Chapter 360 The Terrible Feng Shui Bureau

Zhou Suyi really didn't expect that the critical moment would be so unlucky, and she would even be tripped.

After falling tens of meters, I felt like I was going to fall apart.

When he woke up, he saw Roshan Taisui running towards them.

In an instant, Zhou Suyi lost all hope.

have to……

All this effort was in vain and had to start all over again.

All the palms on Roshan Taisui's body were shaking, as if they were excited, excited, and celebrating the upcoming victory.

Netizens also sighed one after another, but they didn't expect to fail at the last moment.

How many feel a little pity.

But then, something weird happened.

When he reached a certain position, it seemed that there were countless knives cutting Tai Sui's body invisible, and it seemed that he had hit an invisible big net.

Tai Sui's body began to explode and melt.

This scene is extremely weird.

The huge body was cut by an invisible sharp blade, and the fallen pieces quickly turned into thick water.

Tai Sui was stopped by the Feng Shui Bureau of Qinglong's pen and screen.


For a moment, Zhou Suyi's eyes widened, and she wondered if she had been blinded by the fall and had hallucinations.

In just a moment, Tai Sui's huge body began to shrivel up, and when the thick water drained away, it became a huge dry meat shell, like a big rock.

Everything around became quiet in an instant, only Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi were lying on the ground panting heavily.

"Fuck, it's dead, it's dead, this thing is finally dead!" Fatty Wang was so excited that he almost cried out of joy.

Hu Bayi also let out a long breath.

Netizens were even more stunned.

It's really that Tai Sui's disintegration is too fast, almost in an instant, which makes people unpredictable.

At this moment, they realized the horror of the Feng Shui bureau of nature.

This kind of thing is really killing people invisible.

It would be terrible if someone in modern times still mastered this terrible way of arranging Feng Shui bureaus.

[Congratulations to the player for completing the task]

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the Digger Armor, which can be withdrawn at any time]

The task completion prompt of the game arrived as scheduled.

Hearing this voice, Zhou Suyi lay down on the ground directly, tears burst out unconsciously.

Finally got it.

Finally got it.

This time the adventure is really too difficult.

I used to think that the journey of adventure in the ancient city of Jingjue was already at the ceiling level, but who would have thought that this trip to Yunnan Worm Valley would be at the ceiling level.

Along the way, she forgot how many strange things she encountered and how many dangers she encountered.

This road is full of struggles, stumbles, just for this moment, everything is worth it.

"It's done, fuck it, it's done, congratulations, Sister Zhou, it's over."

"It's over, it's over, it's over so soon, Lin Mu is still missing, it seems that the next game is hopeless."

"Hey, I guess this time it's really a lifetime series."

"Oh, no, I don't accept it."

"To be honest, I bought two fucking games, and I just watched the first one before I cleared it."


At the last moment of the game, netizens suddenly felt a little reluctant.

After chasing for so long again, it has become a habit.

Now that it ends suddenly, it makes people a little unbearable, as if all the fun in life has been lost.


They are still sentimental here, but the archaeological team is miserable.

Roshan Taisui rushed out. Although the crowd had already started to evacuate, some people were scared out of their wits and panicked. They were still swallowed by Taisui.

Wang Bing and the others had no way to stop Tai Sui's progress.

At this moment, support has been called and missiles are ready to be used.

At present, apart from missiles, there is nothing that can kill this terrifying Tai Sui.

But unexpectedly, the third master shouted when he was running: "Everyone avoid me, it is chasing me, as long as you run in other directions, there will be no danger!"

Hearing what the third master said, Wang Bing didn't hesitate, and hurriedly ordered people to arrange a large army away from the escape route of the third master.

Sure enough, Tai Sui ignored them at all, and ran after the third master and Dao Scarface directly.

After a while, he got away from them.

A group of people stood behind watching Roushan Taisui chasing the third master and the others away, feeling very complicated.

They came to catch these two people, but now these two people rescued them again, which made them feel weird.

Especially Chen Yan and the others.

To be honest, he used to hate tomb robbers, but the third master made him feel good. Now he has a bold idea in his heart, that is, if the third master and the others are caught.

He must unite with the top management of the Archaeological Association to try to find a way to get the officials to release the third master, and then let the third master commit crimes and meritorious deeds to join the archaeological team.

If these two people join in, then more and more ancient tombs will be excavated in the future, and they will be very safe.

"Third Master, what should I do, I can't run anymore!" Scarface was also anxious.

Running all the way down, this is much more tiring than running a marathon, and I feel that my legs don't belong to me anymore.

The third master was very calm, "Persist for a while, we're almost there!"

"What's coming soon?" Dao Scar looked puzzled.

The third master's calf is also twisting, and at this moment he is also relying on his faith to support him, "To stop this Tai Sui's feng shui situation, as long as you cross the forbidden line, this situation can be broken!"

Although Scarface couldn't understand these words, the fire of hope was burning in his heart.

"It turns out that the third master has already had a way to deal with it, which is normal, this is the third master!"

For a while, Scarface admired the third master even more.

After a while, Wang Bing received information about Zhou Suyi's clearance of the game and the news that Tai Sui would collapse in one place, and informed Wang Bing to lead Tai Sui to that location.

Wang Bing looked at the location, and suddenly his expression became strange.

Because the location where he received the notification was the location where the third master fled.

"Not good, hurry up!"

Immediately, he realized that the third master is sure to take care of the Tai Sui, and once the Tai Sui is taken care of, the two of them can escape.

In the depths of this mountain, it is really difficult to find two people.

Once they can't keep up, these two people may really run away.

Immediately, Wang Bing led his men to chase after him.


Both the game and the real trip to Worm Valley have come to an end, and as the designer of the game, Lin Mu has already left the legendary Atlantis.

Of course, he was the only one who left. Pharaoh and his capable generals stayed in the depths of the sea forever.

Moreover, he also got the secret of the eternal silence of Atlantis.

A secret that made him feel incredible after hearing it.

It turned out that the silence of Atlantis turned out to be the reason.


(End of this chapter)

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