Chapter 362 Free is not necessarily the most expensive
Zhou Suyi was in a pretty good mood, so she was not angry at all when she saw the ridicule from the netizens, on the contrary she felt flattered.

"Haha, brothers, I have good news for you, Lin Mu is back!" Zhou Suyi couldn't wait to tell the good news to netizens.

Upon hearing the news, the netizens in the entire live broadcast room exploded.

"Fuck, it's true or not, why do I not believe it? It can't be fooling us/"

"It seems to be true. Seeing that sister Zhou is so happy and her cheeks are flushed, she must have been irrigated last night."

"Ah... no, my sister Zhou, it's gone, it's all gone."

"It seems to be true. The effect of intercourse between men and women is better than cosmetics."

"Is the effect so good, I want to try it too."

"Where has Lin Mu gone these days?"


Netizens are very excited.

As long as Lin Mu comes back, they will think about it again. As long as Lin Mu is here, how can there be fewer high-quality games?

Zhou Suyi continued: "Lin Mu said that he is currently working on a super heavy game in retreat. He worked without sleep for a month before he and his team made the game."

As soon as this remark came out, netizens became even more excited.

"What blockbuster game, is it Eluohai City?"

"It must be the sequel of Yunnan Bug Valley."

"Is it done in such a short time? It feels a bit unreliable. Didn't it mean that people have to polish a game for several years?"

"That's all bragging. You can believe it. As long as there are many masters, it can be done in minutes for a game. For a large game, one month is enough."

"look forward to!"


Zhou Suyi brushed the hair in front of her forehead, feeling a little helpless.

"Ling Mu didn't say what kind of game it is, but it's not Eluo Haicheng, nor is it a game about tomb robbery. He said it's a battle game."

Zhou Suyi was a little depressed. Yesterday, she acted like a baby for a while, but Lin Mu just played tricks, so she didn't tell him the specific game.

"I have a bad feeling about the battle game."

"Lin Mu, you have to be careful, don't ruin your reputation."

"I'm curious about how much it will sell for this time. The previous games were so cheap. This game won't suddenly cut leeks."

"According to the urgency of domestic companies, it is estimated that they will do this, but they still have some expectations for Linshu."

"The games produced by Mumumu must be high-quality products, I am not worried at all!"


Netizens are nervous and looking forward to it.

I'm afraid that this game will cut leeks, and I'm afraid that the game will be too expensive to buy.

After all, most of the people who play games are mostly student parties, so they really have no income.

"Everyone, stop guessing. The answer will be revealed soon. Lin Mu said that the game will be uploaded on the future platform at 10:[-] noon. There are only [-] minutes left, and the answer will be revealed soon!" Zhou Suyi said.

So, everyone began to wait for a long time.

Although it's only 10 minutes, it feels as long as a century.

Moreover, the announcement of the new game of Mumumu Studio spread immediately.

Don't promote yourself, netizens are the best advertisements.

When many domestic game manufacturers heard the news, they all became nervous.

The two previous games of Mumumu Studio have already greatly squeezed their living space, and even the domestic Big Mac Duck Factory has been hurt.

Now the stock price has been slashed in half, and it hasn't slowed down yet.

But the only thing they are lucky about is that these two games are stand-alone games, and Mumumu Studio has not yet involved in online games, and this is the only place where they can fight for a share.

So, now that there is a new game coming out, it makes them all nervous.

Because Mumumu Studio has changed the game ecology, they must pay attention to all actions of Mumumu Studio, which is related to their life and death.

Finally, amidst the ear-scratching waiting, the game was released.

Zhou Suyi refreshed several times, and finally saw the game on the home page.

"League of legends!"

When Zhou Suyi read these words, she felt inexplicably emotional.

The home page is a short 3-minute cg animation.

The scenes of various heroes fighting in the animation.

The skills are cool, the fighting is fierce, and the language of the characters makes people excited. There is a feeling that I can't wait to join.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly clicked on it, and then looked for the payment page, but after searching around, her eyes widened with disbelief.

Netizens reacted the same as Zhou Suyi.

Just the texture of the cg animation and the gorgeousness of the special effects made their hearts flutter.

Everyone vaguely felt that this would definitely be a super fun game.

Then everyone was nervous, waiting to see what price the game would sell for.

If it is still the previous 299, then they will be very excited. If it sells a little bit, it is acceptable. After all, the name of Mumumu Studio alone is worth 800 yuan.

Within a thousand, there will be no hesitation.

Others have borrowed money for fear of missing the start.

However, like Zhou Suyi, they searched around but couldn't find a payment option, only a download option in the lower right corner.

Then, everyone started to get excited.

The excitement in my heart could not be suppressed.

So exciting, so incredible.

"Free? This is too conscientious, my God, there is such a conscientious game factory in China."

"I prepared a few thousand yuan, you told me it's free?"

Some game players were directly moved to tears.

How many years, have forgotten how many years.

It was the first time that free games appeared in China.

If Lin Mu saw them like this, he would feel sorry for them, it was too miserable, even worse than the world he lived in in his previous life.

At the very least, although the games in the previous life are said to be free are the most expensive, at least most of the games are free.

Players in this world should not be too miserable.

Any game has to be paid, and it is not too cool for game manufacturers to unite to cut leeks.

However, this is not what Lin Mu wants.

As the owner of a god-level game system, he no longer has any obsession with making money, so he chooses to let more people play better games.

This can also be regarded as fulfilling his previous wish and making some contributions to the game players here.

Everyone can't wait to choose to download.

But this game is also very large, reaching 20t, which shows the rich content of the game.

Zhou Suyi couldn't wait, the download was finally completed, and she couldn't wait to click the game to start.

Many people originally chose to wait and see. If the game is not fun and too expensive, then they will not download it, so as to save themselves from being cut off.

However, seeing that the game is free, these people couldn't calm down anymore.

What are you waiting for, you must download it as soon as possible.

Even, they were afraid that Lin Mu made a mistake and forgot to set the price, so they downloaded it in a hurry, for fear that it would become charged again later, and then miss this opportunity to collect wool.


(End of this chapter)

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