Chapter 359

Anyway, the game is about to end, as long as you escape, you can retire, so Zhou Suyi is not stingy at all, the unicorn blood is sprinkled forward like money, and directly opens the way.

This made it easier for them.

No matter whether it was these baby toads or the big toads before, none of them dared to block the way and retreated in fright.

There was a rumbling sound from behind, and Tai Sui chased after him again.

Many infants were driven away by Qilin's blood, and attracted by Tai Sui's breath behind them, they jumped on them directly.

That Tai Sui was in the shape of a big meat ball, surrounded by dense black arms.

It is also food for babies.

What they need most when they are just hatched is to eat non-stop, and then they will grow rapidly into human beings.

Therefore, no matter how frightening Tai Sui is, those infants will jump on them directly.

It's a pity that they will be grabbed by a bunch of arms as soon as they pass by, and they will be pulled in directly.

And soon, that Tai Sui came into contact with Huo's Undead Worm.

The two behemoths came into contact, and there was no huge confrontation.

After all, although Huo's Undead Worm has recovered a bit, it is still a problem to move, and in terms of body size, Huo's Undead Worm is also much worse than Tai Sui.

At the moment of contact, the whole Tai Sui is wrapped up.

The densely packed hands grabbed Huo's undead worms and dragged them inside. The scene was extremely strange.

Huo's Undead Worm is also a huge monster, but now it has become food directly in front of Roshan Taisui, and there is no chance to resist at all.

Looking at it like this, it won't be long before this Huo's undead worm, which has lived for an unknown number of years, will be completely swallowed by Tai Sui.

Zhou Suyi glanced back and her scalp became numb.

This thing is really scary.

Not picky eaters.

He really swallowed something along the way, and his body size was also growing rapidly. If this continues, who knows how big it will become in the end.

"Hope the old nonsense works!"

This is the only thought in Zhou Suyi's mind now.

If it's useless, then they can't escape no matter what.

Not long after the three of them rushed out, they heard another rumbling sound from behind. When they looked back, their expressions were extremely ugly.

Fatty Wang originally wanted to take a break, but when he saw Tai Sui chasing him again, he scolded his mother angrily.

After running and swimming all the way, he finally ran out of the calabash cave.

The temple outside is still there.

The three of them didn't dare to stop for a moment, and continued to run wildly.

Run all the way, chase all the way.

Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi couldn't run anymore.

The physical exertion is too great, even if several people are much stronger than ordinary people, but at the moment it is too much.

This is more exciting than Temple Run.

Not to mention that the thighs are like being filled with lead, and they feel like they are running while pulling a mountain when they move.

The body even lost the slightest strength, and almost fell down several times.

As long as you fall down, you probably won't have the strength to get up again.

Now, it is not physical strength that is relied on, but willpower.

Their speed is also getting slower and slower, and the Tai Sui behind them is getting closer and closer.

Those densely packed black arms were swinging, as if shouting, excited, and waving towards them enthusiastically.

At this moment, even the netizens were sweating for Zhou Suyi and the others, they forgot to breathe when they were so nervous,

"Come on, come on, you must escape."

"Friendly reminder, you can breathe here."

"Thank you for reminding me, good people will live a safe life, bah!"

"Let me tell you, these are all in the game, not in reality. There are no such people in reality. In reality, the archaeological team is chased even worse."

"I thank you."


Netizens had everything to say, and they all sweated for Zhou Suyi, but some were also joking to ease the tense atmosphere.

Otherwise, this simple pursuit is too depressing, making people see no hope at all.

"It can't be done, it can't be done, I can't run anymore, you guys run, Fatty, I will kill myself with a knife!"

Fatty Wang was the first one who couldn't run anymore. He was already fat and had poor physical strength. He had been poisoned several times before. Although the poison was cured immediately, it still had some impact on his body.

At this moment, I really feel that two of the three legs in my body are not my own.

Hu Bayi also stumbled, not much better than Fatty Wang.

But he looked up and looked forward, a little unwilling.

"The front is the forbidden thread!"

However, seeing that hope is in front of him, he can't hold on at this moment.

The most frightening thing is that Tai Sui has already caught up, right behind them.

As long as they stop, they will be swallowed by Tai Sui immediately.

"In front?"

Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth.

Although she was also tired, she hadn't reached her limit, so she couldn't control that much immediately. She grabbed Fatty Wang's waistband, lifted Hu Bayi up, and led the two of them towards the front.

Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi were dumbfounded.

Not only were they dumbfounded, but netizens were also dumbfounded.

Good guy, what is a female man, this is the real female man.

A woman was running with two big men who weighed more than 400 kilograms. If I hadn't seen this scene with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it.

It's too ridiculous.

But now this outrageous scene actually happened in the game.

Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi realized that their faces were a little hot.

The two of us were carried away by a woman like chickens, and I really felt a little ashamed.

"It's okay, it's okay, no one saw it, otherwise, I'd lose my face, and I might as well be dead!" Hu Bayi rejoiced in his heart.

Fatty Wang also looked around with a guilty conscience, and he was slightly relieved when he found that there was no one else.

Otherwise, if this scene is seen by other people, how will his fat master mess around in the world in the future?

Zhou Suyi didn't think too much about it. At this moment, there was only one thought in her mind, that is, she must escape, complete the task, and complete the game.

This is also an obsession.

But after all, this is not a smooth road, but a jungle, full of gullies, dark pits, dead wood branches blocking the road, and weeds around.

Zhou Suyi ran so fast that she didn't have time to look carefully at her feet, and then she was afraid of something, accidentally tripped her foot on a dead wood pile, and fell directly.

The three of them first formed a perfect parabola and flew forward, then hit the ground heavily, and before they stopped, they rolled down the mountain like a ball.

"It's over!" At this moment, Zhou Suyi had such a thought in his mind.

This fall will definitely not be able to get up for a short time, and the Tai Sui behind will definitely catch up with them.

The rolling fell for dozens of meters before stopping. The three of them felt the earth was turned upside down, their bodies seemed to be falling apart, and they didn't react for a while.

And that Roshan Taisui finally found the right opportunity, and rolled towards them!


(End of this chapter)

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