Chapter 369 Reincarnation Temple

Hu Bayi and Tiebang Lama Ake had a friendship, so Ake agreed to help without any effort.

Zhou Suyi was a little reluctant to leave this peaceful and peaceful place. It really made people feel that there was no trouble at all, but she also felt that if everyone stayed here, they would have no worries, and that didn't seem like a good thing.

The screen flashed again.

Zhou Suyi and Uncle Ming reunited again.

Uncle Ming took Han Shuna, Axiang and the others, and there was one more person.

"Let me explain, uncle, why do you have another one!" Fatty Wang was slightly dissatisfied.

He doesn't dislike adding a few women. If he can come to wave heroes to save the beauty, then he may be so beautiful.

But there are many men, Fatty Wang thinks it is unnecessary.

Uncle Ming grinned, "Oh, Fatty, this is my pony, Adong, just in time for him to run errands and do some hard work!"

Looking at the pile of equipment, Fatty Wang didn't bother with Uncle Ming anymore.

This time they went to the interior of Kunlun Mountain, and they had to bring too much equipment, and everyone had big bags and small bags.

At that time, there was no road to the Guge ruins, so we had to ask the guide to hire a few yaks. Zhou Suyi was not short of money, and was eager to save some energy if he could.

It's nothing like a desert.

The desert is pure heat, but it is really cold inside the Kunlun Mountains, so cold that the bones tremble.

The road is very desolate, without any human habitation, yellow and yellow sparse weeds scattered on the Gobi, there is no wind, looking at the sky, the eyes are full of blue, which makes the dry soil and weeds on the ground a bit dazzling.

The brown mountains in the distance look tall and strange, as if there are giant beasts hiding in them, peeping at the people who walk into this forbidden area.

As we walked, some wooden stakes protruding from the ground appeared in front of us.

"Could it be here?" Zhou Suyi looked forward to it.

Among the three games, at present, the rhythm of Chonggu is the fastest and the most dangerous.

Jingjue Ancient City and the front of Kunlun Shrine are relatively stable, there is no danger, but some plots are excessive.

Zhou Suyi felt a little bored, so when she saw something different, she immediately became a little excited.

"Yes, another day's journey will be enough!" said the guide.

Zhou Suyi's face turned dark immediately.

Fortunately, this day's journey did not allow them to continue walking, but skipped it directly.

【after one day】

The screen flashed, and they had arrived at the ruins of the ancient kingdom.

It has been discovered here for a long time, except for a large number of murals, sculptures, and statues, it is the ruins of the city.

Because it was still early, no one paid much attention to it, and it was not installed with iron gates to guard it, and then turned it into a scenic spot.

At that time, people were working hard to fill their stomachs. Who would travel so far to see this ruin.

Zhou Suyi swears in her heart that it was still good in that era. Looking at it now, no matter what the ruins are, most of them have to ask for tickets, even if it is a mountain, they have to be circled to collect a ticket to enter.

"That's it? Is this also a dynasty?" Fatty Wang looked up, obviously a little different from what he expected.

No, there is a big difference.

Zhou Suyi agrees with this point, it is indeed a little different from imagination.

She thought that the Guge Dynasty was so glorious, but it seemed that was the case.

Looking up from the bottom of the mountain, there is a drop of more than 300 meters from the hillside to the top of the mountain, and there are buildings and caves with the same color as the soil everywhere.

Except for the temples with relatively solid structures, most of the rest of the houses collapsed, and some only left some earthen walls.

There are remains of city walls and watchtowers on the periphery.

The entire royal city is built on the mountain, the highest point is the palace on the top of the mountain, the middle layer is the temple, and the bottom layer is the residential area and the peripheral defensive buildings.

Hu Bayi looked at Uncle Ming, "Uncle Ming, although the ancient ruins are not too big, it will take us some time to find the hundreds of houses and caves. Where exactly is the ancient silver eye you mentioned? Let's just look for it directly according to the target, and it can save a lot of time and energy."

Uncle Ming lost the excitement and yearning he had before. He panted heavily, taking in oxygen from time to time.

Obviously, the high anti-climbing on the plateau made him a little uncomfortable.

"Here, there should be one, there is a reincarnation temple, what we are looking for, Guge Silver Eye, should be there!"

Uncle Ming was out of breath when he spoke.

"Hehe, let me tell you, Uncle, I told you not to follow along, you know how to suffer now, don't you?" Fatty Wang teased.

Uncle Ming gritted his teeth, "Fat boy, don't talk nonsense, I just, I just have simple asthma, do you understand asthma, Fat boy!"

"Tch, you have to hold back. If you are really exhausted, the agreement we made will still be in force at that time, and all your things will belong to us!" Fatty Wang said.

"Fat boy, don't talk nonsense!" Uncle Ming was very angry.

Fatty Wang shrugged and ignored him.

"Okay, then let's go up and have a look, let's look for this reincarnation temple!" Hu Bayi said and continued on his way.

Among the ruins of Wangcheng, several temples stand out from the crowd, which can be seen at a glance.

However, there are temple relics such as the Red Temple, the White Temple, and the Samsara Temple among them. Zhou Suyi and the others can't tell which one is right.

"This... I feel that they are almost the same except for the color. Which one is the Samsara Temple?"

Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang looked confused, and Uncle Ming and the others didn't understand.

Zhou Suyi looked at Tiebang Lama Ake, rolled her eyes, and instantly understood the meaning of this role.

"Ake, you know these things best, you should be able to distinguish these temples, right?"

Ake nodded, "Come with me!"

Zhou Suyi's eyes were strange, she was speechless in her heart.

Well, if I don't ask, you really don't lead the way, right? You are a man, and you are a little too reserved.

If you don't speak up, do you have to hang around here forever?
"Hehe, fortunately, my old lady is very clear about the routines of this game, otherwise, who knows how much time and energy would be wasted!" Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi felt very happy again.

Before playing masturbation and masturbation, I could only be abused and laughed at.

Playing this Kunlun Shrine now, I immediately feel like I am standing up.

She felt that netizens must be worshiping her now.



Ake led the way, pointed to the top and said, "Pass through the Dharma Guardian Temple above, and the temple with a few red pillars should be the Samsara Temple you are looking for!"

Looking at the above, Han Shuna and Axiang really couldn't bear it anymore, so they could only leave Peter Huang to take care of them, Hu Bayi wanted Uncle Ming to stay and rest, and they went up.

However, even if Uncle Ming was about to gasp out his lungs, he had to follow.

Hu Bayi didn't bother to persuade him anymore, so he let him continue to follow.


(End of this chapter)

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