Chapter 371 Outrageous reward

As soon as Zhou Suyi saw the pattern of eyeballs, she immediately connected with Muchen Bead.

After the game ended, she checked Muchen Bead.

It was a bead taken out of King Xian's head, and the texture on it resembled an eyeball.

However, after getting Muchen Bead, the curse on them was not lifted as expected.

Zhou Suyi was not surprised at this point, after all, she already knew that she was going to evil Luo Haicheng before she could use Muchen Bead to play its due role.

Therefore, Zhou Suyi could see the eyeball-shaped pattern on her head at a glance.

In this mural on the top, there is a huge eyeball in the center, and the outer circle is a radial totem, which is divided into eight colors, each of which is a different kind of animal.

In the outermost circle, there are dozens of naked dakinis, all of them have different appearances, and none of them are alike. As expected, this is the Guge Yinyan, the coordinate of ancient Tantric geomantic omen.

Hu Bayi looked at Uncle Ming, "Uncle Ming, it's time to take out the scriptures this time. Without the scriptures for comparison, there is no way to study the specific location."

Uncle Ming had been exhausted for a long time, so he took a few more breaths of oxygen and recovered a little.

At this moment, there was a clicking sound from the pillar next to it, and then it collapsed directly.

"Everyone be careful!"

Zhou Suyi hurriedly reminded, and everyone hurriedly dodged to the side to prevent being hit.

The pillar hit a stone wall, and a hole was smashed into the stone wall with a bang.

Everyone was shocked to find that there was a secret room inside the stone wall.

[Congratulations to the player for unlocking the hidden mission; Sinful Baru. 】

[Mission description: Sin-eating Baru is a kind of hell ghost of the reincarnation sect. It is used to punish the evil people in the world. Now, the reincarnation sect has long since disappeared. This kind of evil spirit has no restraint and will only cause trouble in the world. Please eradicate the sin-eating Baru. 】

[Mission Reward: Super Insect Repellent]

Suddenly, the game's prompt sounded.

Zhou Suyi's eyes immediately became strange.

It's not that she accidentally triggered the hidden plot, but what kind of reward is this reward.

Super insect repellant?
This Nima...

Why do you feel a little perfunctory?
This is the inside of Kunlun Mountain, and if you go further inside, there are glaciers and snow-capped mountains. In this kind of place, will your mother have bugs?

Zhou Suyi felt like walking straight away, not bothering to pay attention.

But thinking about the rewards of the previous hidden missions, all of them played a role in the subsequent plot, and the missions still had to be completed.

"As soon as this pillar falls, I know that the hidden mission must be coming. I'm that good."

"Uh... what the hell is a super insect repellant?"

"This reward is a bit... hard to describe."

"Did I make a mistake? When I was in the Valley of Insects, it would be okay to give me some insect repellent. This is the Daxue Mountain. Why do you need insect repellent?"

"Don't force me, since it's a game mission reward, I'll definitely use it later."


Netizens, like Zhou Suyi, were all confused about what the hell this super insect repellent was.

I am also more curious, what kind of plot will be used later, and this kind of thing will be used?
It's just that I can't figure it out after thinking about it.

When Fatty Wang saw the secret room, his eyes lit up immediately, "Secret room, there is a secret room behind this, what a coincidence, we are here, and this secret room appeared, you say, does this count, what is it called, yes, yes, it is called the unfinished business, bah bah bah, no, no, what is it called!"

"A great victory!" Zhou Suyi said angrily.

Let you read more books at ordinary times, but you can only catch fish. Now it's all right, don't be ashamed of it.

"Yes, yes, great victory, great victory, hehe, it's all the same, anyway, it's just luck!" Fatty Wang was not embarrassed at all.

What's wrong with being uneducated, as long as I don't feel ashamed, it's other people who are ashamed.

Hu Bayi frowned, sniffed, and covered his nose.

The wall was smashed open, and there was a rotten stench coming from inside. The smell alone was enough to show that this place was definitely not a good place.

"Go, go in and see!"

Zhou Suyi was on a mission, no matter what was inside, she had to check it out.

There is also that sin-eating Baru, although I don't know what it is.

But it shouldn't be easy.

Therefore, his hand has already quietly touched the ancient black gold knife behind his back. If something should jump out, the knife can be pulled out immediately.

"Be careful, it doesn't feel right!" Hu Bayi reminded.

Several people climbed in from the hole together.

The layout inside is very simple, except for a Buddha statue, there are almost no other things.

Fatty Wang immediately walked to the Buddha statue and looked it over carefully.

Although it looks golden, it doesn't have the brilliance of gold, which makes Fatty Wang somewhat disappointed.

"Tell me, what is this Buddha statue made of? It looks like copper, and it looks a little like gold, but it should be neither!" Fatty Wang pondered beside him.

"This should be a kind of alloy!" Zhou Suyi said, "It's just strange, ordinary statues are placed outside to be enshrined by people, why is this Buddha statue still hidden here?"

"There is a door behind the Buddha statue. It seems to be suppressing something here?" Hu Ba said.

It was only then that Zhou Suyi noticed that there seemed to be a door behind the Buddha statue. There were a lot of talisman papers pasted on the door, and there seemed to be patterns on it.

Fatty Wang's eyes lit up again, "You say, the Reincarnation Sect was so famous back then, and must have accumulated a lot of treasures, maybe it's hidden behind this gate!"

But Ake said with an ugly face: "Using Buddha statues to guard this gate, and so many spells to suppress it, the things inside must be very dangerous, and must not be opened rashly."

"Look carefully, what's on it?" Uncle Ming said.

Everyone looked carefully, and they really saw a pattern of a beast on the gate, but it was covered by those spells, so they couldn't see clearly.

But even though the beast only showed a small part of its body, it still gave people a very terrifying feeling.

"Sinful Baru, it's sinful Baru!" Ake recognized it, and his face became even uglier!
Fatty Wang said: "What are you doing, death penalty, Batu? What the hell?"

Ake said in a deep voice: "Sin-eating Baru is a kind of hell ghost of the reincarnation sect. It is used to punish evil people in the world. This secret room is not a place to hide treasures. It should be a place for reincarnation sect to punish criminals. Let's leave quickly!"

Ake is very afraid, he has a deep understanding of the history of the reincarnation sect, the more he understands, the more afraid he is!

Fatty Wang is not happy, "Hey, I said Brother Ake, with us here, what is there to be afraid of? Back then, we Iron Triangle, it was really five oceans who caught turtles, and nine days passed the moon. It's not a big deal. Zongzi, Zongzi King, have you ever seen it? If you meet us, you have to kneel down and call Fatty. Besides, this reincarnation sect has been extinct for so many years. till now?"


(End of this chapter)

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