Chapter 370 Guge Silver Eyes
A group of people continued to climb up and passed through the Dharma Guardian Temple. Even Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were tired and out of breath.

Uncle Ming looked as if he was going to die.

Zhou Suyi was worried that this guy would not come up in one breath and go straight over.

"This is really man-made money and birds dying for food!" Zhou Suyi looked at Uncle Ming with strange eyes.

She thought of the introduction about Uncle Ming.

When he was introduced, he said he was a wealthy businessman, but later he said that he was looking for crystal stones to pay off his debts, which is a bit contradictory.

However, she didn't think much about it, but looked around leisurely.

To be honest, she wasn't tired at all.

Seeing other people tired like that, a sense of superiority arises spontaneously.

"Miss Yang, really, physical strength, okay!" Uncle Ming was a little envious.

"That's, it's necessary. Back then, you didn't see my great brother Yang's great feat, otherwise, you would be scared to death!" Fatty Wang was so proud.

It was as if people praised Zhou Suyi to praise him.

Uncle Ming smiled awkwardly, he was too tired and didn't want to talk.

Fatty Wang looked around and immediately smiled.

"Old Hu, I didn't expect this place to be in a dead corner of spiritual civilization, and there are such powerful pornographic pictures. If you look outside, you have to be detained."

"What yellow picture?"

Zhou Suyi frowned, thinking that this guy was unreliable again.

However, upon closer inspection, his face immediately turned red.

Good guy, isn't it.

The outermost murals are Tantric dual practice of men and women. The style of painting is bold and the colors are strong.

"Mom, isn't this a temple? Why are you still talking about pornography?"

"Is this free to watch?"

"Hey, hey, what about Mosaic, call Comrade Mosaic."

"This is still Huaheshang Temple, it's too eye-catching."

"Not to mention, this painter's craftsmanship is not bad. Although the person is a little abstract, there are quite a lot of various poses, and there are more strange knowledge."


Netizens' eyes became weird when they saw this scene.

It is really that these murals are too avant-garde and too bold.


At this moment, the archaeological team has also reached the periphery.

This time it was an old professor named Zhang Baoguo.

This old professor is a classmate of Professor Zhong. The two joined the archaeological team together, but they have never opened any large tombs. Therefore, although they are old, they do not have a high reputation in the Archaeological Association.

Originally, this life has passed like this, and I can retire at any time, and I have no regrets.

But ever since Professor Zhong followed the guide of the game and found the ancient city of Jingjue, seeing that Professor Zhong's status in the archaeological world has risen sharply, and, together with the ancient city of Jingjue, will be remembered by future generations, Professor Zhang felt a little uncomfortable.

Later, when he saw Chen Yan on his back following the game to a large tomb, he became even more tempted immediately.

Therefore, this time he fought for this opportunity for a long time, just wanting to do something big before retiring completely.

Watching the content of the live broadcast of the game, Professor Zhang watched it very seriously.

To say that before, he must have sneered at this kind of thing. After all, isn't it pure nonsense to find ancient tombs according to a game?

But now there are two examples in front of my eyes, no matter how I doubt it, it's pure brain problem.

However, they have all seen the ruins of the Guge Dynasty.

This is not that era anymore. The ruins of the Guge Dynasty have long been protected and have become scenic spots. Even ordinary people can go in and watch them at will.

Moreover, the archaeological team has studied a lot in this place, but they haven't found anything.

Now it is said that Guge Silver Eye is related to the location of the Demon Kingdom, which makes Professor Zhang somewhat skeptical.

Therefore, he dared not blink his eyes for fear of missing the details.


"Ahem, er, it's almost time to rest, let's continue walking!" Zhou Suyi coughed twice to cover up her embarrassment, and then hurried on.

"Hey!" Fatty Wang smirked twice, winking at Hu Bayi,

"Go away!"

Hu Bayi patted him and hurriedly followed.

However, as soon as we walked inside, the painting style of this mural began to change slowly.

The content of the murals took a turn for the worse, full of the suffering of reincarnation in hell, depicting the torture in hell layer by layer, the scene is horrible.

Zhou Suyi's face became a little dignified.

One second she was blushing, and the next second she was terrified.

Those tortures were too brutal, even if they went to the [-]th floor of hell, it was nothing more than that.

Fatty Wang watched it with gusto, but the sudden change of painting style shocked him, "I'm qnmlgbd, what's going on, one second I was having pornography with Fatty Lord, how come the next second it's utterly miserable!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Hu Bayi said angrily.

Fatty's mouth is really ignorant, and everything is bald outside.

He glanced at Ake. After all, Ake was also from Buddhism, and he was afraid of causing Ake's anger.

However, Ake was not angry, but said seriously: "The purpose of the Reincarnation Sect is reincarnation. No matter how you enjoy yourself in life, you may suffer from reincarnation after death. No one is an exception!"

"Well, it's quite equal!"

"This place used to be a forbidden area. Only the clergy of the Reincarnation Sect can move on. Even the king is not allowed to enter it casually!" Ake said.

Hearing this, Zhou Suyi became more dignified.

She has a shadow on the forbidden land.

It is against this kind of place, there must be danger, or there is some danger waiting for them, if they are not careful, they may fail.

"It's coming, it's coming, high-energy warning ahead."

"Is it finally time for the main show? Since someone edited the customs clearance highlights before, watching this game now feels like watching a movie."

"Hahaha, so am I. By the way, if you can talk, hurry up and talk more, I'm afraid."

"This is a ruined temple, what danger can it have? You think too much, watch the game and be dazed."

"Hehe, this game is tyrannical, just wait and see."


Netizens also felt the dignified atmosphere and became a little nervous.

Everyone continued to move forward and came to the temple.

The most prominent ones in the temple are a few large red pillars, with layers of lamps embedded in the pillars. The top of the pillars has been damaged, with several big holes leaking, and the statues and other decorations are gone.

"There's no Guge Silver Eye, did we go to the wrong place?" Fatty Wang looked disappointed.

I thought that no matter how bad it was, it would be a relic of a dynasty. Maybe if I was lucky, I could pick up some good things.

But now it seems that this place is too damn clean.

It's just that there are really good things, and I don't know how many times they have been scrapped by others.

"Probably, it's that one!"

Zhou Suyi looked up and saw a huge relief and colorful paintings on the top.

In the middle of the painting is a giant eyeball.


(End of this chapter)

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