Chapter 378 This Failure Is Unacceptable
When everyone came to Zanggugou, seeing the bones all over the place, they were still a little apprehensive.

Especially Zhou Suyi.

When I was in Jingjue Ancient City last time, many human bones were buried under the Grand Canyon, and there were many hanging coffins on it.

Coupled with the mysterious imaginary number space, people still have lingering fears.

She looked up subconsciously, but fortunately there was no coffin hanging on it, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, it's all animal bones, no problem!" Said the first day of the junior high school in fear of their worry.

Hu Bayi also nodded. Many of the skulls on the ground are cattle and sheep skulls, which are easy to distinguish.

Everyone found a relatively flat and clean place to clean up briefly, and then began to rest.

Zhou Suyi simply ate something, and this place was not fast-forwarded, which proved that something might go wrong again, so Zhou Suyi did not dare to take it lightly.

"If you don't do something here, you will be sorry for the name of this game."

"If it were me, I would definitely do something in this canyon. It's too easy to do things in this place."

"Dead memories suddenly hit me. I remembered that Teacher Ma peed his pants in the canyon of Jingjue Ancient City last time."

"Ms. Ma: I'm fucking thanking you for bringing up my sadness again."

"That really frightened me at the time. It was terrifying. I don't know what's going on here. Grandma's, high-energy warning."


Netizens also thought of some things before, and they couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

After eating, everyone sat around the fire. Fatty Wang bragged heartlessly, and heard Uncle Ming and Han Shuna stunned.

Zhou Suyi quietly pushed Hu Bayi, "Old Hu, I'm not at ease, I always feel that something will happen!"

She is also a reminder.

Hu Bayai: "I also thought of something."

"What's the matter?" Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up, and she thought to herself that it was so difficult that it triggered the memory of Lao Hu's death again?

Hu Bayao: "I remembered the half-volume book my grandfather left me, which also mentioned the structural layout of the nine-story demon building in Tibet."

"Oh? What does it say?" Zhou Suyi became interested immediately.

She knew that Hu Ba's understanding of Feng Shui was from the book his grandfather left him.

The content inside is extremely mysterious, and it must be helpful to them.

Hu Bayao: "A burial in the form of a demon tower must be accompanied by two dragon-shaped sacrificial ditch of the same size. Perhaps the Tibetan bone ditch we are in is one of them. The remnants of the Reincarnation Sect of the Demon Kingdom may have held unknown sacrifices here."

As Hu Bayi said, he patted the half dead wood pile beside him.

"Look here!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly looked over, and found a strange mark with a three-eyed human head and a ghost face on the dead wood pile.

"Since I entered the Canggu Ditch, I have seen many such marks, at least they were left hundreds of years ago. This shows that our current location should not be too far from the Phoenix Palace!" Hu Bayi said.

Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up, she was finally about to find it.

Whether to say it or not, it is still old Hu who is reliable.

There are so many discoveries along the way.

Looking at the bragging Fatty Wang next to him, he didn't know what to say.

"If it's really coming soon, that's good, otherwise, everyone will hardly be able to hold on!"

In the past few days, Han Shuna was about to retreat several times. If it wasn't for Uncle Ming's obsession, the group would have already returned home.

clap la la...

At this moment, Zhou Suyi heard the sound of gravel sliding from above.

The sound was not obvious, but she had been paying attention to the wind and grass around her, so she was very sensitive.

Immediately, subconsciously looked up.

I saw a black shadow descending from the sky.

"Not good, run away!"

Zhou Suyi's face changed drastically, and she hurriedly shouted.

The others didn't know what happened at all, they were all taken aback by Zhou Suyi's sudden voice.


The next moment, a huge object fell from above, just hitting Fatty Wang and the others.

Fatty Wang and Uncle Ming didn't know what happened, and they were smashed to death immediately.

"Fuck me..."

Zhou Suyi cursed, and then she saw clearly that the one that fell was a huge black bear.

Falling from such a high height, it turned into a meat paste.

With such a big impact, can Fatty Wang and the others still recover?
[Important character dies, game fails]

There is no doubt that the game is over suddenly.

I don't know when it started, but this game has decided that Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang are both important characters. Once they die, the game will immediately fail.

It wasn't like that in the beginning.

Obviously, the formation of the Iron Triangle has given this game a fixed pattern, and the three are indispensable.

Zhou Suyi who opened her eyes was a little depressed.

I was really afraid of something, but Fatty Wang was really unlucky, he was smashed to death before he finished boasting.

"Hey, it seems that when it was said that those animals would commit suicide on the first day of the new year, they had already given a warning in advance. The protagonist group came, and these special introductions would definitely come true. I didn't pay attention. I was careless, careless!"

Zhou Suyi was a little annoyed.

Such a simple failure made her a little unacceptable.

I don't dare to watch the barrage anymore, I feel that netizens seem to be laughing at me.

She didn't care if she was ridiculed for playing masturbation before, but this game is her home game, and this kind of failure makes her unacceptable.

Immediately, without hesitation, come back directly.

This time, after hearing what Hu Bayi had said, Zhou Suyi hurriedly said: "There are too many animal bones here, and the incident of animal suicide is by no means accidental. Everyone, pay attention and try to rest against the stone wall, just in case!"

"Well, what Ms. Yang said makes sense. Don't gather together and stay close to the stone wall. In this way, even if something falls, there will be no problem!" Hu Bayi also said.

"Hey, can we still be so unlucky? Just sitting here, can we really be hit by those animals?" Fatty Wang didn't care.

"Fat boy, what they said is right, there's no need to make trouble with your own life!" Uncle Ming said, and then took Han Shuna and Axiang to find a slightly recessed cliff to rest in front of.

"As long as you keep your words secret, why are you talking so much nonsense, hurry up!" Zhou Suyi said angrily!
She really didn't know what to say.

Don't you know your own luck?
Along the way, the most unlucky one is you, but I have the nerve to say luck.

If it wasn't for completing the game, she wouldn't bother to pay attention to Fatty Wang.

Seeing that Zhou Suyi's expression was not right, Fatty Wang muttered, reluctantly left the fire, and found a place to sit by the side.


Just as he sat down, a huge object fell from above, and hit the position where Fatty Wang was just now.

Seeing this scene, Fatty Wang broke out in a cold sweat.


(End of this chapter)

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