Chapter 352 The Chasing Tai Sui

When Wang Bing and the others saw the two people running towards them, they were stunned for a moment, and then they were ecstatic.

After all, one of the purposes of their coming here is to catch the third master and prevent them from continuing to destroy.

So, after seeing the third master, everyone was overjoyed after being stunned for a moment.

"It's those two people!" someone shouted.

The third master and Scarface also saw the crowd in front of them, and their expressions also changed. Scarface was about to copy the guy to fight, but the third master stopped him directly.

At the same time, the third master did not stop, but shouted at the crowd in front of him.

"Run, run if you don't want to die."

Wang Bing and the others were stunned by the shout.

Good guy, is there such an arrogant tomb robber? There are so many of them blocking here with live ammunition, and that person actually told them to run away if they don't want to die.

Too arrogant, simply too arrogant.

Wang Bing immediately raised his gun to aim, "Stop, squat down with your head in your hands, or I will shoot."

If he didn't know that these two people had saved so many lives before, he might have shot directly.

After all, they knew that the third master and Scarface both had weapons in their hands, and if they didn't restrain each other as soon as possible, it was likely to cause casualties, and that would be a big trouble.

"Fuck, you idiots, look at what's behind you, if you don't run fast, you'll die here!" Scarface didn't have such a good temper, and he yelled directly.

After being scolded by him like this, someone immediately became anxious, and really wanted to shoot directly.

But at this moment, there was a huge movement behind Third Master and the others.

The huge underground yin palace collapsed directly, and a huge monster emerged from it.

"Fuck, what's that?"

Wang Bing and the others were stunned.

That thing is too big, like a hill. It looks like a big meat ball on the outside, but it is covered with dense palms, and there are blackened corpses sticking inside, half of the body is exposed, and it looks extraordinarily pervasive. and disgusting.

When someone saw this scene, no matter how good their hearts were, they vomited directly.

The yin palace was directly swallowed by the huge monster, and the huge monster's body expanded again, rolling towards the third master and the others like a big meat ball.

"Oh my god, is this Tai Sui? Damn, isn't this too scary?"

"Mom, it's really alive, this thing can still move, it's too outrageous."

"It feels like they are chasing the third master and the others."

"Look at what the third master is carrying in his hand, doesn't it look familiar?"

"Fuck, that seems to be the head of King Xian, how did you cut off King Xian's head?"

"No way, no way, King Xian's head can't be Muchen Bead, no wonder Miss Zhou couldn't find it after searching for so long."


Netizens discussed it one after another.

Such a large monster has never been seen before, and this thing is too terrifying, it can swallow everything on the road.

Even the huge yin womb did not escape.

"Run fast!" the third master shouted again.

He also didn't care about the muzzles of those people.

Stopping at this moment is death, and there is still a possibility of not stopping.

"Everyone listen to my order, aim at that thing, shoot!"

After a brief absence, Wang Bing reacted quickly and gave orders immediately.

His subordinates also gritted their teeth, immediately adjusted the muzzle of their guns, aimed at the behemoth, and started shooting.

Da da da……

All of a sudden, flames were everywhere, and the bullets poured on Tai Sui's body as if he didn't want money.

However, compared with that huge body, these bullets are just drizzle, and they have no effect on Tai Sui at all.

After such a short time, the third master has already run to the middle of those people.

"Stop shooting, it's useless, run away."

Seeing that these people didn't shoot them, he still reminded them.

Wang Bing's face was gloomy and uncertain, "The first team, stay with me to stop this thing, the second team and the third team retreat immediately, and at the same time notify the people outside to evacuate the crowd immediately."

At this moment, there are quite a few people coming to Worm Valley.

Experts and scholars from all walks of life came here admiringly. If they didn't evacuate in time and waited for this thing to escape, it would be catastrophic. They couldn't afford such a loss.

Needless to say, people outside have already seen the situation here.

Chen Yan and the others panicked when they saw this huge monster moving towards the outside quickly.

Especially those young people on the archaeological team, who had been under tremendous psychological pressure before, and now they really can't hold back.

Someone started to flee, and with the first there was a second.

The crowd immediately dispersed and ran towards the road they had come from.

Fortunately, during this period of time, the follow-up troops have cleared most of the dangers on the road, otherwise, if the panic comes down, the casualties of these people will definitely be inevitable.

Zhou Suyi tried repeatedly, but she couldn't find Muchen Bead, which made her a little exhausted, and seriously suspected that Muchen Bead wasn't here at all.

If she could get in touch with Lin Mu, she would definitely ask.

Then when watching the live broadcast of the archaeological team, Zhou Suyi froze for a moment when she saw the human head in the third master's hand, and then, a flash of light flashed in her head, and she thought of something.

"No way, the Muchen Bead is hidden in King Xian's head. King Xian is trying to replace his own brain with the Muchen Bead to become a fairy? Damn, this guy is too crazy!"

Thinking of this possibility, Zhou Suyi was dumbfounded.

He really didn't expect King Xian to be so cruel to him.

The ancients paid attention to the integrity of the bones in the burial, that is, after the eunuch died, he would make a gold object and hang it on a certain part of the body.

And this offering to the king is ruthless enough, is this just hollowing out his brain and putting Muchen Bead in it?

It's too cruel.

This is for the sake of becoming an immortal, and he will do everything he can, even if he is so ruthless to himself.

Really a generation of ruthless people.

If Zhou Suyi hadn't seen the head in the third master's hand, even if she wanted to break her head, she would never have thought that the real Muchen Bead would be put in the head by King Xian.

This time, it was a real encounter that helped him.

However, looking at the terrifying Tai Sui, Zhou Suyi didn't directly enter the game.

This thing is so terrifying that it has really fully recovered.

Obviously, King Xian should have become one with Tai Sui, and Tai Sui chased the third master and the others, obviously because of that head, and never stopped dying.

As long as the head is not returned to him, he will keep chasing him.

For this situation, Zhou Suyi had no solution, so she could only continue to watch patiently, to see what the third master and the others would do.

Needless to say, the ability of the third master and the others in tomb robbery was beyond Zhou Suyi's reach, and she admired it very much.

Especially seeing that the opponent got the Muchen Bead inside without bloodshed, this is even more admirable.

This professional skill is probably much more professional than Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang.

So, there is no harm in looking at it.


(End of this chapter)

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