Chapter 349 Tai Sui
There are many murals on the surrounding walls, and everyone was overjoyed to see that the group of people were eyeball-like.

"Haha, that's Muchen Bead, it's really here." Fatty Wang laughed excitedly.

"That's Muchen Bead?" Zhou Suyi was also overjoyed!
As long as you get the Muchen Bead, then the mission of this game is considered complete.

It's just that those fans who have watched the movie "Nu Qing Xiangxi" are a little uneasy.

"Hey, in Nuqing Xiangxi, Chen Yulou invited Partridge Whistle to Yunnan Chonggu. Unfortunately, Partridge Whistle didn't go because he was discouraged. If he went, he would be able to find Muchen Bead."

"It's difficult to whistle for a partridge."

"It's a pity, it's so close, it's a pity."

"If Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle continued to join hands to present the king's tomb, it would definitely be a win-win situation. It is a pity."

"The regrets in life are nothing more than that, the choice is very important."

"There are inexplicable tears in my eyes, and I feel sorry for the partridge whistle."


Netizens really feel sad for Partridge Whistle.

It's really a pity that he led his juniors and younger sisters to search for Muchen Bead for half his life, but at the last moment, he missed her.

Three people look at the mural.

Fatty Wang asked, "What is painted on it?"

Hu Bayi explained: "It should be what King Xian saw through Muchen Bead. He felt that that city was the Immortal Palace, so he always yearned for it!"

Zhou Suyi's eyes were weird, what kind of fairy palace, if she guessed right.

That city is probably the evil Luohai city mentioned by Queen Jingjue before.

King Xian did see some pictures through Muchen Bead, but it was not a fairy palace at all. Unfortunately, this guy was full of thoughts of becoming a fairy after death.

Even if that city doesn't seem to have the slightest connection with the Immortal Palace, it will be associated with the Immortal Palace by King Xian.

"Dream his Spring and Autumn Dream, return to the fairy palace, and do so many bad things, how dare you think about it, and become a fairy, a shit fairy, he has to be grateful that there is no fairy palace in this world, and there is no hell, Otherwise, he would not be going to the Immortal Palace, but the Eighteenth Floor of Hell." Fatty Wang was very disdainful.

He saw a coffin beside him and walked over immediately.

The coffin lids were scattered aside, and when I walked in, my eyes lit up immediately.

"Old Hu, Brother Yang, come and see!"

The two of them immediately walked over when they heard the voice, and looked at the coffin, Zhou Suyi was a little excited, thinking that this should be the coffin of King Xian, it was hidden so deep.

Although the coffin is just an ordinary wooden coffin.

However, upon closer inspection, he was somewhat disappointed.

There was no corpse in the coffin, only a golden jade garment.

"Hey, this coffin probably belonged to Xian Wang's wife. The monster just now must be Xian Wang's wife. This Xian Wang is also good enough. Use your own old age to block the entrance of this cave. Being his wife is considered a downfall. Bad luck for eight lifetimes!" Fatty Wang said!
As he spoke, he stepped forward and put away the golden silk and jade clothes.

"Grandma, where is this Mr. Xian Wang hiding?" Fatty Wang cursed, a little depressed.

"Look for it!"

The three of them had no choice but to look for it here.

However, I searched around and found nothing except for a pill furnace.

Fatty Wang was a little disappointed, "His grandma, God doesn't have eyes, it's so hard, King Xian has really ascended, and he took Muchen Bead with him?"

Hu Bayi shook his head, "In this world, there is no one who can ascend to immortality. If he can ascend to immortality, it would be outrageous. King Xian must be hiding here!"

"But, after searching all over, there is no other place to hide people!" Fatty Wang said!
Zhou Suyi also frowned.

The space in this place is not too big, there is really no place to hide people.

She looked around again, and suddenly her expression changed.

"Look, those walls, why are they like this?"

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were taken aback for a moment, and they both looked at the surrounding walls.

Seeing this, both of them were a little dumbfounded.

The murals on the surrounding walls disappeared, and a layer of thick yellow water seeped out, which looked a little disgusting.

Not only the surrounding area, but also the ground and above were unknowingly occupied by thick yellow water.

"Damn it, what's going on? Why is it still bleeding?" Fatty Wang was also stunned.

Hu Bayi's face was gloomy and uncertain, he thought of something.

After the Ghost Words are unlocked, these things will be immediately associated when you see them.

"Do you still remember the bull head lamp? I think the tenth corpse corresponding to that bull head lamp should be this thing. This tomb is alive. To be precise, it is alive now!"

"What do you mean? How can the tomb be alive?"

"This... is also a corpse? How is it possible, why is the corpse so big? Is it still in this shape?"

Both Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang were a little confused.

It really looks like a cave here, how could it be connected with the corpse.

I just thought about it and couldn't figure out the relationship.

Hu Bayi said solemnly: "This is Tai Sui, also known as Zhixian's outer coffin. On the [-]th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, the evil star leaves the palace and Tai Sui goes down the mountain. Before that, the place where Xian Wang's wife was located should be Tai Sui's eye, Tai Sui. Open your eyes, this Tai Sui has been resurrected!"

"Tai Sui!"

"Zhixian coffin."

Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang looked at each other again, it was really unbelievable.

Although Tai Sui Zhou Suyi had never seen it before, she had heard of it, and it was even shown on TV.

It's just that Tai Sui is so big.

Simply outrageous.

This Xian Wang is also outrageous, where can I find such a big Tai Sui.

Damn, is this guy a son of a plane like Liu Xiu?
I feel numb.

"It's outrageous, I said Commander Hu, what should we do now? Are we going to escape? We're not going to be digested by this guy, are we? Do you think this thing will shit or return it? Well, if we can shit, we won't be digested into a pile of feces, right?" Fatty Wang shouted!

This guy is really out of tune, he is still in the mood to make this joke at this time.

Zhou Suyi was also numb, and didn't know what to do in such a situation?It has long since lost its backbone.

Hu Bayi frowned and looked around, and at a glance, he saw a coffin-shaped silhouette appearing on the ground not far away.

Just now the surroundings were all white, invisible, but now it melted, and the coffin finally appeared.

"Over there, that is the coffin of King Xian, also the ninth corpse!" Hu Bayi shouted.

In this way, the ten corpses represented by the ten longevity candles all appeared.

Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang looked down, and sure enough, they saw a coffin hidden underneath, but the top of the coffin was still covered by something, as if it was caught in the flesh.

Looking at it like this, it won't be possible to get out for a while.

But time is running out for them.


(End of this chapter)

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