Chapter 361 The Choice of Civilization
Lin Mu left Atlantis by himself, not by himself, but was released by the people of Atlantis.

As for why he only released himself, he himself did not understand.

I felt that the leader of the Atlantis family looked at him strangely.

But it's good to be able to leave.

Almost all the remaining pharaohs were thrown to feed the fish.

Lin Mu was also quite helpless, originally thinking of infiltrating the enemy's interior and being an undercover agent, looking for excitement.

But who would have imagined that if he didn't make a move, he would just wipe out the high-level people.

It is estimated that for a long time to come, the pharaoh organization will fall into civil strife.

As for the secret of Atlantis, Lin Mu was a little surprised.

According to that leader, the silence of Atlantis was their own choice.

Back then, Atlantis had developed to a certain extent, and even in some respects, it had far surpassed the current level of technology.

But one day, a prophet was born in the clan.

The prophet sees some vision of the future, a vision of humans killing each other.

The prophet saw that when human technology developed to a certain level and reached a certain bottleneck, a terrible war broke out.

That war wiped out almost all of humanity.

Therefore, the high-level leaders of the entire Atlantis family held a meeting, and finally, they decided to abandon the continued development of science, and even abandon all high-tech and return to the original.

Use this method to avoid the end of human extinction.

In order not to be involved in human disputes, the Atlanteans improved the genes of their own people, allowing them to live in the depths of the sea, away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

Therefore, after so many years, the people of Atlantis have always kept the prophecies of the prophets in mind, and have maintained relatively primitive living habits.

Live in the depths of the sea, never contact with the outside world.

This result surprised Lin Mu, and he also admired the courage of the Atlanteans.

"Humans, will they really destroy themselves?"

This question made Lin Mu think deeply.

In recent years, he has also noticed that the environment of Blue Star has been destroyed more and more seriously, and the climate has become more and more harsh and extreme.

The temperature in summer is getting higher and higher, and the temperature in winter is getting warmer.

This is not normal.

If one day, Blue Star's climate is completely out of order, and the food production will decrease at that time, it will inevitably lead to war because of the food problem.

While development has brought enormous benefits and benefits to all of humanity, it has also come with enormous dangers.

The seemingly stupid decision of the Atlanteans is the best way to protect their people and the continuation of mankind.

"Hey, I hope humans can formalize these issues sooner."

Lin Mu sighed again.

Although these things would not happen in his generation, he felt that it would not be too far away.

When everything hits a bottleneck, when limited resources are not allocated enough, looting will inevitably happen, which is also human nature.

If it is a primitive society, fighting with each other, there will not be too many casualties.

But in modern wars, once a nuclear war breaks out, it will be really destructive to mankind.

However, these are not controlled by trees.

With the help of the tools of the Atlanteans, he returned to land, to his home.

Zhou Suyi finally cleared the game. She was both happy and a little frustrated. She always felt that something was missing in her life.

The previous time, when the ancient city of Jingjue ended, there was a seamless connection to Yunnan Worm Valley, and the Nuqing Xiangxi movie followed.

Now, although Longling Miku is still being filmed, there is no introduction of the next game, which makes her a little uncomfortable.

Thinking of the game, it sounded Lin Shu again.

"Hey, how long has it been, Lin Mu, where are you?"

To be honest, I can't see the trees these days, and I always feel that something is missing in my heart. After all, I got used to the existence of trees a long time ago.

Moreover, the most worrying thing is the accident in the forest.

After all, the gathering of a large number of tomb robbers in Chonggu Valley in Yunnan shows that the group of tomb robbers has already regarded trees as a key target.

She was very worried that Lin Mu was really taken away by tomb robbers.


At this moment, Zhou Suyi heard the sound of the door closing next door.

Zhou Suyi's body tensed instantly.

"Lin Mu is back?"

At this moment, Zhou Suyi was extremely excited and excited, she couldn't wait to rush out.

When seeing Lin Mu again, Zhou Suyi couldn't suppress her inner emotions again, she threw herself into Lin Mu's arms and cried loudly.

On this day, something should happen.

The next day, Lin Mu notified Team Zhang who was in contact with him of the death of the Pharaoh and some high-level officials. As for the Atlantis matter, he did not disclose it.

He promised to keep it secret, otherwise, he would not be released.

Team Zhang was stunned when he found out that Pharaoh was a super transnational criminal group, and Pharaoh's whereabouts were mysterious. Even the Interpol arrested him many times, but all ended in failure.

As a result, you killed him just as soon as you made a move?

And even some high-level people were killed?

Team Zhang seriously doubted the authenticity of this statement.

He really felt that this was too outrageous, and it was beyond his cognition.

Of course, if this is true, the impact would be too great.

Once the pharaoh dies, the pharaoh organization will inevitably fall into a struggle for power, and will inevitably kill each other and compete for interests.

At this time, the Pharaoh's organization was in chaos, and they joined forces with the Interpol to launch an operation, and it was really possible to take the other side.

Team Zhang felt that this matter was too big, so he hurriedly contacted the higher-ups.

Lin Mu is at home, looking at the current popularity value, it has exceeded [-] million, almost any game can be played.

"What should I do next? Just make "Kunlun Shrine?""

This is the sequence following Yunnan Chonggu, but after looking at it, many people have not even cleared the first game "Jingjue Ancient City".

For a long time, I just watched Zhou Suyi's live broadcast, and few people played by themselves, so the progress was very slow.

His popularity is far from reaching the limit.

Lin Mu felt that he could wait.

Give these people some time and let them pass the level slowly, that's good.

However, Lin Mu will not waste this waiting time, he is going to release a super heavy game.

Zhou Suyi was naturally the first to know the news.

Zhou Suyi got up relatively late, and the live broadcast started at noon.

I am in a good mood, and I feel that everyone is a bit more beautiful, but the face is a little tired.

"Sister Zhou, why are you so happy, there are no more games to play."

"Do you think that sister Zhou's skin seems to be getting better?"

"The game is over. Sister Zhou stayed up late again. Why do you feel a little tired?"

"Do you feel that although sister Zhou looks a little tired, she also has a feeling of radiance. Is this something good?"


Netizens can see that Zhou Suyi seems to be in a good mood today.

But recently the game ended, they really couldn't think of anything good that would make Zhou Suyi happy.


(End of this chapter)

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