Chapter 356
In this critical moment, there is no delay, and wasting one more second is a desecration of life.

And at this time, Fatty Wang went back to make troubles, so Zhou Suyi really didn't know what to say.

If she didn't know that the game would fail after Fatty Wang died, she really didn't want to pay attention to this plot trigger.

But it's too late to say anything now, so I can only think of a way.

"Hey, the fat man really watched my blood pressure soar, I really want to hit someone."

"It turns out that the one in Xingzi's coffin is the boss."

"This is too scary. The human skin is rotten, and it can be faked. It's too outrageous."

"I would like to call this bloody thing the strongest zongzi. It would be fun to watch Sister Zhou fight with him."

"You really don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement."


Looking at Fatty Wang's coquettish operation, and then looking at the terrifying blood corpse, the netizens feel horrible through the screen. Of course, they also want to give Fatty Wang two big blows through the screen, so that this guy can have a long memory.

Zhou Suyi really had no choice, maybe the setting of the game, Fatty Wang is the plot booster.

Otherwise, the set plot cannot be triggered.

Seeing that the blood corpse was about to catch up to Fatty Wang, Zhou Suyi hurriedly picked up a piece of gravel on the ground, and with all her might, "Squat down!"

With a loud cry, the gravel as big as a head in his hand flew out.

When Fatty Wang heard the sound, he subconsciously bent down and lowered his head.

Immediately afterwards, a gust of cold wind whistling overhead was heard.

If I slow down a bit, I'm afraid my head will explode.

"Fuck, Brother Yang is too cruel!"

Fatty Wang was afraid for a while, feeling that Brother Yang had some personal grievances about him.

He even wondered if the stone was actually aimed at his own head, otherwise how could it be so accurate.

Seeing that the stone did not hit Fatty Wang, Zhou Suyi was somewhat disappointed.

Then I watched the stone hit the head of the blood corpse behind with a howling wind.

The blood corpse was moving forward at a high speed, and now it was hit in the head by a whistling stone, its speed doubled and its energy doubled.

With a bang, the blood corpse's head was directly smashed flat, and its body was also tilted, falling heavily to the ground.

Fatty Wang glanced back and was overjoyed.

"Brother Yang, you did a good job, but you are so ugly, if you have the ability to continue chasing your fat man, I'm sorry!"

Fatty Wang didn't forget to turn around and spit.

But then I saw that the blood corpse whose head had been smashed flat was slowly inflated like a balloon.

"My mother, why can't I beat you to death, are you a fucking Xiaoqiang?"

When Fatty Wang saw this scene, he ran away.

Zhou Suyi's face was also ugly.

The blood corpse's defensive power seemed less terrifying than that of the black-haired rice dumpling, but it was even more terrifying since it couldn't be killed by such a powerful attack just now.

Moreover, the rock just now was stained with her unicorn blood, but it didn't seem to have any effect on the blood corpse.

For such a long time, this was the first time that the Qilin blood had lost its effect.

"Fuck me, what kind of monster did Fatty Wang release!" Zhou Suyi cursed again in her heart.

"Run!" She had no intention of fighting at all, and now she just wanted to escape from here and complete the task.

Moreover, that Tai Sui had almost completely recovered, and the entire yin palace was collapsing faster and faster.

Fortunately, after buying some time for Fatty Wang, Fatty Wang finally ran out.

But as soon as he came out, Zhou Suyi snatched the bronze mirror for suppressing corpses that he was holding.

The blood corpse must be suppressed today, otherwise, none of them will be able to escape, and the only one who can suppress the blood corpse is probably the corpse suppressing bronze mirror.

At this moment, the blood corpse also got up, as if it hadn't suffered any harm, and chased them again.

The speed of this thing is too fast.

Running is definitely impossible.

"Brother Yang, what are you doing?" Fatty Wang was somewhat reluctant to see that the bronze mirror for suppressing corpses that he took out with all his hard work was in Zhou Suyi's hands.

"Stop talking nonsense, run away if you don't want to die!" Zhou Suyi said angrily.

She thought it would be fine if my old lady didn't beat you up, but you still dare to gossip here, you really want to eat a big pussy, don't you?

"Fatty, hurry up." Hu Bayi gave Fatty Wang a hand, for fear that this guy would do something wrong again at this time.

"Miss Yang, hurry up and go!" Seeing that Zhou Suyi didn't move, Hu Bayi hurriedly shouted.

"You guys go first, I'll come later." Zhou Suyi said.

She was helpless and didn't want to stay, but now Fatty Wang shit, she had to wipe his ass, otherwise, none of them would be able to escape.

Hu Bayi gritted his teeth, pulled Fatty Wang and ran away.

He still believed in Zhou Suyi. Compared with Fatty Wang's unreliability, Zhou Suyi was not too reliable in his heart.


The yin palace completely collapsed, and a huge meat mountain Tai Sui finally revealed his true face.

The huge body is really like a hill, and at the same time, there are densely packed black palms outside, and it is unknown how many people were swallowed by this thing before they fell into a deep sleep.

Now that it is recovering again, it is many times more terrifying than it was more than 2000 years ago.

The blood corpse rushed out before the Yin Palace collapsed, and was not swallowed by Roshan Taisui.

It's just that his speed is too fast.

The next moment, the blood corpse was already in front of Zhou Suyi.

Zhou Suyi's expression was extremely solemn, but she didn't move in a hurry. Seeing the bloody corpse approaching her eyes, she swung a knife.


This knife slashed on the blood corpse's shoulder, but the blood corpse did not dodge, but although the powerful knife did not enter the blood corpse's body, it was directly stuck inside, and did not cut the blood corpse's shoulder. down.

Immediately afterwards, the blood corpse's big hand had already grabbed Zhou Suyi's head.

At the same time, drops of blood splashed onto Zhou Suyi's clothes.


Black smoke immediately rose from the place touched by the blood beads, and a big hole was corroded in the clothes.

"Fuck me!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Suyi was horrified, she really didn't expect that the blood of this thing is so corrosive, how can this damn thing be beaten.

If this gets on the skin, it will be disfigured in minutes.

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi greeted all eighteen generations of Fatty Wang's ancestors in her heart.

What kind of terrifying monster was released.

Really mad at me.

In desperation, Zhou Suyi drew her knife and backed away, avoiding those two big bloody hands at the same time, but also to be careful not to be touched by those blood drops, and the bronze mirror for suppressing corpses in the other hand was ready, facing The face of the blood corpse was blurred.

"Leave me alone!"


(End of this chapter)

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