Chapter 384 Excavation

Everyone looked at the positions of the corpses.

There seemed to be a hazy black shadow under the ice layer in the middle.

Fatty Wang stretched his neck and looked carefully, "Fuck, what is that thing, it looks like a big shrimp, do you think people in this plateau area have never seen the sea, and seeing a big shrimp is a treasure."

Everyone was speechless for a while, this fat man's mouth can really be grinning.

Hu Bayi thought of something, "This is close to the nine-story demon building, which is the holy place of the reincarnation sect. This should be the tomb of a suzerain of the reincarnation sect. The ice corpses around here should all belong to the reincarnation sect." Some believers estimate that there should be many similar tombs near the nine-story demon building!"

"These tombs are distributed around the nine-story demon building. Perhaps, the location of the nine-story demon building can be determined based on the location of the tombs!"

Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up.

Did she just say, this hole must not have been dropped randomly, there must be a clue, and now it seems that it really is.

With Hu Bayi's ability, it would be no problem to rely on this tomb to find the nine-story demon building.

Fatty Wang's eyes brightened, "Since it's the tomb of the reincarnation sect master, there must be treasures in it, why don't we dig it out and have a look?"

Fatty Wang likes to open coffins the most.

Hu Bayi said angrily: "Didn't I say that you can think of other things in your mind besides baby?"

"Old Hu, what you said is meaningless. My treasure hunt is for your comrades to live better." Fatty Wang said righteously.

One sentence really left Hu Bayi speechless.

After all, part of what they got from the tomb robbery was given to the relatives of Hu Bayi's comrades-in-arms, and part was given to the blind dates in Niuxinshan back then.

As for the two of them, there was really nothing left.

"Okay, you two stop arguing, since there may be clues to the nine-story demon building here, let's open it and have a look, maybe you will gain something!" Zhou Suyi said.

"Old Hu, have you seen it, have you seen it, this is enlightenment." Seeing Zhou Suyi standing by his side, Fatty Wang was immediately overwhelmed with excitement.

"Okay, let's go!" Hu Bayi looked at Han Shuna, "Send Sister Na up first, and let the others know, so they don't have to worry."

Send Han Shuna up, and inform the others of the news.

When Uncle Ming heard that there was an ancient corpse below, he immediately became interested.

After all, he came here this time to find the glacier crystal corpse. Of course, if there are other valuable ancient corpses, he can bring them back and make a fortune.

After tossing for so long, it will be late.


In the forest in the distance, there were waves of howling wolves.

Obviously, the White Wolf King is still carrying out its plan, following them all the time, and may find an opportunity to make a move at any time.

"You must be careful outside, be prepared, and don't be taken advantage of by those wolves!" Hu Bayi warned.

"Don't worry, I'm out there!" Chu Yi held a gun with a firm expression on his face.

Uncle Ming hung a fluorescent lamp on it for lighting. He is a veteran of tossing ancient corpses. Seeing a corpse with such a strange posture under the ice layer, he was also curious.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang Zhou Suyi went down three of them, and brought Axiang with them.

According to Fatty Wang, Ah Xiang's eyes are much more useful than lighting candles in the corner.

As long as she is there, no matter what ghosts and monsters are there, they will all act.

Ah Xiang was so scared, she probably wanted to send a friendly greeting to Fatty Wang in her heart.

"Axiang: Thank you so much."

"Hahaha, it would be interesting if Audio-Technica kept Axiang with her in the future. Axiang can see all the ghosts, so she can warn in advance."

"You can spare Ah Xiang. With Ah Xiang's guts, if she walks with Sister Zhou and the others a few times, she will probably be scared to death."

"I have a hunch that everything that follows will definitely not go so smoothly."

"If you say that, it's not for nothing. As long as sister Zhou goes to the grave, when she passes smoothly and doesn't open a zongzi, that's already considered lucky."


At this moment, it was time for the opening of the coffin that netizens were looking forward to, and everyone became nervous.

As for Professor Zhang of the archaeological team, looking at everything in the ice cave, he was so excited that he immediately arranged for people to search for it.

If these ancient corpses can really be found, it will be of great help to them in studying the history of the Reincarnation Sect.

The three of them poured ginger juice into an air pressure watering can, first sprayed the ice on the ground a few times, and then all they had to do was wait for the ginger juice to seep into it.

The corpses frozen in the surrounding ice walls all lowered their heads and stared at the ice surface that was about to be dug up, as if they were a group of spectators.

Zhou Suyi felt uncomfortable being watched by them, as if she was working with a group of people eating melons beside her.

Even, from time to time, I still fill in some images in my mind, wondering if these people are still whispering and communicating with each other while they are working.

Ah Xiang was even more frightened, and didn't dare to look up at the corpses.

Fatty Wang doesn't look bold, but he also feels awkward at the moment, "Damn it, it feels like a big girl enters the bridal chamber and is surrounded by people, why don't we find a piece of cloth to block the ice walls around here, it's really popular Hairy."

Hu Bayi said, "You are not a big girl, and you are afraid of being looked at by others, so just pretend that they don't exist!" "

Although Hu Bayi said so, he still had no idea.

After all, this is the first time I have seen this kind of ice bucket, and it feels a bit evil.

Especially with so many corpses around, he had never heard of this special way of burial, let alone a solid one.

And the corpse below, curled up into a ball, is really just like Fatty Wang said, like a big shrimp.

No one knows what will happen if it is dug out.

Zhou Suyi said: "Among the poems that Ake taught me, it is said that the Reincarnation Sect has preserved many cult traditions of the Demon Kingdom. In the Hero King rap poems, the Demon Kingdom is a country that worships abysses and caves. The gesture of looking down into the abyss probably has something to do with their religious beliefs, so don’t make a fuss.”

With her words, everyone felt more at ease.

After such a short time, the ginger juice has penetrated into it.

This thing is the killer of ice, as long as ginger juice is sprinkled on it, even hard ice will become brittle.

Fatty Wang couldn't wait a long time ago, and started digging hard without the help of others.

It was full of white gas from digging, but fortunately, the ice layer was not very thick. After a short time, a square ice sheet was dug away, and there was no ice below it.

A layer of fish maw sticks under the ice, and the corpse is wrapped in it.

It gave the impression that the corpse was a big baby still in the mother's womb.


(End of this chapter)

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