Chapter 374
With the accumulation of the previous two games, Zhou Suyi's strength is really top-notch, and she has completely stood up.

Two knives directly killed the two sin-eating Baloos. It was simple and straightforward, and the people who watched were dumbfounded.

At this moment, the picture seemed to be on fire.

Even netizens are feeling excited and a little excited at the moment.

They followed along the way.

I witnessed Zhou Suyi's transformation from a weak woman who was scared to see a psychiatrist to the thigh of the team.

"Hey, I told you a long time ago that my elder brother Yang has sizzled the Zongzi King. As long as she makes a little move, she can easily catch these two little monsters. How about it? Believe it now!" Fatty Wang said proudly.

Seeing the shock on other people's faces, he muttered, "Look at you who have never seen the market before."

Uncle Ming and the others came back to their senses, he looked at Fatty Wang speechlessly, you are so proud of your mother, does this have something to do with you having a dime?

"Haha, I was short-sighted. I really didn't expect that Miss Yang would have such skills!" He was also impressed by Zhou Suyi's methods.

"Damn it, you're a knitter!" Suddenly, Fatty Wang exclaimed.

Zhou Suyi followed the voice, and it turned out that Uncle Ming's subordinate, A Dong, had sneaked in at some point, and secretly came to the side of the Buddha statue. While other people were not paying attention, he was secretly moving the Buddha statue outside.

But at this moment, the sin-eating Baru who was fighting with Ake and the others gave up the two of them and rushed directly to Adong.

"Ah..." A Dong saw that Sinful Baru suddenly rushed towards him, and his eyes widened in fright.

He just wanted to secretly move the golden Buddha away to make a small fortune.

When Zhou Suyi looked over, it was already too late.

The sin-eating Baloo bit A Dong's neck with one bite, and with a slight twist, A-Dong's head was bitten off, and the sin-eating Baloo swallowed him in one bite.

The scene was really bloody.

Blood sprayed from A Dong's neck more than two meters high.


This scene made many netizens feel uncomfortable. Even Zhou Suyi retched and felt uncomfortable in her stomach.

It's too bloody.

"Go to hell!"

The next moment, Zhou Suyi directly threw the long knife in his hand.


The ancient black gold knife turned into a black shadow, which arrived in an instant, and directly pierced the sin-eating Baru's head.

The huge force pierced through the head of the sin-eating Baloo, and directly inserted the sin-eating Baloo's body into the wall.

The sinful Balu's body twitched for a while, but he was still chewing, as if he wanted to swallow A Dong's head.


Uncle Ming burst into tears all of a sudden, and rushed in staggeringly, but he was cautious, not daring to get close to Ba Lu.

Even if the sin-eating Baru is dead.

The atmosphere present became tense in an instant.

"This guy is really obsessed with money!" Fatty Wang muttered.

When people are fighting inside, if you go to move the Buddha statue, isn't that courting death?

Ake held the demon pestle and began to recite Buddhist scriptures silently, which can be regarded as helping Adong to save himself.

Hu Bayi stepped forward and patted Uncle Ming on the shoulder, "Fatty, come help, take out your head, if you die, you have to leave a whole body!"

Zhou Suyi sighed in her heart, now she understands why there is no such A Dong among the newly added characters.

It turned out to be soy sauce.

Even if I have never done it once, I probably won't be able to survive the third-level player.

If you don't die here, you will definitely die in other places.

When A Dong's body was directly cremated on the spot, Uncle Ming cried so sadly, but Zhou Suyi didn't see a single tear on this guy's face.

"A Dong is dead. This time, I have to share a little more of the treasure. He has an 80-year-old mother and a young child at home. I must leave some of it for them!" Uncle Ming hugged A Dong's body with deep affection.

Fatty Wang originally thought that this old guy was quite affectionate, and he could still cry so sadly when a guy died, but now when he heard this, his face was filled with contempt.

"Fuck, you old guy, your feelings are waiting here!"

"Okay, just ignore him!" Zhou Suyi waved her hand, telling Fatty Wang not to worry about these things.

A Dong's body was cremated on the spot, and the three sin-eating Baloos were also directly lost, so as to avoid future troubles.


Professor Zhang breathed a sigh of relief after reading this.

Although this sin-eating Baru is scary, it is not too dangerous after all, not as perverted as the Zongzi King.

In the face of enough guns and ammunition, there should be no threat.

So, he arranged for people to start taking action.

Zhou Suyi and the others went into the place where Sin Sin Baru was held and took a look. Except for some dead bones, there was nothing else inside.

Obviously Ake was right before.

This place was used by the Reincarnation Sect to deal with prisoners, and they were directly thrown in to feed Sin Balu, without even disposing of the corpses.

Everyone left and returned to Guge's silver eyes.

"Old Hu, if you look carefully, can you really see the coordinates?" Zhou Suyi asked.

Hu Bayi is an expert in this matter, so it has become a habit for him to have to ask to trigger something.

"Uncle Ming, let's take a look at the scriptures!" Hu Bay said!
Uncle Ming took out the scriptures this time.

Hu Bayi looked carefully at the contents of the scriptures, and then began to compare Guge's silver eyes.

After watching for a while, Hu Bayi finally seemed to have some clues.

"According to the scriptures, the most important nine-story demon building in the Demon Kingdom is in the Phoenix Palace. According to the scriptures, the Phoenix Palace is a mountain range composed of four precious stones, gold, silver, crystal, and glaze. There are four snow-capped mountains on the mountainside, representing the four guardian gods of the Demon Kingdom."

"Combining with the positions of the eight ghost mothers above, it can be concluded that the location of the nine-story demon building should be in the center of a place surrounded by four peaks. This place is a special place in Fengshui, meaning the backbone of heaven and earth, the place where the ancestor dragon originated!"

"Good guy, the place where the ancestor dragon originated, this is too big!" Fatty Wang said.

Uncle Ming looked at Hu Bayi with bright eyes, and said in his heart that he really found the right person this time, these three people, except this fat guy, the other two are all really capable.

Fatty Wang didn't know that he was despised by Uncle Ming, otherwise he would have to show his unique skills.

Zhou Suyi looked at Ake, "Brother Ake, you are most familiar with the terrain here, does such a place exist?"

Ake's face was a little pale, and there was a scar on his arm, which should have been caught when he was fighting with Sin Eater Baru.

He thought about it seriously, "Cramer, surrounded by four peaks should be the mountain pass of Keramer!"

Hu Ba nodded, "That's right, the location we're looking for should be the mountain pass of Kramir!"

Hearing this, Fatty Wang and Uncle Ming became excited.

Looking at Uncle Ming's appearance, there is no trace of that sad look just now.

Looking at him, Zhou Suyi couldn't help sighing, life is like a play, it really depends on acting skills.


(End of this chapter)

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