Chapter 354
After getting the Muchen Bead, Zhou Suyi wanted to leave here as soon as possible. If she could buy a little more time, she would be more likely to escape.

Immediately, she took out her penis-exploring claws and threw them upwards.

The Yin-penetrating claws firmly grasped it, Zhou Suyi just wanted to go up directly, but only felt a gust of wind blowing behind her.

"Damn it, I cheated again!"


The voices of Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi came.

Zhou Suyi's nerves were tense all the time. After hearing the sound, she almost subconsciously moved, which was a roundabout kick.


Before King Xian's body fell on Zhou Suyi, Zhou Suyi kicked him in the chest, and he flew out.

"Brother Yang did a great job."

Fatty Wang gave a thumbs up.

He has been clamoring to eliminate harm for the people, but now time is too urgent, no one will clean up King Xian's body, and now seeing King Xian's body was kicked out by Zhou Suyi, and his head was cut off, it is also very cool of.

"Go quickly!"

Zhou Suyi didn't care about the corpse of King Xian who got up again, and climbed up along the rope.

Seeing King Xian's corpse, Fatty Wang below ran over again, he backed up a few steps, exerted all his energy, and kicked him in the air.

"I hit!"

This kick was even more powerful, it kicked King Xian's body far away.

"Stop making trouble, come up quickly, you two hold the rope, and I will pull you up."

Hu Bayi and Wang Fatty hurriedly pulled the rope, and Zhou Suyi pulled them up directly by herself.

It should be said or not, just this strength, that is a real female man.

The three climbed up and ran towards the entrance of the cave.

At this moment, the position of the hole is almost closed.

If they hadn't known the location of Xian Wang's coffin in advance, if they hadn't cut off Xian Wang's head directly, then they would never be able to escape, and there was simply not enough time.

At this moment, those blackened palms also began to block them.

Dense palms covered the ground, constantly grabbing their ankles, delaying time.

At this time, Zhou Suyi will naturally not begrudge her own blood.

He cut his palm directly.

" really hurts!"

Zhou Suyi was in so much pain that she shed tears, but the blood still spilled to the front.

The bright red blood beads reflected the light of the flashlight, emitting a strange red light.

The blood opened the way, and the ghost hand retreated.

When Fatty Wang saw this scene, he was very envious again.

I guess I was thinking in my heart again, after I go out, I will definitely not lift the curse, and when I don't go to the grave, it will not be too late to lift the curse at that time.

Anyway, now that Muchen Bead is in his hands, the curse can't be solved easily.

The three of them hurried out of the hole that was about to close.

The mountains were shaken for a while, and it was obvious that Tai Sui was fully recovering.

"Quick, we have to get out of here as soon as possible!"

The three of them climbed up the beam and down the rope.

But as soon as he got down, he saw a black shadow pounce on him directly.

"Fuck, almost forgot about this guy!"

Zhou Suyi's face changed, and she almost forgot about the black-haired zongzi.

Now that this thing is sneaking up on them when they are in a panic, he is shameless. Could it be that this thing is really intelligent.

In desperation, how could Zhou Suyi think too much.

Anyway, the cut on the hand had just been cut, and now there was still blood on it, and the blood was spilled directly.

Although there was not much blood, it splashed on the body of the black-haired rice dumpling, and there was a crackling sound immediately.

As if it wasn't blood, but concentrated sulfuric acid.

But this time, the black-haired rice dumpling didn't back away in fright, but grabbed Zhou Suyi's neck directly.

Those long black nails were like iron picks. If they were attacked, blood holes would immediately appear on the neck.

"Fuck me!"

At this moment, Zhou Suyi was terrified.

This situation has completely exceeded her expectations.

As expected, the black-haired rice dumpling had to run away obediently when it encountered its own unicorn blood.

But who would have thought that this time, not only did he not escape, but he was still actively attacking.

Zhou Suyi suddenly had a feeling of being tricked.

I'm afraid that although the unicorn blood has a restraining effect on the zongzi, it is definitely not too strong. It can only act as a deterrent, but it cannot cause substantial damage to the zongzi.

It's okay if it's an ordinary zongzi, but apparently, the black-haired zongzi is not that scary.

The reason why I kept running before was probably because I was waiting here.

I just want to take advantage of myself to develop a fixed thinking, and then launch a fatal blow.

"My mother... are you sure this mother is a zongzi, not just a person wearing a zongzi?"

"I seriously suspect that it's Lin Mu's cameo zongzi, covered in zongzi skins, and coming here on purpose to be disgusting."

"Good guy, even zongzi can act these days, this world is too crazy."

"You may not believe me when I tell you, but I've been fooled by a zongzi for so long."

"This black-haired rice dumpling has spiritual wisdom. If it continues to practice for a few hundred years, will it become the legendary corpse fairy?"


Netizens were also shocked. It was true that no one expected that a zongzi could still play tricks, which made Zhou Suyi and all the netizens confused.

Who else, who else.

Zhou Suyi is numb.

When Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang saw this scene, they were also stunned. They were petrified, and they didn't know how to save Zhou Suyi.

Zhou Suyi's brain was also short-circuited.

Things were so unexpected that he forgot to resist.

But such a long experience is not for nothing.

Dodging may not be possible. At the most critical moment, Zhou Suyi slightly raised the head of the person in her arms.


Zongzi's ten black nails directly inserted into King Xian's head, and at the same time made a creaking sound, like the sound of metal rubbing against glass, which made people feel goosebumps all over their body involuntarily.

This action made Zhou Suyi even more sure that Muchen Bead was inside Xian Wang's head, otherwise, it would have been pierced by nails.

The black-haired rice dumpling was also taken aback.

However, just as he was in a daze, Zhou Suyi snapped his head off, and the nails of the black-haired rice dumpling got stuck in King Xian's head immediately.

Then, Zhou Suyi raised her hand and grabbed the black gold ancient knife on the head of the black-haired rice dumpling.

"Bring me back!"

With a sudden force, the ancient black gold knife was finally recovered.

The black-haired zongzi struggled violently and wanted to withdraw his hand, but Zhou Suyi couldn't make him do so.

Stuck at the angle, he couldn't pull back the black-haired rice dumpling's nails.

At the same time, Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth, bit the tip of her tongue again, and with the horizontal knife in her hand, she sprayed a mouthful of blood mist.

The black-golden ancient knife was immediately covered with a layer of blood-colored coating, and then, a horizontal knife went straight to the neck of the black-haired rice dumpling.


(End of this chapter)

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