Chapter 350
Needless to say, the coffin below is almost certainly the coffin of King Xian. As long as the coffin is found, Muchen Bead must be inside.

For a moment, the three of them were a little excited.

However, the coffin was still inside, and it was impossible to get out for a while.

"It's too late, start digging!" Hu Ba said.

"Okay, let's do it."

Fatty Wang also simply picked up the engineering shovel and started digging.

Opening the coffin was his favorite part. Digging the coffin out of the ground would give it a sense of ritual.

The ground is not hard at all, but soft, like jelly.

And soon, human hands grew on the ground.

These people's hands are all black, with yellow mucus on them, and they look extremely disgusting.

This scene is really infiltrating.

It's like coming to hell, the countless hands are those ghosts who will never be reborn in hell, and they want to pull a few ghosts to take the place of the dead.

Zhou Suyi couldn't help gasping.

This Nima is too scary, it's like walking straight into a horror movie.

Just as she was thinking, one hand grabbed Zhou Suyi's ankle.

Zhou Suyi felt that all the hairs on her body were blown off.

I was so scared that I kicked that hand away, and at the same time my heart was beating wildly, as if it was about to jump out.

Tai Nima is scary.

It just feels invincible.

It is countless times more exciting than fighting with those zongzi.

Fatty Wang was also attacked. Some hands grabbed Fatty Wang's ankle and pulled him down.

"Damn it, this thing has long hands in its belly, it's outrageous." Fatty Wang cursed.

Hurry up to chop off that hand with a sapper shovel.

But there are more and more hands around, and the strength of these palms is extremely great. Once they are held by them and cannot break free in time, more hands will grab them, and the situation will only become more dangerous.

Hu Bayi's face was extremely serious, "No, it's not an option to go on like this, you two go out first!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you want to go, go together, if you want to stay together!" Fatty Wang immediately refused.

Don't look at him as unreliable at ordinary times, but the more dangerous he is, the less he will abandon his teammates.

Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth, she knew it in her heart.

This game is estimated to be the last level left, as long as you get the Muchen Bead and escape from here, you will pass the level.

And this last hurdle must be solved by the players themselves.

As long as she leaves, Hu Bayi will surely fail.

"Well, I've worked hard, I've gone through so much, I absolutely can't lose the chain at this most critical moment, I'm just shivering!" Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth and cheered herself up.

"Old Hu, fat man, you go first, I'll get the Muchen Bead!" Zhou Suyi shouted.

"No, I still say the same thing, if you want to go together, if you want to stay together, I will never steal my life!" Fatty Wang's attitude was very firm.

Zhou Suyi's eyes were sore.

Although this guy was not very reliable along the way, his spirit was enough to move people.

Hu Bayi also said: "At this time, let's all stop being hypocritical. It's good to go first, and it's good to be able to survive!"

"What a fart, anyway, if we can't get Muchen Bead, we will all be fucked by that curse in the future, why not fight!" Fatty Wang said.

"Okay, since you're not leaving, then stop talking nonsense and get the coffin out quickly."

At this moment, the three of them are of one mind, and their strength can cut through gold.

The three resisted those palms while digging the coffin, but the situation got worse.

Fatty Wang glanced back, his expression changed drastically.

The Tai Sui eye is slowly shrinking, apparently it's about to close.

"No, that asshole is about to close, if you don't run, it will be too late!"

Once locked in here, they will definitely die.

"Quick, quicker!"

More and more hands around grabbed Zhou Suyi's ankle and pulled him down until the instep was already submerged.

Zhou Suyi's face was ugly, and after the reasoning of the three of them, they finally cut off everything on the coffin.

Hu Bayi took a crowbar and lifted the coffin below.

The surrounding sewage was flowing, and it had been dissolved to the point of disfigurement. The entire tomb was gradually softening. It was really like a stone, which now directly possessed life and a soft body.

Countless human bodies and arms wriggled in it, and the limbs of dead bodies gradually appeared from the wall in other places, but they were still unable to move.

It can be seen that this thing was alive before, and it has devoured many people and corpses.

These corpses have not been digested or decomposed, and they have all stayed here and become a part of this Tai Sui.

If they can't escape, they will be left here forever just like these corpses, and will be integrated with this Tai Sui and become a part of it.

Hu Bayi was about to pull out the coffin, but suddenly, the coffin fell down.

The coffin fell open and a person fell out of it.

The man's crown fell to his feet, only a "folded upper scarf" inlaid with gold and jade was worn on his head, he was dressed in a black python-patterned jade armor robe, and a purple gold belt hung around his waist.

Looking at King Xian's face again, it looks like he has no facial features.

His face was melted, and his facial features were twisted together, leaving only faint traces, which looked really scary

"Did I go to you!"

"Fuck, can you be more unlucky?"

The three of them uttered a swear word at the same time, what is a house leak and it rains all night, this is damn it.

Who would have thought that there would be a big hole underneath.

"Does this mother have two assholes?" Fatty Wang was a little crazy.

Hu Bayao: "It should be the acupoints of this Tai Sui, that is, eyes. Looking at the shape of this Tai Sui, it looks like a human head with eyes, ears, mouth and nose."

"What to do, don't worry about it, if you stay any longer, you really won't be able to leave. If you can't get the Muchen Bead, at least you can live for a few years. If you die here, you will lose everything." Fatty Wang beat Back off.

This situation is so bad that there is really no time.

Hu Bayi also gritted his teeth, ready to leave.

However, Zhou Suyi couldn't leave.

As a player, it is the most depressing and unacceptable to see Muchen Bead right in front of you, but run away at this time, because it would lose the meaning of the game.

It is useless to start again.

"You go first!"

She uttered a word and immediately jumped down.

"Fuck, Brother Yang, you're crazy!" Fatty Wang became anxious immediately.

Hu Bayi was also anxious, and immediately prepared to jump down too.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly said: "Hurry up, don't worry, I can definitely leave, you stay here, you are dragging me down, my ability, don't you believe it? Hurry up, otherwise, I will definitely be dragged down by you!"

Hu Bayi who was about to come down immediately stopped.

Zhou Suyi knew that only this way could make them leave.

Hu Bayi gritted his teeth, "Okay, we'll wait for you outside, fat man, let's go!"

"Brother Yang, hurry up, we are waiting for you."

Seeing them leave, Zhou Suyi was relieved.


The next game is to continue watching Tomb Raiders, or do other games?Please leave a message in the comment area.

(End of this chapter)

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