Chapter 364 The Greatness of Time
Looking at these details in the game, Zhou Suyi couldn't help admiring Lin Mu's little brain. How did this grow? It actually created a new mode.

If those players can't wait, they will definitely spend money, which is a lot of money.

However, once all the heroes are bought in this way, wouldn't they start to eat their own money and have no income?

It feels a bit like fishing in a dry lake.

Zhou Suyi wondered if she should talk to Lin Mu, but soon discovered something.


Hero skins cost money to buy.

Seeing those beautiful skins, Zhou Suyi's eyes sparkled instantly.

What girl can resist entering a game and fighting in a beautiful dress.

Looking at those beautiful skins, an idea came to Zhou Suyi's mind.

buy buy buy...

Buy all the good-looking skins.

Other players naturally noticed these details.

"I feel that this method is very good. If you have money, you can spend it if you can't wait. If you don't have money, you can honestly count the number of yards. And I tried it. The gold coins added to each pack are quite a lot. You can buy dozens of packs. A hero."

"Don't be too friendly to ordinary players like me. Finally, there are games that you can play without spending money."

"In the past, my wife always said that I spent a lot of money playing games. Now I can tell him that this game is free. Let's see what he will say about me."

"Mom, how did you resist the temptation of those beautiful skins?"

"It looks good, but it doesn't add attributes."


Netizens have a lot of discussion, but most of them are satisfied with this method, only a few have some complaints.

But these people have become the object of ridicule.

Zhou Suyi played for a day, and finally became familiar with the basic operations, and also practiced a few heroes, and then fell in love with Galen who was squatting in the grass.

The fun of playing games is not to win the game, but to hide in the grass to scare others, and then take a big health care.

Every time I see players jumping their feet in fright, I feel happy.


As the number of players increased and the proficiency of the players became higher and higher, her method became more and more useless, and on the contrary, she would be caught off guard by the opponent.

"Fuck, what's the situation, why can he see me? Is he hanging up?"

After Zhou Suyi was squatted back again in the grass, she immediately lost her temper.

"Good guy, Sister Zhou, I see that after playing for a whole day, you already know that there is something called eyes."

"It's too good, it's too good, this bad operation, I can't bear to look directly at it."

"Hahaha, you don't understand happiness."

"Food is real food, and happiness is real happiness."


Now, the netizens who are still in the live broadcast room are not watching Zhou Suyi's operation at all, but watching her happy highlights.

Teacher Ma and other anchors got excited when they saw the game was launched.

The Ghost Extinguisher series made Zhou Suyi a sister in the Internet celebrity world.

Then the release of this alliance game, this kind of cross-age gameplay and novel combat mode, will inevitably give birth to another super Internet celebrity.

So, how can everyone waste this opportunity.

Almost all the game anchors on the whole network don't play other games at all, and they all pour into the alliance, and start to quickly level up and improve their proficiency.

And with their publicity, some people who don't usually pay attention to the Ghost Extinguisher series also participated in it, which made the alliance more and more popular.

It's hot, uh, other games are miserable.

In the past few days alone, the number of active players in other games has plummeted.

Some games that were not popular in the first place almost lost their players.

Needless to say, the efficiency of the alliance to seize the market is too high.

Even a super-large factory like Duck Factory can't handle it.

Originally, when the Ghost Extinguisher series was released, they suffered a wave of heavy blows, but fortunately, the game was a stand-alone game, and the stickiness reached saturation after reaching a certain level.

Once a level is cleared, players rarely play it again, and as a result, there is a resurgence of their games.

However, the release of the alliance has greatly reduced the number of players who were slowly recovering.

Alliance can be different from the Ghost Killer series.

That player can really keep playing, keep playing and keep playing, keep playing and keep playing, and can't stop at all.

Even the executives of the duck factory experienced a few collectively, and they are a little bit over the top.

It was so much fun.

Players display various skills and operations in the game, which is simply dazzling, as if they really become a hero and fight for honor.

The duck factory immediately held a meeting of the same industry to discuss this situation.

If they don't change, then they are really doomed.

Lin Mu didn't care about these at all.

As far as their old thinking is concerned, no matter how they compare with him, and they have the blessing of the system, it is light to throw them dozens of blocks.

Even plagiarism, which Duck Factory is best at, can't handle at all now.

They can do single-player virtual reality with uncomplicated scenes, but this kind of super-large-scale virtual reality and multi-player real-time battles cannot be realized at all, because the technical difficulty is too great.

This is also the capital of Lin Shu's confidence.

Two weeks passed in a flash, and the number of downloads of the alliance has reached a terrifying [-] million, which does not include foreign players.

These days, foreign players are envious.

Some domestic up masters moved the video to the Internet, and those foreigners couldn't calm down after seeing it.

They were envious when the Ghost Extinguisher series was released before, but now they are really even more envious.

Some people just climbed the ladder to play in order to play the game.

Many foreign game manufacturers have started to contact Lin Mu, wanting to obtain foreign agency rights, and the prices have reached sky-high prices.

Naturally, Lin Mu would not give them agency rights, but directly let his team register a branch abroad, and then directly act as an agent abroad.

When the alliance went abroad, the heat became even higher.

The number of downloads exceeded [-] million in a short period of time.

Looking at his popularity which is increasing every day, Lin Mu is now calm.

No way, there are too many.

Now I can make any game I want, I don't have any scruples at all, it's just so arrogant.

Moreover, after his popularity exceeded 1000 million, he got another chance to immediately acquire the skills in the game.

The skill I got this time is the big move of time, which can revive a dead person, and if I am on the verge of death, I can also use it on myself to make myself come back to life again.

When this skill was obtained, Lin Mu felt that it was outrageous.

He felt that your skill was a bit tasteless, because he really didn't dare to use it.

If someone dies and revives himself, will the country directly arrest him and use him as a guinea pig for research?

Therefore, skills are good, but they must be used very carefully, otherwise, if they are not used well, it will be a disaster.


(End of this chapter)

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