Chapter 365 Kunlun Shrine
League of Legends is popular all over the Internet. If you go to an Internet cafe, you will find that almost [-]% of them are playing League.

However, as I was playing, I felt a little lack of motivation.

It seems that there is no goal to strive for, especially those players who bought all heroes directly.

Therefore, at this time, the alliance issued an announcement that the qualifying mode will be opened.

As soon as this news came out, the players were immediately excited.

Especially those anchors, it feels like this mechanism is tailor-made for them.

I said how powerful I am before, but no one may believe it.

But now that qualifying is started, as long as you get to the front, no one will doubt yourself.

If you can hit the first place, it will not be difficult to think about it.

Therefore, the stickiness of this game is higher.

Everyone is working hard for a higher rank in qualifying.

Zhou Suyi is no exception.

She was also very excited when she heard the news.

"Hehe, let you keep talking about me. It's time for me to show my strength. When the time comes, wait and worship my sister!" Zhou Suyi was full of confidence.

He has been ridiculed in the live broadcast room these days, and he has long held his breath.

She felt that there was nothing wrong with her operation.

Moreover, with the blessing of the previous Ghost Extinguisher series, if I can't become the king, I should be a master anyway.

So, Zhou Suyi started the journey of qualifying.

In the end, Zhou Suyi was in a daze after finishing the ten positioning matches.

Looking at the black iron 3 in the results, I feel that the whole person is not good.

"Hahaha, I burst out laughing, sister Zhou, do you know how good you are this time?"

"Hahaha, I thought that sister Zhou's rank would not be high, but I really didn't expect it to be black iron, so I can't laugh, hahaha."

"Oh, let me go. I've watched so many anchors' placement matches, and only sister Zhou's has broken through my understanding."

"Sister Zhou, don't cry, the little girl next door is also black iron, and you two are connected to each other."


The bullet screen burst into ridicule, and Zhou Suyi was so angry that she wanted to scold her.

"Fuck, what's going on, there must be a bug, I'm so fierce, you can't see it, it must be something wrong with this game!"

Zhou Suyi was cursing, she even thought about whether she should ask Lin Mu to cheat on her directly.

Otherwise, it's really embarrassing to your mother.

If Lin Mu disagrees, it's a big deal to act like a baby and help him unlock a few poses.


The fire in the alliance has almost made people forget the series of ghost lights.

But during the weekend, Director Zhang released the news.

"Longling Miku" has been filmed and has passed the review process, and it will be released soon.

As soon as the news came out, the fans of Ghost Extinguisher were immediately excited.

"I heard that this movie is a work between two games."

"It seems to be the thread of the adventure of Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang. Unfortunately, there is no Xueli Yang in the middle."

"Hey, have you watched a certain Yin, "The Ancient City of Exquisiteness" and "Yunnan Insect Valley" have been edited into movies?"

"I saw it. It's really a talent. After directly reducing all the successful fragments of the game, it has really become a movie, and there is no sense of disobedience."

"Fuck, it's real or not, I'll go and see!"


Needless to say, there are indeed a lot of talented folks. Someone edited Zhou Suyi's customs clearance video, deleted all useless failure clips, and then kept the complete customs clearance video.

Really did not expect, the effect is surprisingly good.

A customs clearance video directly turned into a super long movie.

Moreover, it is still the kind of movie where the actors' acting skills are all online, the special effects are realistic, and there is no violation of harmony.

This edited movie has gained hundreds of millions of views in a few days, which is more effective than most online movies.

This is still not publicized, but as more and more people know about it, the number of broadcasts has also skyrocketed.

Coupled with the release of Longling Miku, the three movies can almost be watched together.

Lin Mu himself was a little surprised.

Needless to say, netizens are really talented.

If it were any other company, it might have sued that person for copyright infringement at this moment, and then charged a large amount of copyright fees, but Lin Mu didn't do that.

He is not short of money, and people use this method to promote him for free. This is also a good way of publicity, and there is no need to be so harsh.

What he is thinking now is when the Kunlun Shrine will be released.

But now he doesn't dare to announce the cg animation in advance. He is really afraid that once he announces it, another bunch of tomb robbers will go ahead.

And these days, those companies in the duck factory always come to negotiate with Lin Mu, let Lin Mu change his way, and give them a way to survive, otherwise they will die.

For such a threat, Lin Mu dismissed it.

Even the Pharaoh, a super criminal gang outside the country, was almost wiped out by him, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

As for what is dead and broken.

He is definitely not a fish or a net, but the one who casts the net to catch fish.

For Lin Mu's attitude, Duck Factory and other game manufacturers were furious, and some manufacturers who couldn't survive had already decided to take risks.

Another half month.

"Longling Miku" was officially released. Of course, the box office is not as good as "Nuqing Xiangxi". However, the word-of-mouth is not as good as "Nuqing Xiangxi".

This can't be blamed on Director Zhang's intentional release of water. In fact, after watching the two-step movie edited by netizens before, watching the actors in Longling Miku, no matter how you look at it, it feels inconsistent.

There is no way around this, the images of Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the game, and Zhou Suyi has long been used to by netizens.

It's not like "Nuqing Xiangxi" doesn't have these characters, so it's the first time to use any actor.

This made Director Zhang extremely depressed, but anyway, the box office was still very high.

During this period of time, the players of the alliance are also rapidly saturated.

Moreover, taking advantage of the popularity of Longling Miku, Lin Mu is about to release the Kunlun Shrine.

On the official homepage of the future game platform, Lin Mu released the preview interface, but did not show the cg animation.

When the words "Kunlun Shrine" appeared, the tomb robbers in China immediately became restless.

No matter where he is in Kunlun, someone immediately started to take action and went straight to Kunlun Mountain.

Of course, the official action this time is also very fast.

Almost at the moment of the release, the domestic archaeological team had already set off and went straight to Kunlun Mountain.

Although the first two archaeological teams encountered some dangers and troubles, this did not affect the huge benefits they obtained.

The rewards for the live broadcast alone are enough to fund their activities for more than ten years. Which archaeological team can't be tempted.

Even if there are many dangers, you have to risk the danger.

Moreover, if another large tomb is opened, it will be another opportunity to make a name in the history of archaeology. Of course, those old professors will not miss it.


(End of this chapter)

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