Chapter 358
The scene in front of them was too frightening, Zhou Suyi and the others widened their eyes, and only then did they deeply feel the mighty power of nature.

Even the huge meat mountain Tai Sui can be rolled up, this scene is too appalling.

"Grandma, if this thing gets out, I'm afraid the nearby villagers will suffer. Poor girl Peacock, if they get hurt in any way, I'm so sorry!" Fatty Wang said.

This guy still has some conscience.

Don't look careless at ordinary times, but the heart is still very good.

Zhou Suyi was also worried about this.

Although it is a game, even in the game, dragging other innocent people down, I still feel uncomfortable.

On the contrary, Hu Bayi said: "It's okay, do you still remember the forbidden line you met when you came here? According to Feng Shui, it is called Qinglong Dunbi, and the screen is a horse, and there is chaos and evil inside. Once the Tai Sui hits it, it will be destroyed by Chaos Fierce strangulation!"

"Is there such a saying?" Zhou Suyi really didn't remember the forbidden thread, which may be the reason why he didn't ask about it before.

But now that Hu Bayi said it, Zhou Suyi felt more at ease.

Lao Hu's words are more reliable.

But, is there really such a thing in nature?

That terrible Tai Sui, will he really be strangled when he encounters the forbidden thread?

It felt a little outrageous, but Zhou Suyi had to believe Hu Bayi's words.

"Qinglong pauses his pen, and the screen moves quickly, good guy, what kind of Fengshui bureau is this? Lin Mu understands too well, right?"

"It seems that there are quite a few backers arranged by King Xian."

"If this is the case, then the members of the archaeological team will be saved, otherwise, it will be too miserable."

"Yeah, I watched it too, and I was chased."

"There is also this saying, the strange knowledge has increased again."


Netizens are also curious.

It's really that Roshan Taisui looks too scary. In their hearts, they can kill this thing, such as missiles, and they really can't think of anything else.

It would be much more interesting if it was just strangled by a Feng Shui bureau.

The waterspout outside lasted for a while before it stopped.

All kinds of big fish and small fish fall from the sky. This is a real experience of witnessing the feeling of fish from the sky.

Zhou Suyi glanced outside, and saw a huge monster from the sky falling towards them by coincidence.

"Fuck, no!" Zhou Suyi was speechless.

This place is so spacious, how could this thing be aimed at them? It's too damn accurate.

With a bang, the thing fell to the ground, and the sticky liquid fell everywhere, isn't it the meat Taisui?

Fatty Wang yelled, "What about me last year, this thing has a fucking positioning, just throw it in front of us!"

"It's still falling in front of you, not on your body, stop talking nonsense, and run quickly!" Hu Bayi shouted.

The three rushed out in a hurry.

The meat Tai Sui was rolling on the ground, so he spotted the three of them and chased after them.

"Go back the same way, back to the corpse cave!" Hu Bayi shouted!

When Fatty Wang heard that this mother was going to climb that vine, he felt his calf twist.

But when I looked back at the terrifying fleshy Tai Sui, I suddenly felt that those vines were so cute, so lovable.

The three of them risked their lives, climbed up the vine, and climbed towards the corpse hole.

But this game obviously won't let them pass the level so easily.

If you don't come out at this time, I'm really sorry for the players.

Just as they were approaching the corpse cave, there were bursts of howling ghosts and howling wolves in the sky, as if countless ghosts surrounded them.

The faces of the three of them changed drastically, and when they turned their heads, a few big birds flew towards them.

"No, it's those eagle owls." Hu Ba said.

"Eagle owl!"

Zhou Suyi thought of the horned owl that was pretending to be a ghost on the big banyan tree before, and was immediately depressed. Hu Bayi said before that this thing held grudges, but Zhou Suyi really didn't expect that this thing would hold grudges like this, and would follow them all the time, waiting for revenge at the critical moment .

Is this you? You are simply a flat-headed brother in the sky.

At this moment, the bullets have long been emptied, and the guns are thrown away.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly took out the vajra umbrella to resist.

The claws of those horned owls are like steel hooks, and if they are scratched, their skin will be ripped apart immediately.

Fatty Wang picked up the engineering shovel and smashed it. He was afraid of heights, but after shaking it a few times, he became so dizzy that he almost fell down several times.

Hu Bayi also took turns to resist with the shovels of the engineers.

Eagle Owl's round of attacks didn't work, but fortunately, the game wasn't too outrageous.

After feeling the Tai Sui's breath chasing after them, these eagle owls did not dare to stay any longer and fled away one after another.

But the hearts of the people did not let go at all, because the Tai Sui was getting closer and closer to them.

If this continues, it is only a matter of time before being caught up.

After entering the Gourd Cave, the three of them continued to run, and soon arrived at the place where Huo's Undead Worm was.

When I got there, I saw that the scalps of the three of them were numb for a while.

The Huo's undead worm recovered a little, but the surroundings were densely packed, all of them were infants.

These babies surrounded Huo's Undead Worm, gnawing on the body of Huo's Undead Worm.

This scene is like a group of ants eating a big meat worm.

The Huo's undead worm kept churning, but it was still useless.

Although moving the body can crush several baby babies to death, the number of baby babies is still too much.

"Damn it, there are so many slipping through the net!" Fatty Wang exclaimed.

Zhou Suyi was not surprised.

Before that, a lot of female corpses were burned.

But there are a total of [-] female corpses here, many of which have been under the water before, and all of them slipped through the net. Some of them followed them to the Minglou Palace, and some of them stayed here.

Now, all the fish that slipped through the net have all climbed up.

The arrival of Zhou Suyi and the others seemed to have broken the balance here, and a group of babies immediately rushed towards them.

"This damn dragon entered the tiger's lair before it came out of the dragon pond!" Fatty Wang cursed, and could only resist with his engineering shovel.

Zhou Suyi really didn't want to fight with them, but there was a big guy behind him.

"Bloodletting, bloodletting!"

At this moment, Zhou Suyi had only one thought, anyway, the game is about to end, so she will not spare her own blood anymore.

It hurts a bit, but it works.

Immediately cut the palm that had not fully healed, and began to squirt blood towards the front.

With the unicorn blood opening the way, those infants retreated one after another. Obviously, the pure Qilin blood breath has a strong restraining effect on these infants.

Zhou Suyi ran ahead, and the babies jumped into the water, making way for them.

When Fatty Wang saw this scene, he was even more envious.

This pretentious scene is simply his dream scene.

But it's a pity that his blood is not old enough, which is Fatty Wang's permanent pain.


(End of this chapter)

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