Chapter 353 Metamorphosis
Tai Sui fully recovered, chasing the third master and the others, endlessly.

Wang Bing and the others left behind a group of people, wanting to buy some time for the people outside. Otherwise, who knows what kind of disaster will happen if this thing runs out.

There are a lot of people from all walks of life outside now, there must be no accidents, no matter how dangerous it is, they must stand here now.

Fortunately, the people from the second team and the third team have not done anything to the third master for the time being. The whole group just wants to leave here first, and the rest will be discussed after leaving.

Tai Sui is too terrifying, like a mountain of meat covered with hands, the visual impact is too strong, and it keeps devouring along the way.

But there is no escape for anything on the road.

The treasures buried with King Xian were all swallowed up by Tai Sui at this moment.

You can vaguely see the bronze man and the bronze horse embedded in Tai Sui's body.

Moreover, the more this thing devours, the bigger it becomes.

"Team, Captain, what shall we do?" The remaining team members panicked somewhat.

This thing is really terrifying, and it brings huge psychological pressure to people.

Wang Bing gritted his teeth, "Use a tactical grenade!"


At this moment, even the yin palace in front has been swallowed up, so I don't worry about causing any more damage.

Even if the gun doesn't work, you can only use grenades.

Immediately, a few grenades were thrown in.

Grenade, like other items, will be swallowed by Tai Sui in an instant.

bang bang bang...

A few muffled sounds came, and the grenade exploded inside Tai Sui, and the huge explosion directly blasted a large hole in several places on the surface of Tai Sui.

Wang Bing and others watched nervously.

But soon they were disappointed.

A few grenades went down, and although a few big holes were blasted in Tai Sui's body, it didn't seem to have any effect on Tai Sui.

This thing has no pain-sensing nerves at all, not to mention the fact that it doesn't feel pain, but the big hole that was blasted is actually healing quickly.

In just a moment, several large holes disappeared, as if they had not been attacked.

Wang Bing and the others were dumbfounded. How could this dam still fight? With this healing ability, even if they threw all the grenades in their hands, they probably wouldn't be able to make a splash.

"Damn it." Wang Bing's face was extremely ugly.

"Captain, what should we do now? He's here!"

Tai Sui's speed is getting faster and faster, and the movement is getting bigger and bigger.

If this continues, it is only a matter of time before they are caught up and swallowed.

Wang Bing gritted his teeth, "Explode, blow this place down, buy some time."

Immediately, the blaster began to arrange, and then the group retreated quickly.

Immediately afterwards, there was a detonation, and the front suddenly exploded.

There was a rumbling sound in the underground world, and the ground shook, and the rocks on it fell one after another. Soon, that section of the road was blocked by gravel.

Wang Bing and the others looked again, full of expectation.

Hope this way can stop Tai Sui's footsteps.

But after a while, a huge shock came from the opposite side, and then Roshan Taisui appeared again.

More than half of those gravels were swallowed up, which made Tai Sui's body grow a little more.

Those gravels only resisted for a while, but they couldn't stop them at all.

Wang Bing was completely helpless this time.

Let alone people, it would be useless to drive a field tank over here. Unless bombarded with missiles, there is really no good way to solve it.


However, having bought some time, Wang Bing did not hesitate and immediately arranged to retreat.

At this moment, when people outside saw this scene, they were scared out of their wits, especially those ordinary people, who ran away in a panic.

"My God, this is a super invincible killer, invincible everywhere."

"What will be the effect of throwing this thing on the battlefield, will it swallow and become a super invincible giant?"

"If it can be swallowed infinitely, then we are all in danger."

"I don't think it's that powerful. If it could be devoured infinitely, it would have been invincible in ancient times."

"Everything has a limit, and this thing is definitely no exception."


Netizens were also stunned, this Roshan Tai Sui was really too weird and evil.

It's something I can't even imagine unless I've seen it with my own eyes.

Zhou Suyi was numb.

Thinking of being chased by this thing after getting the Muchen Bead, I felt my scalp go numb.

This nima can't beat it at all.

Huo's Undead Worm threw at least one grenade into its stomach, and it immediately lost its combat effectiveness, but this thing is a hundred grenades, which are probably all drizzle.

What's more, they basically have no ammunition.

Now, Zhou Suyi has only one thought in her mind, that is to run, and that's it.

Immediately, she stopped watching and directly entered the game again, wanting to finish the game in one go.

Enter the game again, this time with a goal, the speed is much faster.

The first thing to do after entering is to dig the coffin of the king.

When the coffin fell, both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang panicked, because Tai Sui began to recover again.

The three jumped down, but Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang searched around but couldn't find Muchen Bead.

"Fuck, how is it possible, no, grandma, where did this old boy hide the muchen bead?" Fatty Wang scolded and looked for it, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Hu Bayi was also in a hurry.

At this moment, there is really not much time left for them.

But looking back, the two of them saw that Zhou Suyi actually used the little magic weapon to cut Xianwang's head there.


Not to mention how horrifying this scene is.

Although it is a corpse, the scene of cutting the head with a knife still makes people feel shuddering.

Even Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang, who were used to seeing big scenes, felt their scalps go numb for a while, and their eyes changed when they looked at Zhou Suyi. They were probably thinking in their hearts whether Zhou Suyi was also possessed by some monster or ghost.

Otherwise, how could such a thing be done.

"Miss Yang, what is this?"

"Fuck, Brother Yang, are you still my Brother Yang? Could it be that you are possessed by some monster?"

Both Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi panicked.

After all, the environment here is already scary enough at this moment. If Zhou Suyi does such a terrifying thing again, it will easily make people have some bad associations.

Zhou Suyi didn't bother to talk nonsense, and said directly: "The Muchen Bead was hidden in the head of King Xian, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and leave!"

While speaking, she had already cut off King Xian's head.

Forget about this feeling, I suppressed the urge to vomit, feeling like a perverted murderer, but there was no other way, I could only do this now.

When the two of them heard that Muchen Bead was hidden in the head of King Xian, they were stunned for a moment, but they didn't doubt Zhou Suyi's words, this was the trust they had cultivated along the way.

Immediately, the three were ready to leave.

But at this moment, the headless King Xian stood up suddenly, and while a few people were not paying attention, he rushed towards Zhou Suyi.


(End of this chapter)

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