Chapter 372 Cult
What Fatty Wang said was swearing, and he was going to blow it up to the sky.

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes at the side, this guy is really shameless, his skin is really thick.

There were several zongzi made out before, which one did you beat to the ground?

However, this really calmed Ake, and Ake was taken aback when he heard it.

Hu Bayi's face was a little hot, and he was a little embarrassed.

"Hehe, Ake, don't mind, my brother likes to brag, I'm used to it!"

Ake nodded and didn't care about anything.

"I still think it's too dangerous here, we'd better not cause trouble!" Ake was still quite afraid of this place.

"Oh, since we're here, we have to figure out what's inside, otherwise, what's the point?" Uncle Ming was obviously also interested in what's inside, "Besides, with so many of us here, that fat boy even beat the Zongzi King, so he's afraid of some evil spirits."

Hu Bayi looked at Zhou Suyi, "Miss Yang, what do you think?"

Now, it's time for the player to make a choice.

Zhou Suyi said, of course I have to open it, otherwise, how can I complete this task.

"Ahem, I think, even if we don't open it today, this place will definitely be opened in the future. At that time, not many people will be killed or injured. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Now that we have encountered it, I think we should solve this trouble in advance."

What Zhou Suyi said was just and awe-inspiring, of course she wouldn't say that she was doing it to complete the task.

Hu Bayi nodded immediately.

"Ake, you heard it too, I think what Miss Yang said makes sense!" Hu Ba said.

Ake also nodded, "Okay, be careful."

"Hey, just put your heart in your stomach. If there is really any sin-eating Baru here, I will let you see it. Our Iron Triangle is very powerful." Fatty Wang immediately went up to open the door excitedly.

But the gate couldn't be opened at all. After searching carefully, I found that the gate was connected to the Buddha statue by an iron chain.
Hu Bayao: "Fatty, remove the Buddha statue!"

"Okay!" Fatty Wang moved the Buddha statue without saying a word.

The Buddha statue was quite heavy, and it took Fatty Wang a lot of effort to move it away.

As the Buddha statue was removed, the iron chain was pulled out from the gate, making a rattling sound, which made people nervous.

"High-energy early warning ahead, please prepare quick-acting heart-relief pills."

"Sin-eating Baru, it sounds quite intimidating."

"Help, you'll be in hell mode again at night, I'll blow your lungs out."

"Hahaha, it's still a familiar style. However, I feel like I'm immune to it. I watch it alone at home without any pressure. Wait, someone knocks on the door."

"Don't open the door, there are ghosts outside the door."


Still a familiar rhythm.

The moment the door was about to be opened, the hearts of the netizens were all in their throats.

You don't have to think about it to guess, there will definitely be a sin-eating Baru running out of it next.

Uncle Ming also became nervous.

Now that my bodyguard Peter Huang is not here, I feel uneasy.

Although I heard Fatty Wang bragging a lot, but who knows if this guy is really capable.

Taking advantage of others not paying attention, he hurriedly moved back secretly.

No one paid attention to him, they all stared at the door nervously.


The chain was pulled to the end, and the door was slowly opened.

The moment the door opened, Zhou Suyi stared at the inside of the door, and vaguely saw the white flowers inside, and the next moment, the white flowers' shadow moved directly.

"No, be careful!"

She hurriedly yelled, and at the same time, the black gold ancient knife behind her was pulled out instantly.

Almost at the same time as her voice fell, several white shadows rushed out from inside.

"Fuck me!"

Fatty Wang was very close, but before he could see what it was, it was already in front of him.

Fatty Wang hurriedly dodged to the side, and the sin-eating Baru's huge claws slapped Fatty Wang's head directly.

If this is shot, I am afraid that the head will explode directly.

But Fatty Wang is not a vegetarian either. He has been licking blood for so long, and he already has the ability to deal with crises.

Hu Bayi also had a sin-eating Baloo rushing towards him.

Fortunately, Ake, who was next to him, took out the magic pestle, and smashed it with a stick, and the sin-eating Baloo immediately jumped away.

Zhou Suyi made it out with a single knife.

But that thing was so fast that it dodged directly.

"My mother!"

When Uncle Ming saw this scene, he was so frightened that he pissed off and crawled outside.

When the thing fell to the ground, Zhou Suyi could see it clearly this time.

This thing is about two meters high, with a cat's head, a human body, a slender body, white skin, no hair, a ferocious face, extremely sharp claws, it's terrifying to look at.

It's really like a ghost crawling out of hell.

Usually, this appearance can scare people to death.

"This is Sin Eater Baru?" Zhou Suyi's expression turned ugly.

Professor Zhang looked at the scene on the screen and took a deep breath.

When he saw a secret room behind the wall just now, he was still excited and prepared to take people to see it immediately, but when he saw the terrifying sin-eating Baru pounced out of it, he gasped in fright.

I can't help but secretly rejoice that my actions are relatively slow, otherwise I will be in trouble.

"Hey, I have to learn from the previous two groups of people. I must not be in a hurry, I must not be in a hurry!"

Professor Zhang hurriedly held his breath, and felt that he must hold his breath, take a good look at it first, and then lead others to do it after confirming all the problems. In this way, the casualties can be minimized to the greatest extent.

Whether to talk or not, Professor Zhang is good, neither stubborn nor reckless, believe what should be believed, and obey what should be obeyed.

These sin-eating baloos had obviously been hungry for too long. In his eyes, human beings were nothing more than blood food, and he didn't know how the reincarnation sect raised these monsters.

In Zhou Suyi's opinion, this sect is somewhat evil.

Just as Sin Eater Baloo dodged a blow, he pounced on him again.

But this time, Zhou Suyi didn't hide, but saw that Sinful Balu was about to pounce on him, so she suddenly raised her foot.


The sin-eating Balu was kicked straight, his body flew upside down, and fell heavily on the wall.

This knocked the sin-eating Baru into a daze.

He probably never expected that the woman in front of him would be so fierce.

It doesn't matter if you don't hide, but you even kicked him back, what's the point of this!

Not only is his reaction speed surprisingly fast, but his strength is also surprisingly great.

You manna is a human being, the title of monster is for you.

Although they are powerful, Zhou Suyi is not a vegetarian. With the blessing of the Qilin blood, the speed of these sin-eating Baru's impressive speed is just that in her eyes.

Even, this thing is far worse than the Zongzi King I met before.


(End of this chapter)

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