Chapter 375 Yin Yang Eyes

The task was completed, and the reward was in hand, but Zhou Suyi didn't check it, after all, it was just insect repellent, there was really nothing to see.

After getting the specific location, Uncle Ming couldn't be happier.

Gao Fan was gone, and he danced excitedly, he didn't look sad just now, looking at his happy face, he seemed to be getting carried away with the glacier crystal corpse.

Everyone got the news they wanted and went down the mountain.

Led by Lama Tiebang, they found an inn at the foot of the mountain to rest and prepare to set off again at dawn.

At midnight, Zhou Suyi felt a little uneasy.

Normally, such links that cannot advance the plot are generally skipped directly.

But he didn't skip it now, which means that there must be something wrong at night.

Therefore, Zhou Suyi did not dare to take it lightly.


Sure enough, not long after, a woman's scream was heard.

Zhou Suyi rushed out with the ancient black gold knife.

As soon as he went out, he found that Hu Bayi and the others had also come out.

"what happened?"

"From the sound, it seems to belong to Axiang!" Uncle Ming ran anxiously to Axiang's room.

As soon as she was about to push the door open, it was opened. Ah Xiang ran out crying and threw herself into Uncle Ming's arms.

"Good girl, what's the matter?" Uncle Ming asked anxiously.

Zhou Suyi frowned, because Ah Xiang looked fine and was not hurt.

Then you are called a woolen.

this big night.

I don't know that people are scary and scary.

"I said sister, don't be afraid, Fatty I am here, no one dares to bully you, what's the matter, don't worry, Fatty, I will make the decision for you!" Fatty Wang looked sympathetic.

Seeing someone's pretty little girl makes one can't help wanting to protect her.

Han Shuna also patted Axiang on the shoulder, "Axiang, what's the matter, you just said, don't be afraid, we are all here."

Ah Xiang buried her head in Uncle Ming's doubts, "Godfather, I, I saw A Dong walking around my room with his head covered in blood!"


When she said this, everyone gasped.

Zhou Suyi felt her hairs stand on end.

"Sister, um, people are scary, they can scare people to death, don't talk nonsense, you really saw it?" Fatty Wang was a little terrified.

After all, it's the middle of the night.

Moreover, they all knew that during the day A Dong was bitten off by the sinful Baru, and at night A Dong's ghost came out to act as a demon?

The most frightening thing was that Uncle Ming had indeed said before that Ah Xiang's eyes could see things that others couldn't.

Zhou Suyi swallowed, but she still didn't believe it.

She looked towards Ah Xiang's room.

It was very calm, there was no such thing as A Dong holding his head.

She had some doubts, whether the little girl said that on purpose to attract attention, or because she didn't dare to stay alone in the room.

Moreover, her eyes are not simple, they are the residual eyes of the snake god.

She didn't even see it, so how could Ah Xiang see it.

However, he saw that Uncle Ming's face was extremely ugly, and his body was trembling slightly.

Hu Bayao: "Ah Xiang, are you dreaming?"

A Xiang shook her head tremblingly, "No, no, I really saw it, A Dong, he was walking around with his head in his hands, as if, as if he was looking for something."

Fatty Wang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "Ahem, sister, this joke is not funny at all."

At this time, Uncle Ming said: "Ah Xiang, Ah Xiang doesn't know about A Dong. I was afraid that she would be afraid, so I told her that A Dong secretly took the treasure and ran away!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone gasped again.

If Ah Xiang didn't know that Ah Dong was dead, then the matter would become even more weird.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, how would she have known that A Dong's head had been bitten off by Sin Balu?

Is this a coincidence?

But how can there be such a coincidence?

"Fuck, it's late at night, don't make trouble."

"No way, are there really ghosts?"

"Isn't that bad guy A Dong so hard that he still doesn't want to die? Isn't it because he brought the blame on himself and is obsessed with money."

"There's something about this Ah Xiang, she doesn't really have yin and yang eyes."

"It's amazing. If there is no such thing, it's just a fabrication, and it won't be said that Ah Dong is holding his head."


Now it's midnight in the outside world, such a sudden move at this time will inevitably make the hearts of netizens also lift up.

Originally thought that after the sin-eating Baru was done, today would be a peaceful night and there would be no nightmares.

But now it seems that this game is obviously not so friendly.

"Grandma, it's kind of evil, old Hu, what should I do? Tell me, is our black donkey's hoof useful for ghosts?" Fatty Wang muttered.

Hu Bayi's face was also a little ugly.

He was also out of ideas.

Zhou Suyi took a deep breath, gripped the black gold ancient knife firmly, and suddenly felt confident.

"A Xiang, look again, is A Dong still there?"

Ah Xiang nodded, and secretly moved her head out of Uncle Ming's arms, then carefully looked around.

Anyone who was seen by her felt a little numb in the scalp.

Moreover, Ah Xiang's eyes are red and red at the moment, as if congested with blood, something is wrong with her.

"Hey, hey, hey hey, don't look at me, don't look at me, the yang energy in my body is very strong, Fatty, that kid Adong must not dare to approach me!" Fatty Wang felt hairy after A Xiang glanced at him.

Ah Xiang ignored him and continued to move her eyes.

When he saw the iron rod Lama Ake, his pupils shrank instantly.

"Yes, there!" Ah Xiang raised her hand tremblingly, pointing her finger at Lama Tiebang.

Everyone looked at the past with their eyes in unison.

Iron Bar Lama Ake's face suddenly changed, "Not good!"

He just exclaimed, but suddenly fell on his back.

Hu Bayi was the closest to him, and quickly reached out to support Ake, so that Ake didn't fall directly to the ground.

But looking at Ake's situation again, he is already very angry.

"How could this be?" Hu Bayi's expression also changed drastically.

Although Ake's complexion was not very good just now, but at this moment he suddenly fainted, and the timing was so coincidental, it can't help but make people think wildly.

Zhou Suyi also gasped, feeling the goosebumps on her body in an instant.

Tai Nima is scary.

I thought that my mind was as strong as iron, and my mind would be silent when encountering any strange things, but now it seems that it is not the same thing at all.

Should be afraid or really be afraid.

"It's over, isn't it really bewitched?" Fatty Wang wanted Hu Bayi to let go of the iron rod Lama.

If Hu Bayi follows the evil again, it will be troublesome.

Uncle Ming even said: "Hurry up and burn his body, otherwise, we will all suffer together. In the ancient scripture I read, part of it is about the bardo body. Once the bardo body disintegrates, it will become some kind of "filth". If you don't burn it, it will kill others."


(End of this chapter)

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