Chapter 377 The Five-Day Test
Zhou Suyi was stunned when she heard Ake's words.

"Ah this..."

Her eyes became more and more strange.

Well, this game actually played a trick here.

Although Ake is not one of the characters in the game, if Ake is not revived here, it is impossible for them to find Kramir.

There are also poems about the magic kingdom.

If Ake died, no one would know about it, and their journey this time probably ended in failure.

"Fortunately, I am a modern person!"

Zhou Suyi sighed.

But this time it was really a fluke.

It's also because the game is too real, even if it's the death of the game character, people can't bear to watch it, but think of ways to save it.

"Should I say it or not, sister Zhou is a god when she plays the Ghost Extinguisher series."

"Hahaha, as long as sister Zhou stops playing masturbation, it's fine. That operation is really eye-catching."

"That's okay? If I were an insignificant npc anyway, I wouldn't bother to bother."

"So, it's still Miss Zhou who understands the game."


Netizens also gave a thumbs up to Sister Zhou's erroneous operation.

No matter what, luck or ignorance, this is also a manifestation of strength.

"Ake, don't worry about recovering from your injuries. From now on, we'll just do it ourselves." Hu Ba said.

Ake smiled with difficulty, "On the first day of the junior high school, he was a Kangba man. His father was killed by the White Wolf King, the envoy of the Demon Kingdom. Therefore, he has been looking for the White Wolf King all his life. Maybe he will help you!"

"Okay, I see!" Hu Ba nodded.

"Miss Yang, I hope you can remember these poems about the Demon Kingdom!"

"Uh... okay, I'll do my best!"

In the next period of time, Ake sang the poems of the Demon Kingdom non-stop, and Zhou Suyi's head hurt from hearing it, let alone memorized it.

"Ahem, that, you carry it, carry it, I won't bother you!" Fatty Wang felt drowsy after hearing this, and hurriedly found an excuse to leave.

Hu Bayi also sneered, "Miss Yang, you are the only one with a bright mind here, come on!"

Uncle Ming took Han Shuna and they left.

Zhou Suyi was quite depressed. It felt like she was reciting a text. Moreover, it was much more difficult to memorize than the text. It was full of awkward poems.

It made her drowsy.

After Ake finished speaking, Zhou Suyi's mind was confused, and she felt lonely after hearing it.

This time, netizens feel sorry for Zhou Suyi.

For the next period of time, Zhou Suyi was thinking of death every day, and then ended the game, trying to listen to it a few times. After listening too much, she finally got used to it.

The screen flashed again, and they found the first day of junior high school.

At first, the first day of junior high school did not agree to take them to Kramir, but Zhou Suyi thought of what Ake said, and said that she could help the first day of junior high school find the White Wolf King for revenge.

On the first day of junior high school, he immediately agreed, and after some preparations, he took them out.

This time it is the official way to find the Kunlun Shrine, and the temperature gets lower the higher you go, which is not pleasant.

【first day】

Zhou Suyi felt tired and cold.

Looking around, it was all covered with snow, except for a few exposed rocks, there was no other color to be seen.

But, okay, tolerable.

【the next day】

The temperature is lower, and there is a slight high reaction, and I feel dizzy.

【The third day】

The mouth, nose, and eyebrows are almost covered with frost, and they dare not stop to rest, because the temperature is too low, and if they do not exercise, the body will lose temperature.

[the fourth day]

It felt like she was relying entirely on endurance, Zhou Suyi thought to herself, she would never go to the north in her life, it was too cold, at this moment, she really wanted to sit in the room with the air conditioner on, who would want to suffer this.

It is the same as going to Jingjue Ancient City before.

At that time, I had to bear the high temperature and lack of water for several days, and now I am cold and tired.

Walking on the snow, every foot has to sink in, and the clothes you wear are very thick, which consumes a lot of energy.

Fortunately, with the previous training, Zhou Suyi survived.

[the fifth day]

This day, when is the head.

Zhou Suyi wanted to give up a little bit, but it really wasn't that easy to do anything.

However, this time it seems to be over.

Looking at the tired people on the first day of the junior high school, he said, "Everyone, persevere, and try to reach Zanggugou before dark. The terrain in that place is fairly stable. Let's set up camp there!"

"Hidden bone ditch? Why is it called hidden bone ditch? It's so hard to get there. People still hide bones there?" Fatty Wang asked curiously!

The first day of the junior high school smiled, "No, in that place, some animals often jump off the cliff collectively, and there are a lot of animal bones accumulated below, so the local people call it Tibetan bone ditch!"

"Jump off a cliff?" Zhou Suyi had seen the animal world before, and knew about some animals committing suicide.

Now when I hear it mentioned on the first day of junior high school, it immediately brings back memories of the dead.

"Let's go, does this animal jump off the cliff too? Feelings, the animal world is not very easy to mess with, and the pressure is quite high. This is forcing them to jump off the cliff!" Fatty Wang joked!
Should I say it or not, with Fatty Wang as a living treasure, the journey would not be too boring.

This guy can make you laugh every now and then.

The first day of the lunar new year shook his head, "No, it is said that these animals jumped off the cliff to appease the wrath of the gods with their own deaths. The animals that jumped into the bone ditch can break away from the animal life and reincarnate as humans!"

Fatty Wang disdainfully said, "Nonsense, this reincarnation sect is probably just using this to deceive people. Jumping off a cliff can reincarnate into an adult. He thought he was the brother-in-law of King Yama, and he could go through the back door!"

Zhou Suyi said: "As far as I know, most of the large-scale abnormal behaviors of animals are actually affected by the changes in the magnetic field caused by the moon's movement!"

"Listen, listen, Brother Chuyi, you also have to believe in science, this trick is only useful now!" Fatty Wang said!

In the first day of junior high school, I just smiled and didn't argue with him.

"Let's go, we want to enter Zanggugou, and we have to look through Gaqingpo, let's go!" The first day of the new year urged everyone to continue on their way.

After another one or two hours' journey, they finally arrived in front of Zanggugou, and it was getting dark at this moment.

Following a road, I came to the bottom of the Canggu Ditch. It was already pitch black, and there were scattered animal bones all around, piled one on top of the other, which looked a bit infiltrating.

"These, are you sure they are animal bones?" Zhou Suyi felt a little apprehensive.

Memories of the dead began to assail her again.

In the valley of the ancient city of Jingjue, the image of them digging out layers of human bones seemed to reverberate in their minds.

That scene scared Zhou Suyi half to death.

Even Teacher Ma was scared to pee at that time, and now I still have lingering fears in retrospect.


(End of this chapter)

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