Chapter 357 Earth Gas Leakage
Although the blood corpse was terrifying, he was very confident in his own strength, so he didn't dodge Zhou Suyi's attack at all, as if he didn't take it seriously at all.

The fact is that people do have this strength.

Zhou Suyi slashed down with a knife, but there was no reaction at all.

It is estimated that for the blood corpse, that knife is like being bitten by a mosquito, it is not painful.

However, this was exactly what Zhou Suyi wanted. Immediately, the bronze mirror for suppressing corpses caught him by surprise.


This buckle was firm, and the corpse suppressing bronze mirror just hit the face of the blood corpse firmly, and buckled the whole face of the blood corpse inside.

Needless to say, this bronze mirror is indeed extraordinary.

The moment it was placed on the blood corpse's face, the blood corpse immediately stopped moving as if it had been cast with a holding spell.

"so far so good!"

Zhou Suyi secretly rejoiced that this thing was useful, otherwise today would be in danger.

However, she clearly saw that the blood of this blood corpse was terrifyingly perverted.

There was a faint white smoke on the copper mirror for suppressing corpses, and the bronze mirror was melting rapidly.

"Damn it, is there a layer of aqua regia flowing from this nima's body?"

This thing is so perverted.

Zhou Suyi didn't dare to stay, and if she could delay for a while, she immediately chased after Hu Bayi and the others.

Her speed was extremely fast, and she quickly caught up with the two of them.

"Miss Yang, how are you doing?" Hu Bayi asked hurriedly.

"Temporarily controlled. However, the blood of that thing has a corrosive effect, so it won't be able to resist for long. However, the Tai Sui should arrive, and it will definitely be able to swallow him. At that time, I don't know who is stronger!" Zhou Suyi said.

For that little time, Tai Sui has arrived.

Although the blood corpse was terrifying, it seemed insignificant compared to the giant Tai Sui.

In the blink of an eye, Tai Sui swallowed him into his body and became one of countless corpses.

Then, among those corpses, there was a blood-red figure, adding a touch of color to the entire Tai Sui.

"Hey, it has to be Sister Zhou, Sister Zhou wiped all the shit that the fat man pulled."

"Do you think the blood corpse will melt Tai Sui?"

"It shouldn't be that perverted. If it were so perverted, King Xian would never put this thing here."

"Get out, this game is about to end again."

"Comrades, Lin Shu is missing, and the next game may be gone."

"Mom, don't talk about such a sad topic at this time."


Everyone can see that the game is about to end, as long as Sister Zhou doesn't break down this time and runs away directly, then the game will be considered a satisfactory end.

Before the Jingjue Ancient City, before the end, Lin Mu released a lot of cg animations, but this time, Lin Mu never appeared, and naturally there was no teaser cg for the next game.

This made netizens worry, and I'm really afraid that this Yunnan insect valley will never be heard again.

The most important thing is that the secret of Muchen Bead has not been figured out yet.

Although they got the things, they are more interested in the E Luo Haicheng that goes with it. They really look forward to the next one.

Unfortunately, everything is unknown now.

Zhou Suyi and the others didn't dare to delay in the slightest, there was only one word in their minds, run.

The three of them ran desperately, and soon crossed the Sansheng Bridge and came to the Tianmen, and hurriedly climbed up the rope.

After climbing up and looking outside, his expression was a bit ugly.

The outside has been flooded, and the water level has almost reached the middle of the gate.

It can be seen that if they procrastinate for a little longer, they may really have no chance at all and will be directly drowned in it.

"Yu Hou's border crossing has already started, we have to speed up, otherwise, we will really be trapped here to death." Hu Bayi shouted!

Now the pattern here has been broken, the Tai Sui has recovered, and the earth's air has leaked, which will definitely cause terrifying changes in the sky.

Needless to say, Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang also knew that the situation was urgent.

Immediately, the three of them didn't hesitate, and they didn't use the rope. They put on their diving equipment and jumped directly.

The oxygen cylinders of the three still had some oxygen, enough for them to go out.

Swim forward all the way to the position of the water eye. Although the vortex is not so big, it is still difficult to go up.

Fortunately, they had made preparations in advance, and the three of them dragged the body of the green-scaled python and crawled outside, which saved a lot of trouble.

When I got back to the pool, I felt the ground was shaking. Obviously, Tai Sui was still chasing him.

"Damn, this thing is really persistent." Zhou Suyi cursed, looked at the head in her hand, feeling a little depressed.

If that Tai Sui doesn't give up until he catches up with this head, it will be troublesome.

When they finally exhausted, but the Tai Sui obviously did not.

Keep chasing, they must be the ones who can't hold back first.

The three climbed out of the water and out of the dark water, but it was still pitch black outside.

The sound of the waterfall was like a thunderstorm. The heavy dark clouds in the sky made it hard to breathe.

The three of them were about to continue fleeing, but at this moment, a bloody crack appeared in the black clouds in the sky.

It looked like a bloody gash had been cut in the sky, and it looked terrifying and strange.

The terrifying celestial phenomenon makes people feel extremely uncertain.

Fatty Wang wiped the water from his face, looked up at the sky, "Fuck me, is this God coming to my aunt?"

Zhou Suyi had a worried expression on her face, but she was directly overwhelmed by these words.

This guy is really unreliable.

God dares to make jokes, I am not afraid of a thunderbolt from the sky that will strike you to death.

"Old Hu, what's the situation?" Zhou Suyi asked.

Now, only Hu Bayi can figure out what's going on now.

Hu Bayi's face turned green, it was ugly and scary, "The earth's gas that has accumulated underground for thousands of years has leaked, the situation is not good, run away!"

The voice just fell.

Thousands of blood-colored rays descended from the blood-colored cracks in the sky, shining on countless raindrops, as if they were bleeding down.

Zhou Suyi's eyes were strange, thinking of Fatty Wang's words, this you really seem to be spewing out from my aunt.

The surrounding air swirls rapidly under the impact of the earth's air, forming a huge vortex above the water pool.

In less than half a minute, the strong wind had already picked up.

At this moment, there is no time for them to escape.

Hu Bayi hurriedly shouted: "Quick, find the ground and hide, don't get swept away!"

The three of them walked forward with difficulty, finally found a crack in the mountain, and rushed in.

The world outside seemed to be doomsday.

A funnel-shaped cyclone formed above the pool, sucking up all the water in the pool.

A spectacle of a waterspout sucking back was unfolded in front of everyone.

Looking up, all kinds of big fish and small turtles are flying in the sky, just like in a dream.

But then, a huge monster was also sucked up, it was that Roshan Taisui.

The fleshy Tai Sui is the same as Xiao Shan, its whole body is black, it really looks like a huge head, with facial features vaguely on it, it is very terrifying.


(End of this chapter)

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