty Wang didn't care.

Zhou Suyi sighed, the dog changed to eat shit, and Fatty Wang couldn't change these little problems, so she didn't bother to care about it.

Anyway, it's just some murals, what can happen.

She and Hu Bayi concentrate on finding the real hiding place of King Xian.

【game over】

But suddenly, the game suddenly had a prompt, and was forced to go offline immediately after.

After exiting the game, Zhou Suyi was still in a daze, completely unaware of what happened.


(End of this chapter)

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