Chapter 348 The real tomb

After Zhou Suyi got rid of the weird mural woman, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang seemed to have only discovered Zhou Suyi's strangeness, and when they turned their heads to see Zhou Suyi's red face, they were suddenly surprised.

"Miss Yang, what's the matter with you?" Hu Bayi looked worried.

"Fuck, Brother Yang, what's wrong with you? Are you poisoned? There won't be poison here, right?" Fatty Wang also looked worried.

Zhou Suyi held her neck for a while before she felt her breathing became easier, and looked up at the two of them angrily.

"You two, what were you doing just now? I made such a big commotion, and it's so hard that you two didn't hear it?" Zhou Suyi asked.

"Ah? What's the big commotion? I didn't hear it, Lao Hu, did you hear it?" Fatty Wang looked confused.

Hu Bayi also looked confused, "This... I really didn't hear it, the surroundings are quiet, there is no sound?"

"Impossible!" After Zhou Suyi finished speaking, she was taken aback for a moment. She saw that the woman in the wall still existed, and the mural was not damaged in any way.

Just now I saw the woman's figure dissipate, it seemed to be an illusion.


"Miss Yang, what happened?" Hu Bayi realized that something might be wrong, so he asked again.

Zhou Suyi recounted everything that happened just now.

The faces of the two of them became ugly after hearing this.

Everyone looked at the woman on the mural in unison.

The woman's face was pale, and she was at least 50 or [-] years old, so lifelike.

"Brother Yang, you are talking about this woman, right?" Fatty Wang asked.

Zhou Suyi nodded, "That's right, it's her. Just now I clearly saw her stretch out her hands and strangled my neck. I had to use a lot of strength to break free, and I was almost strangled to death by him."

"Uh... this... brother Yang, are you so tired that you're hallucinating, isn't this just a mural?" Fatty Wang doubted what Zhou Suyi said.

Because what you see in front of you is really a mural.

There are many murals of such figures around.

If murals could come out to kill people, then this world would be too outrageous.

Zhou Suyi gave him a blank look, and said to herself that you were killed by this mural earlier.

Hu Bayi stared at the mural, but didn't see any clues, but felt that the mural was too realistic.

"Hey, Brother Yang, I think you're just too nervous and tired. This is really a mural. If you don't believe me, I'll check it out for you!" Fatty Wang approached with a paratrooper knife as he said.

He tried to mouth out the eyes of the woman.

However, as soon as the knife was stretched out, the woman's eyes rolled again, and a pair of pale hands suddenly stretched out from the wall, and rushed towards Fatty Wang at the same time.

"Oh my mother!"

Fatty Wang jumped up with a cry of fright, and almost fell off the copper beam.

Zhou Suyi was not frightened by the woman, but was startled by Fatty Wang's voice.

"I see, did you see it this time?" Zhou Suyi was already prepared.

When the woman rushed out, she lifted her leg and kicked it.

This kick just landed on the woman's stomach, kicking the woman back directly.

But immediately after, the woman's stomach began to swell at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Damn it, this shit is really not a mural, it's a big living person buried in the wall!" Fatty Wang yelled loudly.

Hu Bayi's expression changed, "No, the stomach of this corpse is about to explode."

As soon as the words fell, the woman's body exploded like a big ball.

A group of white fluttering moths flew up from inside.

When Hu Bayi saw these fluttering moths, his face became even more ugly, "Be careful, it's a corpse moth, don't be touched by the powder on him!"

"Um, what will happen if you are touched?" Fatty Wang's voice came out.

Hu Bayi's face suddenly changed drastically.

Looking back quickly, I saw Fatty Wang looking at his palm.

He slapped a fluttering moth away just now, and now his hand is covered with a layer of silver-white powder, and the palm of his hand is turning black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Fuck, you idiot, quickly detoxify with glutinous rice!"

Hu Bayi cursed hurriedly, and at the same time swung the engineering shovel in his hand to stop those corpses.

Zhou Suyi did not dare to take it lightly.

She opened her mouth again, and a mouthful of bloody spit was sprayed forward.


The blood mist flew, and the blood mist seemed to have magical powers, causing the surrounding corpses to flee in a hurry as if they had encountered a natural enemy.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding corpses had disappeared.

"Hey, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright to have Qilin blood, this thing is really useful!" Zhou Suyi rejoiced secretly.

If you don't clear the ancient city of Jingjue and get the blood of the unicorn, then playing this game directly will greatly increase the difficulty.

Fatty Wang hurriedly used glutinous rice to remove the poison from the corpse.

To say that this thing is also mutual generation and mutual restraint, corpse poison is very toxic, but it can be detoxified with the most common glutinous rice, and the effect is surprisingly good.

"Brother Yang is mighty!" Fatty Wang praised without hesitation, and at the same time his eyes were shining.

Grandma, this blood is really easy to use.

Fatty Wang was really envious of seeing Zhou Suyi dispel those dangerous corpses with a mouthful of blood mist. What he was thinking about was how many years his blood had to have to have such an effect.

He even felt that after finding Muchen Bead, what curse would he need to use? Wouldn't it be nice to use this blood first and wait until he was about to die before breaking the curse?

Precious blood in hand is simply invincible in ancient tombs.

Zhou Suyi knew what he was thinking when she saw his eyes, and she was speechless for a while.

I feel sorry for this silly boy.

"Look, there's a hole here, it's probably the real hiding place of King Xian!" Hu Bayi pointed to the place where the woman was just now.

After the woman exploded, a hole appeared there.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, this old boy hides so deep, hahaha, but what's the use of that, it's not found by our Iron Triangle!" Fatty Wang became even more excited when he saw the hole .

"Come, come, let the fat man go first to explore the way."

This guy really didn't remember to eat but not to fight, so he crawled in first.

"Be careful!" Hu Bayi was also helpless for a while, but he was also quite helpless.

"Come on, let's go in and have a look!"

Immediately, Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi hurriedly followed in.

The space inside is not small, this is a white tomb.

There are many murals painted on the surrounding walls, and after looking at it, it is probably recorded that King Xian subdued the local barbarians and strangled the evil gods.

There are also some murals depicting a castle built on the top of a mountain surrounded by clouds and mist. In the middle of the palace there is a bead like an eyeball enshrined, surrounded by a group of people in strange costumes worshiping.


(End of this chapter)

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