Chapter 368 Team Formation
Fatty Wang felt upset when he heard what Uncle Ming said. He felt that they had to do all the work, and they had to share the wealth equally with the other party.

"Or, since we got the news, we might as well just dump these people, let's go by ourselves, and save this burden!"

Zhou Suyi said: "It's not that easy. Do you think this Uncle Ming is stupid? He is an old fox. He secretly said that those materials and scriptures were obtained in the museum. In fact, most of the success is on him. Without the guidance of these information, how could we find Guge Silver Eye so easily."

Fatty Wang stared hard, "Or, let's just kill him."

Hu Bayi glared at him, "What are you talking about, do you really regard us as bandits who kill people and steal money?"

"Haha, that's what I said!"

"I said Fatty, your current ideological consciousness is very problematic."

Even though he said that, Hu Bayi still said to Uncle Ming: "Uncle Ming, you see that you are not young anymore. The mountains are high and the roads are far away. In fact, you don't have to suffer this crime yourself. Stay here and wait for us. If we really find it, we will just bring it back to you."

Upon hearing this, Fatty Wang quietly gave Hu Bayi a thumbs up.

Look, look, what is the art of speaking, this is it.

However, Uncle Ming immediately laughed, "If you don't personally watch over such a big deal, the money won't be taken away by others. Of course, it's not because you don't trust me. It's mainly because you want to do it yourself and earn money with your hard work. Back then, I used to run a boat for more than [-] years. Even though I'm in my fifties, my physical condition is definitely not a problem."

"Old fox!" Fatty Wang cursed.

Hu Ba nodded, "Okay, let's just hire a guide when the time comes."

"No, no, no!" Uncle Ming waved his hands again and again, "How can there be four people? I still need to bring a few cronies, besides me, my bodyguard Peter Huang, and my wife Han Shuna in mainland China, who is an expert in antique appraisal, and my goddaughter Axiang, who is my most powerful assistant. In this way, one, two, three... Not counting guides and porters, our team is a total of seven people. We set off in five days and first arrive at Guge at the foot of Mount Kailash ruins."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Suyi didn't have any special reaction.

After all, before entering the game, I knew that there would be several new characters joining.

But Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi were immediately unhappy after hearing this.

Fatty Wang squeezed his waist, "I said, you old Hong Kong farmer, do you think this is a trip? With such a burden like you, it is enough for us to eat a pot, and you still take your wife and daughter. I will go and treat us as nanny!"

Hu Bayi also frowned.

Zhang Yingchuan, a descendant of Zhang Sanlianzi, had a fortune telling him that this trip was dangerous, and if he brought a few women with him, it would definitely be even more dangerous.

Unless these women are all like Miss Yang.

Just as he was about to say something, Uncle Ming patted him on the shoulder again, "Brother Hu, just put your heart in your stomach. The people I bring will definitely have no problem pulling. Besides, there are two women among them, but they all have great abilities. When the time comes, they will definitely be able to help us."

Just as he was talking, three people came out from inside.

The leader was a beautifully dressed woman who looked in her 30s and looked very beautiful.

"This is my wife Han Shuna." Uncle Ming introduced.

Behind is a little girl who looks timid.

Seeing Hu Bayi and the others, they hid behind Uncle Ming in fear.

"Oh, don't worry, this is my goddaughter Axiang. Don't think she is timid, but she is amazing. She can see dirty things!" Uncle Ming looked mysterious.

Everyone looked at each other.

"Really or not? Let me explain, Uncle, you are not afraid that we will not take her, so you are talking nonsense on purpose?" Hu Bayi was a little skeptical.

I've heard a lot about yin and yang eyes, but if it's true, Hu Bayi still doesn't believe it.

Uncle Ming looked mysterious, "Brother Hu, you don't know this. When Ah Xiang was born, Ah Xiang's parents placed her in a glass enclosure with air purification equipment to isolate her from the outside world until she was two years old. This prevented her from being polluted and affected by the air, and made her nerves very sensitive, and she could sense things that normal people cannot perceive."

Zhou Suyi looked at Ah Xiang, frowning slightly.

"I'm afraid I have AIDS?"

As a modern person, he knows that if people with AIDS want to survive for a long time, it is best to stay in a sterile environment.

But living like this is really pitiful.

What is the difference between losing freedom and a bird in a cage?

Thinking about it this way, I feel a little pitiful for this timid looking girl.

Fatty Wang's eyes lit up, "Hahaha, oops, it's not bad to take two lesbians with you, at least there is someone to chat with on the road, so you won't feel lonely!"

This guy's attitude did a 180.

Zhou Suyi glanced at him, Fatty Wang's eyes almost fell into Ah Xiang's face.

This unreliable guy.

Needless to say, Ah Xiang is really good-looking, she looks like the little sister next door, and her timid appearance can easily arouse people's desire for protection.

Even she is like this, let alone Fatty Wang.

Finally, there is Peter Huang, Uncle Ming's bodyguard.

It seems that he is in his early 40s, with dark skin, no smile, and fierce eyes.

The most prominent thing is his body shape, which is completely different from those Southeast Asians who look like monkeys.
Zhou Suyi took a closer look and felt that this guy must be a ruthless person.

However, it's normal for Uncle Ming to bring a bodyguard.

Zhou Suyi has nothing to be afraid of, with the blessing of Qilin blood, she is really full of confidence.

If they really wanted to fight, she was sure to kill the opponent easily.

After setting the time, Hu Bayi took Zhou Suyi and the others away.

On the way, Hu Bayi said: "You go back first, I have to find an old friend, he is an iron lama, and also a heaven-sent poet, if he can help, our trip will be smooth."

"Let's go with you!" Zhou Suyi said.

"Okay, let's go together then!"

The screen flashed.

【Lamla Lake】

Zhou Suyi and the others appeared in front of a large lake.

The sky was clear, the lake was blue, the blue waves reflected the snowy peaks and white clouds, and the distant mountains around the lake were faintly visible. Looking at the scene in front of her, Zhou Suyi was unconsciously intoxicated by it.

"So beautiful, so peaceful!"

At this moment, I felt surprisingly calm in my mind, as if I had forgotten all distracting thoughts.

The beautiful scenery in front of me is not like the world, as if I have come to a fairyland isolated from the world.

"Mom, is Tibet so beautiful? The sky is too blue, it can be used as a curtain."

"It feels so peaceful, and the restless heart feels instantly calmed down."

"Ahhhhhh...I've always wanted to travel to Tibet, but I've never made up my mind. This time, I must go."

"What are you going to do? Download the game directly and experience it in the game."

"Fuck, what you said makes sense, but I bought the game, what should I do if I don't dare to play it?"


The peaceful and tranquil beauty in front of me is not so beautiful or spectacular, but it just gives people a peaceful feeling, as if it has some kind of magical power that can purify the impetuous hearts of modern people.


(End of this chapter)

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