Chapter 355 Insufficient success
The black gold ancient knife was lost and found again, holding it in my hand again, I felt the blade vibrating slightly, as if the knife was in joy.

A layer of blood mist splashed, adding a blood-colored and strange light to the black gold ancient knife, making the whole knife look more sharp.

At this moment, the black-haired rice dumpling was also slightly taken aback.

It seems that he really didn't expect that he could resist a fatal attack that he had endured for so long. Is this woman in front of her still human?
This responsiveness is simply invincible.

However, Zhou Suyi, who has the blood of a unicorn, is so "perverted", her reaction speed is several times faster than normal people.

When the knife falls, the head falls.

With the blessing of Qilin's blood, the sharpness of the black gold ancient knife rises linearly, and the armor-piercing ability increases by [-]%.

No matter how strong the black fur of the black-haired zongzi is, it is useless at this moment.

Under the function of Kirin's blood breaking defense, it is as fragile as white paper.


The head of the black-haired zongzi fell to the ground and rolled out like a ball.

Then, the black cat began to wither at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its head began to shrivel rapidly like a leaky ball.


The same is true for the body without the head, falling to the ground and quickly withering.

Zongzi, who was so arrogant just now and wanted to give them a fatal blow, was killed like this.

Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi above were dumbfounded.

It's just that everything happened too fast.

Before they could react, the battle was over.

If it were the two of them who came down first, then they would be the ones who were decapitated.

"Brother Yang, awesome, awesome!"

Fatty Wang really couldn't think of any good words to describe Zhou Suyi, so he could only use a word to describe her.

Hu Bayi was also very shocked, his excited body trembled a little, as if he had chopped up the black-haired rice dumpling just now.

[Hu Bayi recognition +2]

[Fatty Wang's recognition +2]

There is no doubt that the recognition of the two of them will not be achieved if they do not want to improve.

After doing all this, Zhou Suyi's own hands were trembling slightly.

Not excited but nervous.

It can be said that all the operations just now have two layers of conscious actions, while the other [-]% are subconscious actions of the body.

If it happened again, Zhou Suyi would be sure.

Then what was pierced would not be King Xian's head, but his own neck.

"It's dangerous!"

But after all, it was a catastrophe, and the black gold ancient knife was lost and recovered, which is the latest good news.


At this moment, the vibration became more violent, and the entire Yin Palace was about to collapse.

Obviously, with the full recovery of the Tai Sui, the yin palace built on the basis of the Tai Sui will also complete its historical mission at this moment.

"Don't be dazed, come down quickly, run!" Seeing that the two of them were still in a daze, Zhou Suyi hurriedly reminded them.

Only then did the two come back to their senses, and hurriedly climbed down along the rope.

Zhou Suyi and the three of them fled towards them immediately.

But Fatty Wang took two steps, as if he remembered something, he ran back with a whoosh.

"Fuck, Fatty Wang, what are you doing, come back quickly."

Zhou Suyi was numb when she saw Fatty Wang running back.

It's not easy for me to get to this point, this guy won't do anything to me again, right?

"Wait, be right back!"

Fatty Wang replied and continued to run back.

bang bang...

At this time, the beams of the house could no longer support them, they broke one after another, and things fell from them from time to time.

"I fucking..."

Zhou Suyi really wanted to ignore everything at this moment, and chased him in to give Fatty Wang a few big blows.

This guy is so fucking irritating to you.

Hu Bayi seemed to know what Fatty Wang was going to do, "This guy must have gone to get the bronze mirror for suppressing corpses, let's go, let's go out and wait for him first."

"This guy really wants money, not life!"

Zhou Suyi didn't even know what to say.

In such a critical situation, this guy still thinks about his baby, there really are people like this who want money but don't care about their lives.

Immediately, the two ignored him and ran outside.

When I got to the door and looked back, I saw Fatty Wang holding a bronze mirror for suppressing corpses in his arms.

However, when the bronze mirror was taken down, the lid of the cellar's coffin flew off.

A bloody figure stood up from inside.

At the same time, a burst of extremely strong student spirit surged out like a wave of air.

Looking at the bloody figure, Zhou Suyi felt a little chills in her heart.

She had an intuition that that terrifying bloody figure was probably even more difficult and terrifying than that black-haired rice dumpling.

"Fuck, if you fail again this time, Fatty Wang, just wait for me."

Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth.

He secretly made up his mind that if he fails this time, he will do nothing next time he logs in to the game, and he will beat Fatty Wang to vent his anger first.

"I got it, I got it, hahaha!" Fatty Wang ran towards them with the bronze mirror in his arms, and at the same time he didn't seem to feel the horror of what was behind him, smiling like a fool.

Seeing his heartless smile, Zhou Suyi clenched her fists.

I really miss the big pussy pocket.


There was a loud roar, and the surrounding blood surged again.

Fatty Wang was startled when he heard the sound, and hurriedly turned his head to look. When he saw the blood corpse, his hair stood on end in fright.

"Fuck me."

His legs softened, and he almost knelt down directly.

The next moment, the blood-stained zongzi jumped out and looked directly at their position.

"My mother!"

Fatty Wang didn't know where the strength came from, and rushed out with a whoosh, a lot faster than before.

However, the blood corpse chased towards Fatty Wang fiercely, even faster, almost like a bloody afterimage.

"Fatty Wang, your uncle!"

Zhou Suyi really wanted to kill Fatty Wang.

At the critical moment of escaping, this guy released the most dangerous zongzi for a bronze mirror. This shit is really nothing.

Hu Bayi didn't even know what to say.

Although he is a good brother, he probably has the same thoughts as Zhou Suyi at the moment, that is, just kill this guy and forget it.

What brother do you want.

This fucking is the brother who took you to eat the beheaded meal.

However, Hu Bayi's reaction was quick, he raised his gun immediately, and shot at the bloody corpse behind Fatty Wang.

bang bang...

The bullet whizzed past Fatty Wang, so scared that Fatty Wang almost fell to the ground.

"I said Commander Hu, you can take it easy, if you go off fire, my little life will be accounted for here."

"Stop talking nonsense, you still have the nerve to say it, look at the good things you have caused!" Hu Bayi said angrily.

The bullet hit the blood corpse precisely, but it had almost no effect.

The bullet instantly sank into the blood corpse's body, and the bullet hole that was shot out was immediately covered with sticky blood, as if nothing had happened.

As for the blood corpse, he didn't feel much anymore, as if he had been hit by a stone, his body froze for a moment, and then started to chase again.


(End of this chapter)

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