Chapter 351
Seeing that Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang had all left, Zhou Suyi felt less stressed.

In fact, what she said just now was not entirely to irritate the two of them, it was also true, she was really afraid that when she left for a while, if Fatty Wang triggered some unlucky plot, it would really be over.

In desperation, there was no time to think about anything, so he hurriedly searched for Muchen Bead.

Looking at the disgusting corpse on the ground, Zhou Suyi frowned and felt retched, but this is not the time to be hypocritical.

Busily searched around the coffin, but found nothing of value, immediately endured the nausea, searched Xian Wang's body, but still did not find Muchen Bead.

"How could it not be, impossible, absolutely impossible, Muchen Bead must be here!"

Zhou Suyi was numb.

If this is not Xian Wang's body, it is too outrageous.

"No, even Lao Hu is sure that this is the corpse of King Xian. It can't be wrong, otherwise, the ghost script will be unlocked for nothing. It's just that it's so important that King Xian didn't bring it with him. ?”

This is the only possibility.

But as long as I think about it for a while, I feel wrong again.

"It is impossible for King Xian not to carry such an important thing as Muchen Bead with him, and he also pointed out that Muchen Bead would become an immortal after death, so it is impossible not to carry it with him, but where is it? ?”

Zhou Suyi looked at Xian Wang's body, anxious like ants on a hot pot.

His forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his heart was beating wildly.

There are more and more arms around, densely packed, as if there are ghosts trying to crawl out of hell.

This picture is so shocking that it makes one's scalp tingle.

But Zhou Suyi still didn't have any clue, she was so anxious that she was about to cry.

"Why not? It's unscientific. The number of corpses matches the number of longevity candles. It doesn't make sense to have a corpse."

"This must be Xian Wang, it looks like it in the clothes."

"No way, no way, Muchen Bead isn't actually here?"

"I feel sorry for Miss Zhou for three seconds. I finally got to this point, but I didn't find Muchen Bead. It's a bit too difficult."

"Hey, it's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity that I still haven't got the Muchen Bead."


Netizens are also anxious and regretful.

All the way to witness Zhou Suyi stumbled to this step, came to the deepest part of this secret, but still did not find Muchen Bead, which is somewhat disappointing.

Zhou Suyi rummaged around, wondering if Muchen Bead had just fallen out.

However, there was nothing around except those blackened hands.

Not long after, Zhou Suyi was enveloped by one hand after another, grabbing him one after another, Zhou Suyi resisted vigorously, but there were too many hands around.

In desperation, he could only use the blood method again.

The bright red blood splashed out, scaring those hands for a short time, but soon, the yellow pus would digest the blood, rendering the Qilin blood useless.

What Zhou Suyi did was undoubtedly drinking poison to quench her thirst.

It was already too late when she wanted to leave temporarily, countless hands had already surrounded her tightly, and she was finally pulled into the yellow liquid bit by bit, and stayed here completely.

【game over】

Zhou Suyi opened her eyes and silently clenched her fists. She was not too scared, but unwilling.

Very unwilling.

Hard work, stumbling, and going through all kinds of difficulties and obstacles along the way, just like Tang Sanzang's 81 difficulties, finally reached the end, but at the last moment, the car overturned on the Wangbadu River, who can bear this?

"Damn it, where is it hiding?"

Not reconciled, Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth and entered the game again.

This time, she moved quickly, and as soon as she entered Tai Sui, she went straight to the hiding place of King Xian's coffin.

However, Tai Sui hadn't recovered yet, the coffin was buried below, and only a silhouette could be vaguely seen.

Zhou Suyi immediately asked Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi to start digging.

The two saw the outline of the coffin, and were very curious about how Zhou Suyi knew that the coffin was hidden here.

After all, the mucus hasn't come out yet, so if you don't look carefully, you won't notice it at all, but Zhou Suyi came here directly, which is very strange.

But the two didn't talk nonsense, and immediately dug.

This time it saved some time compared to before. As soon as those palms came out, they dug out the coffin dedicated to the king, but the coffin still fell down.

However, this time there is a little more time.

The three went straight down and began to search, but after searching around, they still couldn't find much of Muchen Bead. In the end, without accident, all three were trapped inside to death.

The game fails again.

"I don't believe it anymore!"

The content of the next game time is very simple, that is, Zhou Suyi took Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi to dig and dig and dig everywhere, wishing to dig through the entire interior of Tai Sui.

However, no matter how hard they dug, they couldn't find much of Muchen Bead, which made Zhou Suyi a little crazy.

She had some doubts whether Muchen Zhu was here or not.

Wang Bing and the others waited outside for a long time, but they didn't hear any movement inside. They were a little restless while waiting, and Chen Yan and the others were also a little impatient.

Finally, after the backup arrived, they decided not to wait any longer and decided to take the initiative to attack.

Leaving aside whether the zongzi really existed, even if they did, they could still fight to return them with all their weapons and equipment.

Immediately, Wang Bing was ready to bring people in.

But at this moment, there was a sudden movement in front of the calm front.


The ground shook, as if something huge was waking up, which made people feel extremely heavy.

"What happened? There was an earthquake?"

Wang Bing and the others immediately became nervous.

Immediately afterwards, the movement became louder and louder, but they could feel that it was not like an earthquake, as if there was really some giant moving.

Moreover, this huge monster can cause such a big movement, it is estimated to be bigger than the huge Huo's undead worm that has been seen outside before, and it is not twice as big.

"Captain, still, are you still moving forward?"

For a moment, all the team members became nervous. No one would relax about this unknown thing.

Wang Bing's heart was also extremely heavy, and he couldn't decide to pay attention for a while.

But at this moment, he vaguely saw two figures running out of the hall in front of him, holding what looked like a human head, fleeing in a hurry.

When he saw these two people, Wang Bing's face suddenly became happy.

It really didn't take much effort to find nowhere to go, and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to catch these two people. Now these two people came directly to the door.


(End of this chapter)

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